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Posts posted by IAMX

  1. 7 minutes ago, TBoneTX said:

    I lost count of the number of Louisiana & east Texas redneck types who came in to help, selflessly.

    Whatever their perceived shortcomings during other times, bless each one of them.

    Indeed. And those "confederate" types helped people without regard to race and should be praised. 


    Of course, I think this is less of an issue of those who are from Texas and more likely an issue from those from the other states.. much more relative to how lefties I know in California freaked out when visiting Texas when seeing people open carry. For people that advocate tolerance and knowledge they sure are reactionary and oblivious. :lol:

  2. 1 minute ago, TBoneTX said:

    1.  Good for Auntie ML, si ma'am.

    2.  She cleans up pretty well, most times.  The most-appreciated gift that I ever gave her was a selfie stick.

    Earthquakes, I don't wanna experience.

    During Himmicane Ike, lost power for 6 days.  NOT fun.  It was a real boon to have a power innage for all but 90 minutes this time.

    tbh if I lived near any hurricane prone place, I'd keep an emergency fund set aside and when seeing a hurricane this size I just pack our stuff up and drive away for several days until the chaos subsides. 


    Earthquakes don't yet have any prediction factor, you don't know you're in any worthwhile one until a few seconds after it starts. I like the prediction factor of hurricanes.. I just hate the day-by-day weather of the areas that have them. :lol:


    That being said, a friend of mine during the 1989 Loma Prieta was shopping in the Salinas Northridge Mall, he was walking between the huge glass walls to/from the mall that day, and I wouldn't be surprised with glass walls that size someone pissing themselves with how horrifically they swayed.



    CNN and MSNBC have been working double time to turn the Hurricane Harvey disaster into a conversation about climate change.

    “12 years ago was Katrina. We’ve now had three storms in 12 years that were as bad as this,” The New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza said on CNN. “A lot of Democrats will be saying, you know, climate change is actually…this is the kind of flooding you would predict based on the climate change models.”

    CNN host John Berman pressured a Republican congressman to blame the disaster on climate change, asking if hurricanes are “really just a part of life.”

    “Is this something that’s just a part of life?” Berman asked, claiming he didn’t want to “get into the politics of climate change.”


    “Is this something the federal and local government need to have a bigger conversation about?” he pressed.






    MSNBC’s Chris Hayes spoke to Neena Satija, an investigative reporter who predicted that Houston may not be prepared for a natural disaster, to point to climate change as an issue.


    “The local officials in Houston didn’t have any plans to study the effects of climate change or think about whether the city needs to plan for more frequent and more intense rainstorms, which many scientists say are a sure thing for Houston, so there was a lot of shock about that as well,” Satija stated.




    It's funny that every hurricane is now global warming. It's so obvious even the reporters are declaring this, even though their assertions are 100% empty handed and without proof.


    But c'est la vie in the era of fanatical religious-like alarmism.  Kd21zaB.gif

  4. Quote


    Logan Anderson, a former Hillary Clinton staffer, got so triggered by a rescue boat with a Confederate flag that she had a Twitter meltdown. Did we mention that the boat was rescuing black victims of Hurricane Harvey?

    Anderson was watching Hurricane Harvey coverage on TV in San Francisco when she had an apoplectic fit upon seeing a Confederate flag on the back of a rescue boat in Houston, Texas.



    — Logan Anderson (@LoganD_Anderson) August 27, 2017


    This is how a rational non-race baiter viewed the same situation:

    Who shows up & helps when a natural disaster occurs? What percentage of air boats & flat boats are owned by people hated by the elites? pic.twitter.com/Xoe7ose63r

    — Jay 5.1 (Updated) (@notjayfivekille) August 27, 2017


    After being slammed for her politicization of a deadly disaster, Logan Anderson said she’d allow the boat to rescue her if she needed help. “But I’d tear off the flag and drop it into the flood,” she quipped.

    (I would absolutely get on that boat, by the way. And then, when they dropped me off, I’d tear off the flag and drop it into the flood.)

    — Logan Anderson (@LoganD_Anderson) August 27, 2017


    One Twitter user commented: “Maybe because when there’s neighbors in need of help, effing flags are not their primary concern.”



