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Traci - Andrew

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Hawaii / London (UK)
  • Interests
    Microlight/Ultralight Flexwing Flying, Computers, Internet Surfing, Cooking, Walking, Gadgets....

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Honolulu HI
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Our Story
    I originally clicked on the eHarmony site with a very cynical attitude. I questioned how you could find the "perfect match" by answering a bunch of questions. I completed the questionnaire and clicked finish thinking it would than ask me for payment in order to proceed. To my surprise it started searching!!

    I was very cautious at first never having done this before. I started communication with a handful who requested communication. Didn't really find someone that I clicked with, but I kept a positive attitude. One day I logged on and I had a request for communication from Andrew. I read his profile and was really impressed with it. We started communicating and I knew even before we completed our questions that this was someone I was very interested in. We had so much in common! We decided to communicate on our own away from eHarmony via regular email. The more time we spent communicating the more we discovered how compatible we really were. We went from eHarmony, to emails, to chatting online using MSN or Yahoo, and eventually to speaking on the phone every day for a few hours at a time.

    After loads of emails, text messages, and hundreds of hours talking on the phone (luckily Andrew has a special long distant rate in the UK to call US numbers!) I had planned a trip to Las Vegas with friends from work and Andrew met us there, we spent a few days together, then after I knew he was the one for me, I suggested that he should then travel to my home in Hawaii to meet my children and friends. We enjoyed another week together during which time we got engaged in Honolulu, had a lovely meal at Hy's Restaurant to celebrate amongst my friends and family, when he slipped my Emerald/White Gold ring on my finger it was the highlight of his visit and I was so sad when he had to return back to his life in the UK. But time moved on and I was working hard to be able to afford to go to the UK with my youngest daughter, to spend Christmas and New Year's together in England it was on this trip that I met his family and got to do some traveling in Northern Europe by car. It was the first time I have ever traveled out of the United States... and the first stamps in my passport!!!!

    Getting to this point has been the most wonderful journey! Thanks to eHarmony for making two people 8,000 miles apart the happiest people in the world!! It is unbelievable how compatible we are. Both of us have had relationships that didn't work, but neither of us gave up hope that there was someone out there for each of us. Who knew we would have to look so far away to find that one special person.

    If it hadn't been for eHarmony Andrew and I would have never met. Now, I can't even imagine my life without him in it!!

    I have travelled over to see Andrew again after we applied for the K1 Visa, this time I went alone and had such a wonderful time, 26 days in total, trying to make up for all that time apart. During this visit for my birthday Andrew organized a week in Italy touring the Tuscan countryside by car, stoping in Florence for 3 nights, Perugia for 1 night, Rome for 2 nights and then a small village near Pisa for the last night before we flew back to the UK. Seeing Italy for the first time and having Andrew there by my side to share in all the memories was the most perfect gift.

    This visit had taken our relationship to a new level, I know for sure that he is the man for me and I want him in my life now!!, but the immigration process is slow and I know we will have to wait until maybe September/October before we can be together again :o(

    But our love is strong and we speak for almost 2 - 3 hours on the phone each day so we feel sort of together already, just not physically..

    When he does eventually get the K1 Visa and after we marry on the beach in Hawaii, we will move away from Hawaii to Texas to start our new life together, in a new house and take our new life from that point onwards.... The story is to be continued... Watch this space

    Change of plans.....because we needed an I-601 wavier to show Extreme Hardship we choose to hire a new immigration attorney (our old one really fouled things up) and switch to a K-3 Visa. We were married in England in November and have started the visa process again.

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