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Ahmed N Tina

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    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
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  • Our Story
    We met online, March 2006, were married in Cairo June 3, 2006, petitioned June 12, 2006, approved by USCIS/Athens April 18, 2008, visa interview June 22, 2008. Now we wait for visa clearance and delivery. One thing about time apart, it forces you to learn how to communicate, build a solid relationship and know eachother well. But when you have the love of your life, which I do, it's worth it!

    Update: 4-10-10 Ahmed has been here over a year now, we're expecting a son soon and Ahmed has gotten another job that seems to be working out better. I won't lie, this has NOT been easy. Mixing two cultures with two stubborn people makes it harder than a normal first year together. On top of that, he can't stop talking about how perfect Egypt is and how horrible the US is. To all you out there chosing to come here, remember you CHOSE to come here, make the best of it instead of looking for every little thing that can be wrong. Everywhere has bad stuff, and you'll only find what you look for. Peace out!

    Update #2 Our son is 18 months old and wonderful. Ahmed went back to Egypt after he was 9 days old. I told Ahmed to stay there after he chose to hit me while I was pregnant. Our divorce will be final some time the end of Jan 2012, almost 6 years from the time we met. I will, and did, put up with a lot, but not going to put up with being hit. I still love him.

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  1. Divorce in your own state. I'm assuming his plan is to stay in the US. I'm sorry this didn't work out for you, but there are a lot of "stereotypical" ME men out there. I divorced mine in my state, since I'm a resident here. It isn't fast, but it is final.
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