    Anderson responded by claiming if someone flies a Confederate flag, they don’t care about their neighbors. Keep in mind that Logan’s inane statement was directly contradicted by the photo she just tweeted.

    If they fly a flag that represents the fight to keep their “neighbors” as slaves, I doubt they usually care about those neighbors’ wellbeing https://t.co/rFjdHrvo09

    — Logan Anderson (@LoganD_Anderson) August 27, 2017


    Someone wanted to know why all the Black Lives Matter and alt-left Antifa activists aren’t helping black victims of Hurricane Harvey.

    Where are the B L M ANTIFA people helping out? Please post pics

    — la lenz (@lany891) August 28, 2017


    Oh wait–they were busy rioting and protesting a free-speech rally in San Francisco this weekend:





    Snowflake got put in her/its place.


    Why isn't Antifa helping rescue people? 


    Oh noes, people with confederate flags are rescuing black people.. mind=blown. :lol:

  5. Quote


    Anti-American leftist fascists aren’t satisfied with tearing down historical monuments. They’re now slamming the national anthem as a racist “neo-Confederate” symbol.

    Keep in mind that liberals never raised this issue during the 8-year presidency of Barack Obama — the nation’s first black president. No, they waited until eight months into President Trump’s tenure to denounce the Star Spangled Banner as a symbol of racism.


    Here’s the inane liberal argument: Writer Jefferson Morley claims “neo-Confederates elevated ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ from patriotic tune to national anthem as a way of honoring Southern slaveowners’ rebellion.”


    Morley offers no proof for his race-baiting assertions, which originally appeared in the liberal activist website Alternet and was republished by Salon.

    That reminds me: Shouldn’t Jefferson Morley change or disavow his “racist” name because it invokes the memory of noted slaveholder Thomas Jefferson? Just sayin’.


    The Star Spangled Banner was written by Francis Scott Key in 1814 to memorialize the Battle of Baltimore at Fort McHenry during the War of 1812.

    The War of 1812 was between British and American forces and their allies. They were not fighting over slavery

    When writing the “Star Spangled Banner,” Francis Scott Key recalled being filled with awe after noticing that the U.S. flag at Fort McHenry had survived an 1,800-bomb assault.

    The U.S. national anthem is a tribute to the American flag; it’s not ode for or against slavery.

    Moreover, the music for the Star Spangled Banner was composed by John Stafford Smith in 1773 — almost a century before the Civil War. Trying to retroactively tie the national anthem to the pro-slavery movement defies logic.


    So what’s next? Should we tear down the White House (which Barack Obama blithely lived in for eight years) since it was built by slaves?




  6. 2 hours ago, ready4ONE said:

    You seem to think all criticism of Trump stems from the election, yet either completely ignore, completely dismiss as important, or twist into a pretzel claiming Donald Trump saying X is really meaning Y.

    I do? That's funny. What else do I think?


    2 hours ago, ready4ONE said:

    The so-called president clearly has either serious mental health issues, or twisted ideas regarding the reality around him. Certainly he gets his advice and information from some extremely questionable sources.

    Questionable sources.. hmm.. now where have we seen that...



    2 hours ago, ready4ONE said:

    Disregard his clear delusion or bald faced lie regarding the election results at your peril. But clearly you have no valid idea how to respond to the fact Donald Trump doesn't accept the results of the election. It is not about me. It is not about Hillary Clinton. Respond to Donald Trump not accepting the election results. We would all love to hear your actual thoughts on this.

    I've already given my thoughts, which would you like to read again?

  7. 10 minutes ago, TBoneTX said:

    acetone, benzoyl chloride, chlorodifluromethane, cumene, cumene hydroperpoxide, DI(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, ethybenzene, ethylene glycol, hydrochloric acid, mercury, methyl ethylketone, n-hexane, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulfate, sulfuric acid and butyl alcohol

    = Worst hangover ever.

    8 minutes ago, TBoneTX said:

    The filthiest everyday surfaces that we could possibly touch are, in probable order:  umbrella handles, ladders, and suitcase handles.

    Any Steve Irwin stories of fighting off giant lizards?

