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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
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  • Our Story
    Keith and I met on line in Dec. 06, we met on a game called second life. there we became very good friends and while playing the game we became married on it.. fantastic.. as time went on our friendship grew so much that we had to meet so in march of 07 he came to america to meet me. It was great and I hated to see him leave 2 weeks later.. I finally was able to laugh again and smile and feel happy for the first time in many years. We began to spend alot more time together on line.. It was like we couldnt get enough of each other and would talk for hours and hours. In may he decided to come back to america for a visit. We both missed each other so much and had to meet up again. He stayed 3 weeks this time and we spent a weekend together in boston which was lovely. He told me he had feelings for me and I was surprised because I also had feelings for him.. On the way back from boston we stopped at the ocean in Maine where I am from and he got down on one knee and proposed to me of course I said yes without even thinking twice. He slid a beautiful diamond on my finger and our journey as a couple began. When he had to leave my heart was so sad and we both missed each other so much that we couldnt stand it any longer and knew that we had to be together. In August he returned back to america and we decided to get married. We got us a lawyer and the work began. We decided to get married and do the paperwork for that. We was to be married on may 3 08 , but something happened and he had to return to england to his family on may 2 so the wedding didnt take place and put him at a 169 day overstay. I thought it was over because there was no way he was going to beable to come back to finish our plans. After talking with our lawyer he told us the best way to go about this was with the fiance visa. So we both had to accept that it was going to take months before we could get him over to america to be with me. This caused many emotions as we just couldnt imagine one day apart never mind months. Then after 6 weeks of being apart. Keith invited me over to england to stay with him while the paperwork is being done and I accepted. I had never flown before and was scared to death but my love for him was so much bigger then the fear inside of me of flying so I got on a plance and here I am still in england while we wait. We are hoping it will all be settled by the time I have to return but if not we will be ok because our love is so strong that we can get though anything as long as we are together :) We will never give up hope because that is one thing he taught me along this journey and also that dreams do come true ... I love him with all my heart and We together will get through this and be a married couple soon.

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