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Muhammad n Maryam

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Status Updates posted by Muhammad n Maryam

  1. Thank you Farah ! Best wishes to the both of you :)

  2. Thanks so much for your kind words. Do you know if ur gonna have a boy or a girl & if so, what names have the 2 of u pick. My best wishes to the both of you !

  3. Walikum Salam

    I hope the both of you are happy and enjoying life. I called last wk to check on his AP, they told me we needed to send in all his siblings names & b-days. When is ur little 1 due. Prayers are with the both of :)

  4. I'm waiting to hear ur good news :o)

  5. Oh ... I can't 4get to ask, When's the hubby coming ? :)

  6. Thanks abunch ! I just go though my moments, but then after I look at sum of the other people post, being denied etc, etc. I feel very grateful. Things could be worse na. Btw, where in Va do u live ? I was born in Va. But left when I was 18.

  7. I hope so tomorrow is our 3 year anniversary !!

  8. Many congrats to a beautiful couple !! GOD is Great !!

  9. Sorry I have not been intouch. I hope the both of you are enjoying & in good health ! Muhammad had his interview Jan 7Th.

    My best wishes to the both of you :)

  10. Thanks , I pray soon you will hear from the embassy !!

  11. Just wanted to stop by & wish you a great day. And also don't let the visa process get ya down, it's well worth it. Stop by if ya ever like to talk :)

  12. Just droping by to say hello , and that ur in my thoughts and prayers.

  13. Our best wishes to you !!

  14. Oh my gosh , you must be a total wreak !! Well ... The both of you are in my thoughts & and I'm praying his interview goes well 2day and the two of you will be together soon !! Please let me know how it goes.

  15. Thank you :)

    Where does Akhlaq live in Pakistan.

  16. Many congrads on the interview date !! My husbands is Jan 7th. My prayers will be with the both of you on tht day. You both are truly a lovely couple !! :)

  17. Our prayers are with you. Our case was completed alittle b4 urs & we just got our interview date for Jan. 7TH. INSHALLAH You will get urs soon !!

  18. Welcome to VJ, Wishing you smooth journey :)

  19. Hang in there , my prayers are with the both of you :)

  20. Salams , Inshaallah soon u will be out of AP. I know a couple of people that came out of AP after 6mo. I know it's so very hard, and my prayers r with the both of you. I lived in Pak with my husband for almost 2yrs. And it's been a yr since I've last seen him. I'm going crazy. Where about is ur hubby fr. My best to the both of u. :)

  21. Thanks for stoping by ! Warm wishes to the both of you :)

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