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Muhammad n Maryam

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Status Updates posted by Muhammad n Maryam

  1. Salams, hope ur doing good. Just wanted to let u know, tht I'm gonna stop coming here 4 sumtime. It's just too depressing 4 me. If u ever want or need 2 talk 2sum1 u can get me on yahoo. My id is on my profile. My best to u and ur husband :) ALLAH Hafiz

  2. Good Morning, just got off fr work, not long ago. Ya I can understand u missing the ocean. As most of my life I lived in Fl. Mitchell is a small town, so have been thinking to move to a bigger city, like where ur at. Oh ... BTW Corn Palace is in Mitchell :)

  3. Salams to you .. I live in Mitchell, it's a small town not far fr Sioux Falls, I've been living here little over a yr, b4 that I was in Pakistan. Was just in Rapid the other wk. I really like it. It's a very pretty city. Wonderfull meeting u too !

  4. WoW , I just notice ur in S.D I'm also in S.D . And I'm also a CNA ! :)

  5. best of luck to the both of you :)

  6. Welcome to VJ. Best wishes to the both of you :)

  7. How long has your husband been in the states, and did you attend the interview with him? I will be going with my husband to his interview , Inshaallah.

  8. Ramadan Mubarak ! And welcome to VJ :)

  9. I'm living in South Dakota, I suppose you live in Ky. How long ago did you file.

    Hope your journey is a smooth and fast one !! :)

  10. I'm doing fine thanks. We got an email fr attorney & NVC saying we have missing doc. Nikah & his birth cer. which I had sent back the Nikah. thinking I wouldn't need it. Anyway the attorney is gonna resubmit without Nikah hopeing tht he can bring it to the interview.How r the both of u?

  11. Ramadan Mubarak !!

    To your and your husband :)

  12. Ramadan Mubarak !! It's wonderful that the 2 of you are together for Ramadan. No , I was asking which agent did he use to get his airline tickets from. Anyhow ..Have a wonderful Ramadan , which I'm sure you will !!

  13. Salam,

    How is ur visa journey coming along ? Best wishes to u and urs ! Have a beautiful day :)

  14. Yes I have faith is Allah , that soon we will also be together ! Who did ur husband use to get his airline ticket, was it in Islamabad ? Just thinking how u much u must be excited , makes me excited , thinking of when my hubby will be coming ! I'm waiting patently for my sweets lol. Take care & have a wonderful day !

  15. Oh !!

    And where are my sweets !!! :)

  16. I'm hanging in there , thanks. Inshaallah our I-864 packet will be sent back in a few wks. So ... When will ur hubby be in the states. My prayers are with him, to have a safe trip !!

    Take care :)

  17. Yahhhhhh

    Congrads . Alhamdulillah I'm so very happy for the both of you !!! Keep me posted.

  18. Salam sister, I'm so happy for you !! What is final review & how did you find this out? I'm fine thanks. Please keep me informed. My prayers are with you both !!

    ALLAH Hafiz

  19. Not sure if you have seen this, but here is a link. Hopefully this link will work for you !


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