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Posts posted by mlwu

  1. Hi everyone,

    I sent out my application on Jannuary, and got NOA2 in August 26th. It took 7months and half. I was furious with the VSC and feel hopeless. Then one day I wake up from the call from my husband, who told me "we got it". I couldn't believe it is true until I saw the website.

    VSC sucks but those who filed in Feb should receive it very soon now.

    Good luck for everyone and waiting for more people get on the NVC waiting que!

  2. I see so many people in CSC got approved, even thogh they applied so much later than us. And after almost 7 months waiting, I still get nothing. Not even a touch. I lost my student visa when I come back with my husband to China at the beginning of this year and have to stop my college. I was planning to go back to school after a year, but now I really feel confused about this whole process. I am so worried that I cannot get back and going to miss another semester. My husband and I were separated one month after our marriage. We found out that I cannot go back to US because on Christmas Eve. The only reason they cancelled my student visa is that I married an US citizen. How on earth could this make any sense? Moreover, I thought the longest waiting for NOA2 is going to be 6 months, but now it seems to be endless. I really feel that I'm going insane. This immigration law has no humanity. Where are all these human rights, which politicians talking about all the time? I guess they just do not consider people who are trying to immigrate as human beings and of course neither are their Citizen-Spouses. I just want to cry out in front of the white house that "we are not chimpanzeens!"

    Sorry for all the complains.

    Hope everyone votes for the political group who support less painful immigration laws!

  3. My husband filed the case in January. My NOA1 from CR1 is Feb 11th and K3 is March 10th. After 7 months waiting, there is still nothing, very deppressed by VSC's shitty work. My husband said he wants to go down to Huston to talk to the immigration director there, but I think it's just going to be a big waste of money and time. I want my NOA2 :crying:

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