  8. 4 minutes ago, ready4ONE said:

    Exactly what part of Donald Trump not accepting the results of the election with his insane and baseless claim of millions of illegal votes don't you understand? Donald Trump is self undermining, pointing out that inconvenient fact is not having a tantrum.

    You say Trump is self undermining, people knew what Trump's personality was like before he was elected. 


    I guess it hasn't hit you yet that this is what people wanted. The opposite of self undermining.


    Clearly you are on shaky ground and are making desperate attempts to tell yourself, by any means necessary, that Trump is hurting himself or is on his last leg, when in fact all he needs to do is hold out in his hand the behavior exemplified by yourself and countless other lefties and whammo, he looks better. If one doesn't believe me, it's perfectly fine to believe your own narrative.. I just have the backing of the election result as proof.




    Laura Ingraham Recommends Declaring Antifa A Terrorist Organization


    Ingraham said she hopes the Trump administration is looking into Antifa, because people’s lives could be at stake.

    “It’s kind of an amalgam of a bunch of left wing anarchists and activists. There is not one central organization. They’re all over the place. But there is a way to pursue this and I hope this administration is looking at this very carefully because people could die here,” she said.


    Ingraham added that prominent Democrats have still not come out and condemned the left wing group, despite its inflammatory actions.


    “Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, we are waiting for the condemnation. Barack Obama, all these other people. How about the Bushes? Have the Bushes commented about Antifa? I would like to hear them on that,” she said.

    “Imagine if the roles were reversed here and any type of conservative group that was taking bats and pepper spray to peaceful liberal left wing protesters,” Ingraham said. “Imagine that story. It wouldn’t have been on page A3 of the Washington Post.”





    So much this.. and on top of the fact that attacking people with guns typically doesn't end well. Antifa should consider itself lucky it hasn't found its violent members on the flip side. No doubt the Houston floods will be nothing compared to lefty tears once the bear bites back after being poked so many times. And no one will feel sorry for them. :lol:

  10. 2 minutes ago, Nature Boy Flair said:

    Same as the right wackos that called for obummers impeachment cause they didn't like him.

    Now it's the crazies on the left 

    We're talking different levels of crazy.


    Lefties should revel in the fact that they're pummeling the right in the competition for which group of nutjobs can be more crazy.


    They should buy themselves a trophy. It can possibly be like a pacifier to an infant when being excessively upset.

  11. Quote


    A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

    The professor is Kenneth L. Storey, reports Campus Reform.

    The tweets caused the University of Tampa to fired Storey Tuesday.

    “I don’t believe in instant Karma but this kinda feels like it for Texas. Hopefully this will help them realize the GOP doesn’t care about them,” Storey wrote in one tweet.


    When another Twitter user responded that Texas is home to “good people” and that Storey “may want to rethink” the tweet, Storey doubled down.

    “Well, the good people there need to do more to stop the evil their state pushes. I’m only blaming those who support the GOP there,” Storey wrote.

    The professor also declared that Florida residents who voted for Trump “deserve” the suffering visited upon Texas by Hurricane Harvey this weekend.

    Storey has since deleted the Hurricane Harvey-related tweets and apologized.


    He has also appears to have dramatically altered his Twitter presence. As of Monday evening, Storey no longer includes a photo for his Twitter account. Also, though Twitter has recorded some 72,700 tweets by Storey, just four currently show up on his tweets page.

    The University of Tampa webpage for Storey describes him as a visiting assistant professor. He has a master’s degree from the University of Central Florida and he teaches an introductory course in sociology. His research involves “urban issues within the southeastern United States, including research in gun shows, planned communities and unique issues of tourism focused commercial districts.”




    Whew, unhinged and off the charts. :rofl:


    Clearly a degree isn't helping the sanity of lefties who are unhinged because of the 2016 election result.

  12. 1 hour ago, jg121783 said:

    Or at the very least a crime of which there is none. Funny the article insists he should be impeached for his crimes but fails to list any of his alleged crimes. More temper tantrums from the left. We're coming up on a year since Trump won the election and the left still hasn't gotten over it. Pretty sad.

    Its been a pretty miserable year for the left.


