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Posts posted by alei719

  1. I really feel bad for my friend Katy, but I don't know what can I do to help her, please help!

    My friend is a nice lady, she came to the States to marry her husband 2 years ago, they had no problem in their marriage until she came back to Thailand to see her daughter and family. Her husband wrote her a email to tell her that he want to divorce, and he will send all her package back to Thailand to her, told her no borther to come back. He wrote and picked every small things to tell her why did he want to divorce. My friend didn't accept it, they can't talk about divorce in the phone or just write a email! And she did nothing wrong! Before she came back to Thailand, they had no problem.

    So she changed her flight ticket to came back to the States, she didn't have a driver license, so she called him to pick her up in the airport.( even just a friend, if people need help, you will do it, right), but he refused! I had to pick up my friend, and took her home. When she got home, she found every single of her stuff was packed and put in another room. She tried to work things out, but he didn't talk to her and just completely ignore her, and he didn't want to file that remove conditional green card for her of course! Even she need a ride to go out to get food, he didn't take her. She didn't eat for 2 whole days because he didn't take her to get food! I can't image a woman in this age would still have to deal with this emotional torture!

    I think this can be domestic voilence, and I also think this guy planned all these. Maybe he already has another woman! What he wanted to do is to metal abuse her until she couldn't stand and go home. What kinds of people would do this, bring a woman from another country, then mental abuse her and try to abandon her! I know she should leave him, but I think she also deserved her green card!

    Please help her and give her some advice, thank you!

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