1. One of my siblings had the same annotations on his passport, at first, I did not really pay attention or even looked at it until he came here. Why? because I thought that you would not even be issued with visa and later on a green card when you are not cleared with your medical.
2. In the Philippines, there is always that thing that needed for further verification called sputum test that one should have when they think that your x-ray is questionable, so, at the back of my mind I seriously thought that my brother really had something, another delay and another hassle especially when you are not from the area, meaning additional days for hotel stay and another flight and to not mention the setting up for another visa interview appointment.
I was worried.
3. So, he followed the rules, had sputum test and culture was taken and was cleared, no tb or anything, Thanks God!
4. So, if he was cleared, then why does his passport still had the annotations, very confusing!
5. He flew in with no problem.
6. Then, we received a call from our state's depart of health, I spoke with the nurse, and I asked her of what's going on, she told me that she don't really know why but thought it was about the annotations on his passport, and she is not sure but just doing their part.
7. She then told me that my brother must for cheat x ray and blood test.
8. They should require blood test (IGRA TEST) in the country of origin instead.
9. So, we went to the lab with the order to have blood test and the result was directly sent to state's health department.
10. There were two appointments. one for the lab and one to see the health department's doctor.
11. On the day of his appointment, we were both nervous, I went with him as I am very curious. The doctor both read the results. Both were negative and was cleared. Thanks, God!
12. I also made sure to get copies of the results and a statement from the doctor for future use.
14. The total bill was $774.54, but only paid the first bill was $10.00 and the second was $193.63, I was told that it is free at the beginning.