    Given they've gained absolutely no ground on their attempts to liken everything Trump to white supremacy, Russia, etc., they're simply kicking up a lot of dust about white supremacy in general to try and forcefully compel people to accept their stupidity.




    Hoaxer Tricks Prominent Trump Critics Into Spreading False Allegations On Twitter


    Outlandish claims about President Trump that were spread by two prominent Twitter users were hoaxes, according to a damning new report by The Guardian.

    Louise Mensch, a former British parliamentarian, and Claude Taylor, a former Bill Clinton White House staffer, have for months made sensational claims about Trump and the ongoing federal investigations into his campaign and financial dealings.

    With a steady stream of juicy allegations — such as that sealed indictments have been handed down for Trump associates and that arrests of Trumpworld figures were imminent — the duo have developed a massive following on Twitter and among liberals who hope to see Trump impeached.

    Mensch — the founder of the now-defunct website, Heat Street — also parlayed her popularity into writing an op-ed for The New York Times about the investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential campaign.


    But at least some of the claims spread by Mensch and Taylor came from a hoaxster, The Guardian revealed on Monday.

    According to the newspaper, a person posing as an attorney in the office of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman fed Taylor false information about money laundering and sex trafficking investigations targeting Trump. Mensch retweeted Taylor’s fake scoops at least 18 times to her 270,000 Twitter followers.

    The hoaxster, who went by the name “Caitlan,” began emailing Taylor on July 20, just after MSNBC host Joe Scarborough praised Taylor on his TV show.

    Claiming to be an investigator with Schneiderman’s Organized Crime Task Force, “Caitlan” told Taylor that a modeling agency once operated by Trump was the subject of a sex trafficking investigation.


    Mensch circulated Taylor’s claims on Twitter, and on Aug. 15 published an article at her website, Patribiotics, claiming that sources within the intelligence community have told her that Trump is being investigated for trafficking underaged girls.

    In one email, “Caitlan” told Taylor that Schneiderman’s office had handed down sealed indictments for executives at the Trump Organization, the Trump family’s real estate company.






    It shouldn't be surprising that frenzied NeverTrumpers fall for fake news, it's funny watching them get all excited about every fake news garbage that comes up as if Trump is on the verge of being tossed. :lol:


    It's like a news variant of drugs for people who can't cope with reality.

  14. 16 minutes ago, Boiler said:

    Is it worth the risk of one snowflake being slightly melted?

    I'd say its worth it if millions of snowflakes were. I don't think I've ever seen this film but if I ever came across a bunch of whiny lefties protesting a theater showing Gone with the Wind I'd do it just for the fun of it.. would bring my phone/tablet of course to play games and look at naughty pictures on.



    The National Anthem Is A Dastardly ‘Neo-Confederate Symbol,’ Salon Declares


    Salon, the far-left media outlet, has declared that “The Star-Spangled Banner” is America’s national anthem because “neo-Confederates elevated” the song “as a way of honoring southern slaveowners’ rebellion.”

    Salon staff writer Jefferson Morley’s meandering essay, published Sunday, charges that “neo-Confederates developed” the concept of “singing ‘The Star-Spangled Banner'” — and also Memorial Day.

    The recent removal of a statue of former Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger B. Taney in Maryland “is the manifestation of a popular awakening that goes beyond bringing down statues of Confederate heroes like Stonewall Jackson,” Salon says.

    The leftist website that has hailed socialist basket case Venezuela as an ‘economic miracle’ spends a great deal of time discussing Taney, who served as chief justice from 1836 to 1864 and earned notoriety for writing the 1857 Dred Scott decision, which found that blacks were not citizens. The completely overturned ruling is widely regarded as one of the worst in the history of American jurisprudence.


    President Andrew Jackson appointed Taney to the Supreme Court, Salon notes. Jackson also appointed Francis Scott Key, a slave-owning attorney and a dabbling poet, as the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia in 1833.

    Key wrote “The Star-Spangled Banner” 19 years before Jackson appointed him to the federal government position and 22 years before Taney became a Supreme Court judge — and 47 years before the outbreak of the Civil War.

    Salon claims that “Key’s ‘Star-Spangled Banner,’ with its lyrics deriding black people who took up arms to gain their freedom in the War of 1812, became a point of pride for Southerners.”

