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Posts posted by IAMX

  1. 51 minutes ago, Boiler said:

    Do not know about that, but I am fascinated by crooks from both sides, want a Bridge?

    Put a statue of General Lee on it as bait (only after constructing), then remove it, and its good. The left will celebrate their new bridge of diversity and tolerance.


    As long as you give the appearance the left are getting their way, they'll let you do anything.

  2. Quote


    California Gov. Jerry Brown is planning a trip to Russia later this month to discuss climate change policies at an economic forum featuring Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    Brown, whose term as the state’s governor ends later this year, is on a quest to elevate California’s role as a warrior battling global warming. He is striking out on an international tour to position himself as the principal opponent of President Donald Trump’s climate policies.

    “This Pacific forum on trade isn’t just an occasion to promote investment, it’s an opportunity to strengthen our commitment to decarbonizing the economy,” Brown said in a press statement Wednesday night about the forum Putin created in 2015. “Every government and every business is responsible for making this radical turn.”

    He will arrive in Vladivostok, Russia shortly after the Trump administration forced Putin to close his country’s consulate in San Francisco. The order was given in retaliation for the Kremlin’s demand that the U.S. significantly reduce its diplomatic staff in Russia.







    Awan Asks Judge To Remove GPS, Citing Possible Emergency With Kids In Pakistan


    “His ability to parent, which may well be single parenting, if there is an emergency…” Gowen said.

    He also asked for other restrictions on his movement to be lifted, saying he has been driving for Uber, but the company had no record of any driver matching several variations of Imran’s name.

    Prosecutor Michael Marando opposed the motions, saying Imran is a severe flight risk. “From Day 1 there was a pattern of flight. It began September 2016… a pattern of transfers to Pakistan, hundreds of thousands of dollars,” he said. The judge has not ruled on the motion.



    Imran tried to board a flight to Pakistan in July, but the FBI arrested him at the airport. His wife, Hina Alvi, is already in Pakistan, having taken her kids out of school without notifying their Virginia school system and boarded a flight with household goods, and Marando said authorities are sure she has no intention to return.

    Hina bought a round-trip ticket with a return ticket in September, but prosecutors said they don’t expect to see her in America in the next few weeks.

    “She gave every impression to the government that she was leaving the country with no intention to return,” he said.

    Alvi, who also worked for House Democrats including Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has also been indicted. If she misses her arraignment — a date has not been set — she would formally become a fugitive





    This guy is trying anything he can to get out of the country so he never returns to the US to face a number of felony charges.

  4. Quote


    Public school teachers are behind a leading far-left militant group that is part of the Antifa network that federal officials say is committing “domestic terrorist violence.”

    By Any Means Necessary, which has played a key role in riots in Berkeley, Sacramento and elsewhere, has dozens of public school teachers among its members, including among its most prominent leaders.

    The FBI and Department of Homeland Security began paying closer attention to Antifa groups in general after BAMN and other extremists started a riot and attacked marchers at a white nationalist rally in Sacramento last July, Politico reported on Friday. The Sacramento violence left at least 10 people hospitalized, several of whom had knife wounds.

    One of BAMN’s most prominent organizers is Yvette Felarca, a Berkeley middle school teacher and pro-violence militant. Felarca currently faces charges of inciting a riot for her role in the Sacramento violence.

    After BAMN and other antifa groups staged violent protests in Berkeley to keep right-wing author Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking, Felarca defended her group’s acts of violence. BAMN was able to cancel another event, this time an April speech by pro-Trump author Ann Coulter, by promising a repeat performance of the Milo riots. (RELATED: ‘INFERNO’ — Milo Speech Cancelled After Rioters Set Campus Ablaze [VIDEO])

    The FBI and DHS say Antifa groups like BAMN are engaging in “domestic terrorist violence,” according to the Politico report.

    Just last weekend, Felarca helped organize BAMN’s mass demonstrations that “shut down” a free speech rally in Berkeley last weekend.




