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    scandal got a reaction from ^_^ in New York Mayor Bloomberg defends clearing of Occupy Wall Street   
    But you let the garbage stand.
    If this is what "TOS enforcement" is about, TOS should be tossed.
    I am sick to my stomach, frankly.
  2. Like
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    scandal got a reaction from one...two...tree in New York Mayor Bloomberg defends clearing of Occupy Wall Street   
    But you let the garbage stand.
    If this is what "TOS enforcement" is about, TOS should be tossed.
    I am sick to my stomach, frankly.
  4. Like
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    scandal got a reaction from Nagishkaw in Last chance for Syrian regime   
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    scandal got a reaction from Nagishkaw in New York Mayor Bloomberg defends clearing of Occupy Wall Street   
    But you let the garbage stand.
    If this is what "TOS enforcement" is about, TOS should be tossed.
    I am sick to my stomach, frankly.
  8. Like
    scandal got a reaction from Nagishkaw in VETS obn VJ   
    I am not a Vet. But I salute those who defend our nation and our freedoms.
  9. Like
    scandal reacted to elmcitymaven in New York Mayor Bloomberg defends clearing of Occupy Wall Street   
    And two people gave it a +1.
    Family friendly my not inconsiderable (because I am an American woman) #######.
  10. Like
    scandal got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in New York Mayor Bloomberg defends clearing of Occupy Wall Street   
    But you let the garbage stand.
    If this is what "TOS enforcement" is about, TOS should be tossed.
    I am sick to my stomach, frankly.
  11. Like
    scandal got a reaction from elmcitymaven in New York Mayor Bloomberg defends clearing of Occupy Wall Street   
    But you let the garbage stand.
    If this is what "TOS enforcement" is about, TOS should be tossed.
    I am sick to my stomach, frankly.
  12. Like
    scandal got a reaction from mawilson in New York Mayor Bloomberg defends clearing of Occupy Wall Street   
    But you let the garbage stand.
    If this is what "TOS enforcement" is about, TOS should be tossed.
    I am sick to my stomach, frankly.
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    scandal reacted to mawilson in New York Mayor Bloomberg defends clearing of Occupy Wall Street   
    Oooh, I'm scared.
  15. Like
    scandal got a reaction from mawilson in Elusive Justice: The Search for Nazi War Criminals   
    This is tonight on PBS ...
    Elusive Justice: The Search for Nazi War Criminals
    Tuesday, Nov. 15, 9-11 p.m. EST on PBS, whose dates and times vary; check local listings.
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    scandal got a reaction from one...two...tree in Is Obama behind Cains trouble?   
    a. It would be daft for the Obama campaign to smear Cain. Obama's best hope next November is to face one of the crackerjacks, Cain being Exhibit A. Obama's worst political scenario is to oppose a significant, serious Republican with cross-over appeal to Democrats and Independents in battleground states like OH, PA, VA, NC, FL. Romney -- in other words. His best hope is for an essentially unelectable opponent. Cain -- in other words.
    b. Let's say it's true. Let's say Axelrod is doing the deed. That's fair game, right? That's just politics as usual in the era of Swiftboat attacks on a decorated veteran like John Kerry, right? In other words - IF Cain is a despicable serial sexual harasser (and I stress IF) , what's inappropriate about digging up the dirt about him? Isn't that what we expect the media, and opposing political campaigns to do?
    My money is still on the media. Politico dug up the original story, it's their journalists that have been following the leads.
  18. Like
    scandal got a reaction from Mr. Big Dog in Romney slips to #3 among Iowa Republicans   
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    scandal reacted to one...two...tree in Are your Politics / Religion converted ?   
    Being open to change requires having a liberal mind, which isn't necessarily exclusive to what we conventionally label as liberal in politics. If one is reasonably minded and lets reason guide their opinions, then why wouldn't their views be open to change? It's strictly adhering to an ideology as substitute for reason where arguments run into brick walls. It's the, "I can't agree with this idea or concept because it contradicts my ideology." For example, if my ideological belief is that government by default is incapable of doing anything positive, every bit of news or proposal that involves the government, I'm rejecting outright and refuse to even consider the reasoning behind it.
    This is where the political discourse is at right now in this country - polarized to where one side sees no real benefit to government services. The redeeming factor though is that most of America is NOT ideological. If an idea or proposal will work, they are open to it. However, the ideologues of the Far Right are relentless in trying to dismantle government to a point of ineffectiveness, with the end result being used as 'proof' that government can't work for people.
  20. Like
    scandal got a reaction from Nagishkaw in Ron Paul's 90 second debate   
    He's crackerjacks, I agree. But so are Santorum, Bachmann, Perry, and Cain.
    The only three on the stage that aren't crackerjacks are Romney, Gingrich and Huntsman.
    If the criterion for being taken seriously in this process is that you're not crackerjacks, they'd have to shuffle more than just Paul off the stage.
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    scandal got a reaction from The_Dude in Woman Raped at Occupy Philadelphia   
    Your original post was interesting and relevant.
    The first response was insensitive and irrelevant, but to be expected given the poster in question.
    I was surprised (and dismayed) at your smiley in response to that. If you were not laughing at that 'joke', ok. It's hard to know a poster's intent when all you post is a smiley.
    I don't see what any of this has to do DSK or Congo rapes. All acts of violence, and in particular rape, are wrong and reprehensible. Every crime victim deserves consideration and justice, none deserve to be merely a statistic.
    The IMF is ot the world's largest monetary organization, although it is large. The IMF has SDR reserves of approx $330 billion. This is much less than, for example, the US Federal Reserve's approx $3 Trillion in assets on its balance sheet.
  23. Like
    scandal got a reaction from The_Dude in Woman Raped at Occupy Philadelphia   
    Rape is very funny.
    Jokes about rape are even funnier.
    Keep laughing.
  24. Like
    scandal got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Woman Raped at Occupy Philadelphia   
    Your original post was interesting and relevant.
    The first response was insensitive and irrelevant, but to be expected given the poster in question.
    I was surprised (and dismayed) at your smiley in response to that. If you were not laughing at that 'joke', ok. It's hard to know a poster's intent when all you post is a smiley.
    I don't see what any of this has to do DSK or Congo rapes. All acts of violence, and in particular rape, are wrong and reprehensible. Every crime victim deserves consideration and justice, none deserve to be merely a statistic.
    The IMF is ot the world's largest monetary organization, although it is large. The IMF has SDR reserves of approx $330 billion. This is much less than, for example, the US Federal Reserve's approx $3 Trillion in assets on its balance sheet.
  25. Like
    scandal got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Trading Foreign Options: Rules of the Game   
    Oh is that what it said?
    I didn't thin it had anything to do with Doom, but what do I know?
    Actually what I thought it said was that the CFTC has reasonable rules for Americans buying,say, STIR options but that the SEC has bizarre obstructionist rules preventing the trading of FTSE options. Both are listed on LIFFE, both are centrally cleared. The weirdest thing is they'll let you trade these options OTC without an exchange clearinghouse but not on the regulated LIFFE market where you can trade metals, Euribors, anything CFTC regulated.
    The whole thing is warped. The SEC needs to get a grip. Maybe we should elect Rick Perry and have him dissolve the SEC and replace it with the CFTC.
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