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  • City
    Northern Virginia

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
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  • Our Story
    my fiancé was a soldier in the 82nd airborn in Irak in 2007. For his R&R leave he didn't want to go back home in the States cause he thought he was gonna be homesick. So he decided to visit family in Germany and London instead. It just so happen that his cousin was one of my good friend at the London School of Economics, where I was studying that year. A funny side story, his cousin had arranged for him to meet another girl on the Saturday of his first week there, but on Friday I happened to join them for diner at the last minute. We just got along so well and ended up spending all his time in London together..too bad for the other girls (that is kai talking on skype:p). Since then he finished his tour in Irak and moved back to the States. I ended up working in Niger for a year and we traveled long distance in order to see each other. it's been a year and I have since moved back from Niger to France and we're still going strong :) we spent a lot of money travelling back and forth and a lot of time on phonecards and skype.. now we're just hoping we'll get our NAO2 soon so we can live together for good :)
    Good luck to everybody in the "process"..! we know your pain !

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