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About mohammedwalks

  • Birthday 08/01/1983

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
  • State
    New Jersey
  • Interests
    my interests include my fiance' of course. she is my life and i love her so much.
    my family is very important to me. if it wasnt for them i would not be engaged to this wonderful person. they support me in all that i do, and we are all close.
    my religion is the center of my life. it comforts and protects me. i enjoy reading my Quran. Prayer is a big part of my daily life.
    movies are my past time. i enjoy watching them all. some would say that i collect movies, because i have so many. i have over 700 movies in my DVD collection. some of them i have not even watched

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    well i meet my fiance throught a friend of the family. before i saw her i used to talk through her cousin to her on the computer. she did not know any english except hello and thank you. i enjoyed our conversations sooo much, and when i finally got to see her.........i was like WOW! she is amazing. after my family agreed that i could pursue her i jumped at the chance to fly to morroco to meet her and get engaged.
    i will never forget when i landed in moroc. the whole family was there. her cousin khadijah and her parents and her parents. they all were so happy to see me and i too as well. Meryem handed me this beautiful flower and gave me the warmest smile ever! she was so shy and only spoke to her cousin as we left the airport. i understood some of the things they were saying, but they did not know. her cousin said he is handsome and what do you think. she said yes her is and i like him alot. she said i hope her likes me. will you ask him. her cousin laughed as we drove to Meryems home. when we got to the house her cousin asked me what i thought about meryem. i was speechless and her cousin said good...........we will make arrangments for the engagement. that day was the the greatest day of my life so far. there was food and dancing and meryem looked like the morrocan princess that she is. WOOOW! when i think about it i get goose bumps. i love her soooo much.
    while i was there we went shopping and i bought some traditional clothes. we went to a mcdonalds and ate with her brothers. we went on walks to in the park with her father and mother. it was the best time of my life.
    There are not enough words to describe my time in moroc or my feelings for meryem and my love for her family. she is the best and God willing i we will be together soon for ever and ever.

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