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Posts posted by WhidbeyGirl

  1. Hy,

    I ve been in the USA for the past 2 weeks.

    It feels to me that I am here forever...not in good way,though...but I 'm feeling very anxious and I am really homesick.

    Now ,my husband,has taken me to a trip from Connecticut to Miami...now we are in a hotel room.

    We have the kids with us.

    Everything is beautiful here ,but it's not my home and I am not sure I can stay to live here..I feel like I am suffocating here ,I am feeling very sad .

    Ever since i came to the USa I have nightmares...I feel so sorry for my husband because he wants me to like it here ,and I can't relax...now I 'm begining to appreciate more my country ,my home,my parents...

    In 14 days taht I stayed here ..I already bought airline tickets to Romania twice..and than I canceled them becuase my husband wouldn't come to romania with me and the kids...I had such bad days and nights....I quralled with my parents in law...very badly...

    I just want to go back home to Romania..but my husband doesn't want to come with us...I don't think I can stay here...it's worse than a pain that one feels when someone dear dies..it's worse thab the days when I was alone without my husband .

    I Like it here only as a vacation...but not as my home.

    My husband says that he suffocates in Romania and doesn;t like that country....I don't like to live in this country...I am really scared that our relationship can get bad...and I do love him so much...but I am so in pain in this country..and I just wanna be home.

    I agree with vareska, give the US a chance. It takese 6 weeks to form a habit, so maybe you should try, really try, for another month. Also, find some other Romanian immigrants, even if it's only online.

    I am sorry that you feel this way, I hope you find your peace soon wherever that may be...

    I hope that you give this place a fair chance, though ...

    Best of luck to you!

  2. I think that would be ditto squared!!!


    Anyone know why the heck nvc is taking so long to forward my case to ISL embassy? It's been 6 days now and they still haven't sent the file out yet!!! Is this how long it took for everybody or is it just me the nvc is trying to depress to death? I'm praying they'll forward it by the 7th....making it a whole week of laziness on their part.....otherwise I'm just going to lose it completely (i'm sure you all can tell i'm already on the brink of insanity....).

    I've been calling the ISL embassy like a mad women for a week now.....and they're ALWAYS BUSY!!!!!!!! Not once have I been able to talk to anyone out of the 500 times I've called!! I'm just so frustrated!!! How am I supposed to request an earlier interview date if NO ONE CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I've emailed them daily at PAKIVINFO@state.gov(the email that they say to use for quicker service - NOT!) for the passed 6 days and have gotten nothing from them as of yet, honestly now.....a single reply of an email(which they claim is supposed to be faster service)can't be that difficult!!! I requested them to reschedule for an earlier date is all.....they could at least have the courtesy and decency to simply reply with a yes or no for GOD'S SAKE!

    I wish I could calm down....and it could be my hormones driving me up the wall like this for all any of us knows.....but damn I'm just so depressed with the whole "no progress" I've been having with our case for the past few weeks. It feels like I'm already in AP....and dealing with the oh so dead DOS......I shouldn't have to feel like that so soon.....it's not fair! We haven't even had our interview yet.....

    Sorry....totally venting....:(

    In the subject line did you put your case #???? I sent emails too before my case got to the embassy, with my case# in subject line - but they did not respond until they had case in hand. Since then I rarely wait more than 24 hours (except on weekends) before they answer. I think the keys are 1. they won't respond until they have your case in hand and 2. put the case number in the subject line.

    Sorry, I'm sure this is what you wanted to hear - patience is all you can have. I think too being very sweet and understanding in the emails help. They get plenty of raving mad women emails and phone calls.

    Just my experience.

  3. As others have said your story is just fine :)

    We met online. I sent an email at the end of March telling how frustrating it was being on seperate continents and his response??? An email back, "If you're that frustrated then just come here and we'll get married." That was on April Fools Day no less!!! I flew to Senegal met him for the first time in person on Nov 1 and we were married on Nov 3, no one from my family or his at the courthouse wedding, just two of his friends and two paid witnesses (you have to have Senegalese citizens be the "official" witnesses).

    Our second interview is in 2-1/2 weeks, I'm so certain he'll get his visa I already bought his ticket home.

  4. Did she state that she was married when she got her visa. If not, I think you should just mention that you got married here and go from there.

    Why do people think it is okay to lie to get immigration benefits? #######?

    Unfortunately that's the world we live in many have the philosophy, "If it doesn't hurt anyone and it benefits me then it's ok".

    It's a sad state of affairs.

    Immigration fraud does hurt people. Government resources devoted to root out fraud is a diversion of resources from other cases. Fraud also results in delays for all of us. There was a Vietnamese fiancee fraud ring in Seattle a few years ago. The result was that the US consulate in HCMC stopped issuing K1 visas for about six months.

    I agree, but in the mind of the fraudulent one, no one is really getting hurt.

  5. Did she state that she was married when she got her visa. If not, I think you should just mention that you got married here and go from there.

    Why do people think it is okay to lie to get immigration benefits? #######?

    Unfortunately that's the world we live in many have the philosophy, "If it doesn't hurt anyone and it benefits me then it's ok".

    It's a sad state of affairs.

  6. {WhidbeyGirl puts on her couselor hat}

    V, he's given you a BIG clue to his fear. It sounds like he took a big step in telling you also. He wants you to listen. I completely understand where you are coming from - I'm the same way, "just cut to the chase and get on with it!" How on earth we both ended up with men who aren't like that only God knows!! So my opinion is pray for patience and a listening ear. The book that really has helped me is the Power of the Praying Wife. I realize we are from different religions but I think anyone could glean good insight from it - religious or not. Another is The Love Dare - it is from the movie Fireproof (watch that too!).

    {WhidbeyGirl takes off her counselor hat}

    Tell him to grow up and quit being a baby! It's not like he's NEVER going to find friends here!!!

    W girl is here, she will have some wise words to offer, I am sure :) Just don't tell me I look older than your mother, W!

    Nahhh never - you look like you could be a daughter (in-law???????????) ;)

  7. Yes you send originals with DS-230 application.

    Yes he signs Part 1 ONLY of the DS-230, DO NOT have him sign Part 2.

    As far as paying the bill you do that online. If it's available to pay you can click on it.

    Of course I'm coming from the CR-1/IR-1 perspective so I may be giving you wrong advice on the bill part.

  8. Going to be completely honest with OP, looking at the pic from your profile you do not look your age at all. I am 40 also and you look older than my mom. That DOES NOT give the CO the right to deny based on age though - NOT AT ALL. As others have said, contact Mark Ellis.

    WhidbeyGirl, why would you kick a person when the are down?

    I was thinking the same thing - that was absolutely awful.

    I really hate it when people rush to judge. If he wants her, and she wants him, that's their business. Just because one person thinks they may not "look right" together, does that mean that they don't deserved to be loved, or deserve to choose?

    Marc Ellis is also on VJ his name on VJ is ellis-island!! Send him a PM also.

    i really hate it too when people rush to react without reading carefully. "I think she meant to say , looking at the pic from your profile you do not look your age at all. I am 40 also and [you = I] look older than my mom." Can we please stop reposting this and focus on the more important notes that Ally needs to know? Dont keep focusing on the negative thing WHICH I AM SURE IS A TYPO then you wont understand. READ ON THE SENTENCE PRIOR TO THAT. She said : you do not look your age at all. Cut it out guys mad.gif Whidbeygirl was trying to help her out and even suggested on contacting Mark Ellis to help her out. This means she was not bringing her down, IT WAS A FREAKING TYPO. mad.gif please read first the whole thought of Whidbeygirl's post!

    Thanks Mystic Heart

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