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Legal Fiction

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Posts posted by Legal Fiction

  1. Wow

    I went back to starbucks today and asked the lady to ask her sister how she pulled off a K1 is 2.5 months. Maybe they got super lucky? I'll post when I find out.

    To the positive people here: thanks for your input and advice - I found this site recently and really find it helpful too. you seem like a great bunch.

    To the negative people: what's up? Who pissed in your cheerios this morning? Try and enjoy life a little more - it doesn't hurt.

  2. I think the analogy of the Walmart is pretty sobering. As far as I know, the person who got their interview in 2.5 months lived in Toronto and was processed through Montreal. Does anyone here know about a recent hiring of staff in the visa offices to make to process go faster? What's the deal with that?

    How many of you were able to cross into the U.S. while waiting for your papers to process? Any troubles with the border gaurds?

  3. Hi "Y'all"

    So I'm a Canadian marrying a Merkin (also know as an American). Just like "all y'alls" I am scared about the long long wait of 6-8 months. However, my brilliant partner in the states reminded me that the statistics are biased on this website because the people who are posting here are not necessarily straight forward applications having many complications and errors on their forms. She suggested that we could go from beginning to end in 4 months. I didn't believe it - too good to be true. But lo and behold, yesterday, as I was bragging to the American chick working in the Canadian starbucks about moving, I was overheard saying that it takes 6-8 months to get the K1 visa. Someone approached me and said their relative got their K1 in 2.5 months - beginning to finish! AMAZING!

    So, any "y'all" ever heard of 2.5 months processing outside this situation? Of course, they were not on this forum. Perhaps the more we focus on the long wait time collectively then we manifest more of a wait time for ourselves. If we all focused on manifesting a short wait time like these other people who got their K1 in 2.5 months we could all get ours in 2.5 months.

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