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    The only portion of my life I can think about is having a smooth process with immigration. It is all in God's hands no matter how anxious I may get.

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Local Office
    Atlanta GA
  • Country
  • Our Story
    I met my love through his sister at our local hair salon. I knew her for some quite some time, but I was also in a previous relationship. After five years of putting with a guy who had issues with commitment I called it quits...way over due!!! One day we were having "girl talk" and we were talking about relationships. I made a comment that I have not given up on love, but I could not see me going through another long relationship where the person "just don't know," whether or not they are ready for a commitment. His sister replied that I sound like her brother. She never brought him up again until the following month. She was hesitant on trying to set us up, but she said it was worth a try. Well, during the Christmas season it was real hard trying to catch up, but once I got in a good groove we were able to chat more, and one conversation led to another. I was so hesitant letting him into my circle because I have a trust issue after the last relationship, but my heart could not help fall in love with him. Well, to make a long story even longer...smile...we finally decided to meet, but we have already declared our love for each other. Well, in June I had the most beautiful experience of meeting my God sent. It was an amazing trip and it was more than I ever expected. His family was nice, though some hated that I was American, but I could bypass most of that. We knew for sure that we wanted to be with each other forever. I have never felt so sure of anything in my life besides obtaining degrees...pretty lame of a life. I never saw myself married, and better yet I just thought marriage was not for me. But, God kept me in his heart and sent my divine given mate for life. I just pray that we make it smoothly and without any trouble. I know this is a pressed situation that is high strung for all even the consulates, but I am praying for God's favor.

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