    As you can see, the left hype up this white supremacy movement as if it has any traction (yet), meanwhile the support for terrorist groups and those who attack people peacefully exercising their freedoms has gone mainstream. Keep in mind the left won't hide the fact that they support these violent and terrorist groups, and they cheer shutting down the freedoms of others, but they do try and shame people who even suggest opposing views they don't like have an actual voice. 



    California Democrats are trying to rig another set of elections, pushing a bill that will tilt elections in favor of Democrats in San Diego, the last bastion of Republican dominance in Southern California.

    The San Diego Union Tribune reports:

    The bill by Assemblyman Todd Gloria, D-San Diego, would allow for a charter amendment that would require races for county offices to be determined in the November general election, regardless of the results in the June primary. The bill only applies to San Diego County.

    Currently, politicians can be elected into those offices if they receive more than 50 percent of the vote in the primary. But if the charter is amended as authorized by Gloria’s bill, the top-two candidates in the primary will face each other in the November general election regardless of the primary outcome.

    Pushing all countywide elections to the November general election will force campaigns to last longer and cost more, even if there is a clear winner after the primary under the current rules.  This change will also give Democrats a strong advantage over Republicans, because Democrats turn out in larger numbers in general elections.

    Even though county offices are supposedly nonpartisan, this bill will only affect San Diego County, where all the county supervisors are Republicans.

    California Democrats — who enjoy the backing of powerful public sector unions — have been working overtime to the rig election process to favor Democrats in cities, counties, and targeted districts across the state.




    Opponents of the bill, including the lobbyist for San Diego County, claim the legislation is completely unnecessary, since existing law already allows the county charter to be amended, but the local process involves going to the county voters directly, not the Democrat-dominated state legislature.



    Nothing to see here, just Dems trying to rig elections in states they already have significant control of.


    *glances at gerrymandering lawsuits*

  6. 6 hours ago, Bill & Katya said:

    So you acknowledge that the fact checkers are themselves politically biased?

    It's pretty obvious with the content where they lean. 


    Fact checker is itself merely a gimmick -- the data they retrieve and their schtick (their content they choose to publish) is just as selective as the MSM and pundit sites. Since the left associate their subjective views with something factual, it's a no-brainer as to why they have a fascination with fact checking websites.

  7. 19 minutes ago, Bill & Katya said:

    No doubt.  Can you imagine actually going to school there?  I wonder if their students asked for breaks on exams, or time in a safe space when Hillary lost?

    Just tons of useless therapy that was aimed at perpetuating the idea that one can mentally live on an imaginary planet and physically function in the real world.


    Hence why so many unstable lefties in post-secondary.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Bill & Katya said:

    That is really the issue isn't it?   One side seems to be able to see and acknowledge the political slant of the media that leans their way and the other side ignores, or turns a blind eye to the slant of the media sources that lean their way.  I would like to know why that is, but the study in the other thread doesn't really touch on that aspect.

    The left aren't turning a blind eye. While some of it may be sheer ignorance because many do believe their subjective views are "factual", the truth is they don't care how terrible the lefty MSM looks. They figure, even if it destroys the media, science, etc. along the way, as long as Trump gets impeached (from the sheer blitz of negative media attention), and they get their way, literally nothing else matters. Trump has triggered them so bad they're really that destructive.. you can see this with how insane they're behaving, lashing out at everything, calling everything white supremacists, Nazis, etc. as if anyone but them will listen to that. :lol: Anyone in a rational mindset knows that their behavior isn't winning anyone over. Anyone in a rational mindset knows that Trump's marketing consists heavily of directing people's attention to the lefts behavior. Yet the left keep citing "ratings" as if they matter. Trumps "ratings" as cited by these lefty news organizations throughout the Republican primaries and Presidential campaign, showed Trump's approval ratings was dog doody. Yet he was elected anyways. All he has to do is stick the tantrum throwing left out in front of him and bam, people flee from lefties and go right to him. And the left think doubling down on the crazy and self-delusion will somehow change things in 2018 and 2020.. these people have lost it. :rofl:

  9. 49 minutes ago, Bill & Katya said:

    I don't disagree with the fact that the DailyCaller is conservative, but to use your analogy how does this represent the entire Right Wing?  So it seems both sides like to generalize about the other which is what usually happens in a political debate.  The problem with  what has happened recently is those publications you might describe as centrist (WaPo, or NYTimes) have demonstrably shifted to the Left since the campaign and the election at least politically, and honestly this has hurt their credibility and put them in the same journalistic category as all the others such as DailyCaller, HuffPo, Salon, DailyBeast, Breitbart, etc.  