    According to Salon, “In the decades following the Civil War, the defeated South strove to establish rituals such as Memorial Day, which honored the veterans of northern and southern armies equally, implying equality of respect for their causes.”




    Now that they're realizing tantrums won't get Trump impeached, they're moving onto other topics they stand a better chance of winning at..






    Berkeley Police Arrest 13 Protesters In Connection To Antifa Violence

    Police have arrested 13 people in connection to violence following this weekend’s protest in Berkeley. In the melee, several people — mainly peaceful, right-wing protesters — became targets of violence from black-clad members of the left-wing extremist movement Antifa.

    The Antifa protest was staged as a counter to a “No to Marxism” rally that never happened, but was slated to take place at the Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park. Despite the cancellation of the anti-Marxist rally, over 4,000 people — mainly leftists and Antifa members — showed up to protest.





    Berkeley police told CBS San Francisco that they arrested 13 suspects, between ages 20 to 47, on suspicion of various offenses. Certain individuals were charged with assault with a deadly weapon, felony assault, and violations of the city’s municipal code. Police said that most of the suspects are from Berkeley and Oakland, although one is from Sparks, Nevada.

    One officer suffered injuries while conducting an arrest, while others were struck by paint. Six people received injuries serious enough to require medical attention by paramedics, and two had to be hospitalized for further treatment, police reported.








    I assume these losers likely didn't have a job they were missing out on anyways. Should have their welfare taken away too.



    If this theater company thought their patrons wouldn't give a damn, they were wrong.

    A historic Memphis, Tennessee, theater, which has shown "Gone With the Wind" screenings for 34 years, has decided to remove the classic film from its schedule due to its racially "insensitive" content.

    The move comes after violence erupted at a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, earlier this month. The president of the Orpheum Theatre said the decision to remove the 1939 film was not directly related to the recent headlines.

    "The Orpheum appreciates feedback on its programming from all members of the mid-south community," Orpheum president Bret Batterson said in a statement to Vulture. "As an organization whose stated mission is to 'entertain, educate and enlighten the communities it serves,' the Orpheum cannot show a film that is insensitive to a large segment of its local population."

    His statement continued, "This is something that's been questioned every year, but the social media storm this year really brought it home.

    Batterson also noted the popularity of the film has "leveled off" in recent years.

    Movie-goers took to the Orpheum's Facebook page to blast the theater's decision.

    "This is the stupidest thing I have heard lately and believe me there have been some really stupid things done lately in the name of 'racism' - How ignorant are you people - Never will I go to this theater or any other one that promotes this BS," one person wrote.

    Another wrote, "So now we r censoring art...come on it's just a movie if u don't like it don't watch it."





    Gotta love censoring films with historic value because some (white leftist snowflakes) might be offended.

  18. 23 minutes ago, ready4ONE said:

    Impeachment isn't about unhappiness over the election.

    You can state this all you like, you can't erase every massive fit the left have done since the election (protests, riots, "marches", harassing electors, trying to overturn the certification, etc.) to show the election is exactly what its about. 


    And in not getting their way, they've increasingly been upping the ante with fake news, Russia conspiracies, trying to tie every single Trump admin and cabinet member to Russia in some way, repeated impeachment calls, threats of assassination, attacking and lashing out at anyone that criticizes them.. 


    If there's anyone that's mentally unstable its the left, for sure. While I'm sure Trump is quite frustrated over the stupidity from not only the Dems but the Republicans as well, he is very much sane, even if he naively surrounds himself with dissenting views in a time where those people with dissenting views seek to undermine him.

  19. 1 hour ago, Bill & Katya said:

    Katya and I went to a museum today in Krasnoyarsk, and of course there were displays of Lenin and Stalin there.  I asked her how people in Russia feel about these two leaders and she told me that there is a big divide.  Many still love them and wish communism/socialism were still around and others see them for what they were power hungry tyrants that eliminated anyone they perceived to be in their way.  As usual in most cities in Russia there are still statues or streets named after these leaders, and in her opinion it is so people will not forget.

    So not even in Russia they fanatically destroy monuments and statues of people of history they didn't like? 


    Pretty bad lefties. 

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