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About khalidnfatima

  • Birthday 05/21/1973

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Khalid and I met online in March, 2008. He was working in London. Not so far. After chatting for awhile I gave him my #, but didn't pay much attention to him, then something clicked - we connected ! He had my full attention. I was going through alot. A nasty divorce - my ex didn't accept my decision to accept Islam. Khalid was there for me. I fell in love. He's still always there for me. We both wanted to do the right thing and marry as soon as we could, so after my divorce was final and I finished my temporary work assignment (I'm an agency nurse) I flew to London and we married, but only a religious ceremony - we could not register our marriage there. His visa was expiring too soon. It was my bright idea to go to Pakistan where his family lived and register our marriage there - which is exactly what we did. Now Khalid is stuck in Pakistan waiting to join me here in the US. He is the most patient man I've ever met. I love him so much. Almost from the beginning we would fall asleep on the phone together most nights. We still do ! All I want is my husband by my side... to help me back to the straight path I think I was on for awhile... to hold me - I hold the phone every night and I kiss the phone every day. Sometimes I feel I am married to a very sweet.. phone. LOL

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  1. Salams , Inshaallah soon u will be out of AP. I know a couple of people that came out of AP after 6mo. I know it's so very hard, and my prayers r with the both of you. I lived in Pak with my husband for almost 2yrs. And it's been a yr since I've last seen him. I'm going crazy. Where about is ur hubby fr. My best to the both of u. :)

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