    There's a perception among lefties with no concept of neutrality that NYT, CNN, and WaPo, for example, aren't biased news reporting. It even shows when looking at Wikipedia where they refuse to categorize obvious left wing slant correctly. If you go to Wiki and search for Daily Caller, Breitbart, Common Dreams, Daily Kos, etc., they will rightfully show the slant. So in the case of these sites, while its fun to slam them for their obvious bias, at least, in their defense, they don't present themselves as unbiased or neutral. The fake news lefty MSM on the other hand does.


    And that's clearly what ruffles the feathers of the left. The left try to liken their views to "fact", even though its clearly emotion-driven, and biased as all **** (not a bad thing when people acknowledge it). They like to cite "fact checkers", who themselves are most blatantly biased (re: Snopes, Politifact, etc.), because lefties like to mindscrew themselves into believing their subjective views are fact (and associate their views with fact, science, etc.) when its not, and clearly damages the reputability of all those things they associate themselves with. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, Bill & Katya said:

    I know what you mean.  When Katya has her GFs over for tea, I head to the Man Cave!  Btw, I hope the headache goes away.

    My wife's an introvert so I sometimes need to push her out the door to make friends.


    Recently, getting her out of the house enabled me to build a little beast of a desktop. (which I spent much of yesterday putting together)



  11. 12 minutes ago, Mr&Mrs G. said:

    SPLC seems to be doing okay. In the year 2015 they had $328 million in assets but only $61 thousand spent on legal services, seems they don't spend so much on the law.




    "The SPLC has turned into a fundraising powerhouse, recording more than $50 million in contributions and $328 million in net assets on its 2015 Form 990, the most recently available tax form from the nonprofit. SPLC's Form 990-T, its business income tax return, from the same year shows that they have "financial interests" in the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, and Bermuda. No information is available beyond the acknowledgment of the interests at the bottom of the form."


    "The SPLC, which claims to boast a staff of 75 lawyers who practice in the area of children's rights, economic justice, immigrant justice, LGBT rights, and criminal justice reform, reported spending only $61,000 on legal services in 2015."

    I think this is interesting (for a rational discussion) because many probably wonder how a stupid organization like this gets funding, but as someone who has worked in corporate management, I'll happily share my knowledge...


    So there's two reasons a large business would want to engage with scummy SPLC, which also goes into any other organization:

    - They've had to settle a lawsuit or court case involving some form of discrimination or corporate misconduct (main originating premise behind shams like anger management, sensitivity training, et al.)

    - They're trying to prime their CSR image


    They don't really waste a lot of time doing effort to research the background of the organization they're giving funds to, they're looking merely to advance their own image.


    So in much like a portfolio fashion, either funds are spread around a swath of organizations, or they're more targeted.


    SPLC got its clout in the last handful of years (despite being around for-like-ever) because the Obama administration overtly partnered with it. A corporate researcher who feels like being lazy and using cursory information would see that this organization superficially seems reputable. 


    So that's one way.


    Another way is just extremely rich millionaires and billionares like Soros and co. who didn't get their way in the election so want to toss money around and wreak havoc.


    Either way, a reputable organization that has any semblance of respectability would not be doing this sort of stupid stuff. It's clear all the wrong elements are in the equation of feeding this monster.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Bill & Katya said:

    I don't think so based on the campus newspaper.  Reading this account it is amazing the amount of discussion they needed to have over a piece of litter.  Who knew litter could be so racist.



    According to the article, it was likely some passerby that saw this as an opportunity to play up being a victim. While that possibly suggests a black person, I've noticed an overabundance of white leftists pulling these sort of shenanigans far more often (which includes manufacturing perceived hate crimes/graffiti/nooses/etc) so is actually more likely.

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