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Muhammad n Maryam

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Status Updates posted by Muhammad n Maryam

  1. Sorry to hear that u have been in the hospital , are you ok now ? Ya , I'm planing on going for his interview. It's been a year since I last seen him.

    I hope that your better now !

    Your in my thoughts. Take care.

  2. Salam,

    How have you been & have you heard any from the embassy.

    Tell me , did you go to your husband's interview ?

    Have a great day !

    Your in my thought's & Prayers :)

  3. I know where Muree is , I've always wanted to go to Chitral. I lived in Pakistan for almost 2 yrs, I loved it very much. But in the summer it was hard , with the low sheading. How long were you their for.

    Take care !

  4. Thanks for adding me ! Hmm .. Don't recall every hearing about Thandiani. When I was living in Islamabad I use to work right next door to Marriott hotel, for a call center called "Touchstone" not sure you have heard of it. As for AP ,I'm prepared that we will go though it, but keeping my fingers crossed that we don't have to, being that my husband worked for the embassy for

  5. My husband is from Swat, but is living in Islamabad. He has not had his interview yet Inshaallah he will have it in a few months. Where does your husband live ?

    Inshaallah your husband will be out of AP soon !!

  6. Assalam Alaikum

    I know how you feel , it's was a year July the 3rd that I left Pakistan. I miss my husband and my family so much. Inshaallah I will go to Pakistan for my husbands interview. Did you also live in Pakistan ?

    My prayers are with you & your husband.

  7. Salam my sister ,

    How was your day :)

    I'm still learning about Islam and love it very much !!

    You and I seem to be the same age , does that make us twins !! kidding. But ... Is ur b-day the Jan the 1st cuz mine is the 12th.

    Have a wonderful nite & may ALLAH blessings be with you and ur husband !

  8. Hmm ... Ok I know it as Salat :)

  9. Salam,

    I'm doing fine thanks & yourself. Hmm .. So what is Dua ?

    Have a great day !

    Your in our thoughts & prayers.

  10. Thanks for droping by my page !

    Have a great day :)

  11. SALAM sister!!

    Do you have any finger nails left ?

    Hope all is going well your way !

    Your in my thoughts.

    Have a beautiful day !

  12. I too miss talking to u , my work hrs have change. I now work the overnite shift. Islamabad embassy is still open but Peshawar embassy only provides emergency consular services. Inshaallah we will talk soon ! have a beauitfull weekend.

    ALLAH Hafiz

  13. Hello Serena & welcome to VJ !

    Inshaallah your visa will go smoothly and the both of you will be together soon !!

  14. Thanks a bunch for your reply !!

    My best to you and your hubby.

    Allah Hafiz

  15. Hello,

    Welcome to VJ !!

    Best wishes to you.

  16. AssalamOAlaikum

    My best wishes to u and your hubby ! Thank's for adding me.

    Allah Hafiz

  17. Thanks , and Congratulations to the both of you !!

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