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Posts posted by IAMX

  1. 3 minutes ago, JayJayH said:

    Great point.


    Whenever you deny someone equality based on factors they themselves cannot choose, you are empowering them in the long run. "Gay pride" exists as a direct result of oppression of gay people. It is legitimized by perceptions of current oppression of gay people. "Black pride" as a direct result of historic oppression of black Americans. Groups like BLM etc. are legitimized by perceptions of current oppression of black people. White nationalism and "white pride" is flourishing and is to many legitimized by perceptions of oppression of white people.


    The far left race baiting machine are a bunch of useful idiots to the far right, just as how far right nutjobs are useful idiots to the far left.

    This article nailed it: "How anti-white rhetoric is fueling white nationalism."

    Totally bookmarked.


    With all the partisan bickering and baiting its nice to legitimately see someone who gets it.

  2. 12 minutes ago, JayJayH said:

    Honestly, the only way to end racism is for the mainstream to accept the following:


    "Black people are bad" = Unacceptable. Period.

    "Hispanics are bad" = Unacceptable. Period.

    "Asians are bad" = Unacceptable. Period.

    "White people are bad" = Unacceptable. Period.


    The far right does not abide by these rules. White supremacist groups are more than willing to attack people for their skin color, and websites like the Daily Stormer have no problem making that known. That's why they should be condemned, should be ostracized and shamed, and that's why you should be called out as a terrible person if you belong to any of those groups or share their sympathies.


    Meanwhile, far leftist media publications have no problems running stories declaring "White men must be stopped", "Why white people are bad", "10 things white people need to stop doing" etc. I have not seen a Democrat public official condemn attitudes like this. Anywhere. A common thread is that "white people are not marginalized" in America - And this may be true. But unless this type of prejudiced nonsense is condemned for the trash it is, folks on the left are making a damn good job of convincing white Americans that they are marginalized.


    Far right = racist trash.

    Far left = race baiting trash at best, racist trash at worst.

    You make a very good point. Condemning racism is a universal thing that the vast majority of all sides can help keep these supremacists in the fringes for, where they belong. OTOH, your observation is one that's exactly like mine..


    For example.. on this very forum a decade ago I lambasted the Republicans/conservatives about their efforts in futility to ban gays from marrying. 


    I pointed out, historically, we saw with women and blacks, if you take a group, pull them aside and treat them differently (generally, with disdain/inhumanity), they will then take that and use it as a personal identifying mechanism, which will down the road turn into "pride". If conservatives had any sense of historical perspective they'd never have involved government in banning gays to begin with. They set themselves up for what we have today regarding homosexuality in their faces.


    Now, to this point.. we're now seeing whites marginalized, demonized, and so on, where the left, the crusaders of history, seemingly forgot history (what a surprise), and want to go down the same road. Their efforts of going after white people to the extent they are (far beyond reason, and to an extremely racist degree) are going to make white people more identify with being white, and use that as a form of pride. The demonization of whites also simultaneously gives these fringe elements a rallying cry. I thought the left were trying to beat back this viewed "resurrection" of white supremacy.. and their idea of doing this is by inciting more whites to join the cause? :lol: What idiots.


    You have all these worthless liberal arts post-secondary studies and they can't even see this coming and try to cull the idiots from backfiring on the cause people of yesteryear fought for? Whatever remains of the rational left needs to put some serious effort into stopping this marginalization, as it will undo many years of efforts for equality. The left clearly have no concept of what equality is.

    8 minutes ago, IDWAF said:

    The US flag used to be the banner of the KKK.  We should get rid of it, post haste.



    You'd be surprised.. in the Bay Area people would often call people who flew American flags racist, whereas flying Mexican flags = pride. These are the people that try and market themselves as intellectuals. I wonder who they think they're convincing. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, JayJayH said:

    This is what the far left does not understand about the current topic of race.


    Neo-Nazis, the KKK, white supremacists groups etc. exist on the far fringes of the far right. They regularly receive swift, public condemnation from virtually every GOP politician. Even Trump's "support" for these groups was mostly an unhinged tirade of "they're disgusting", mixed in with a highly inappropriate "some good people on both sides." Trump's response was amateurish and weak, you can never condemn the KKK too much, but it was a condemnation nonetheless. Not a perfect analogy, but I cannot picture for one second that someone, even in Trump's circles, would ever apologize for tweeting a picture of a black 3-year-old because it triggered some racist nutjob somewhere.


    What much of the left doesn't seem to understand is that their own talk about race has probably done more damage to race relations than some right-wing fringe group could ever do. Race mongers complaining about the skin color of a 3-year-old in an ACLU shirt used to exist on the fringes of the far left, ignored to death by the mainstream DNC. They are no longer the fringes. This lunatic may not represent a majority of ACLU members, but the fact that she actually received an apology from the ACLU is the type of divisive attitude that got Trump elected president in the first place. Essentially, what the ACLU said was "we understand how a white child can be offensive." What the ACLU's response should have been was "we're not sorry for a 3-year-old's skin color." Period.

    Trump also pointed out last year that giving them attention isn't good, any publicity for them is bad publicity. To which the leftist MSM responded by giving them more attention and further race baiting + fanning flames.


    Of course, that's logic speaking. We'll have none of that here.


    I do like that you are aware of the major things that makes Trump appealing, and it isn't how amazing Trump is.. its a repudiation of the unhinged left. And despite the lefts marketing themselves as intellectuals, they're too caught up in throwing fits to even understand this. :lol:

  4. 1 minute ago, Póg mo said:

    I'm pretty sure Confederate General Lee wasn't alive in the 1960s, so honestly I am a little bit baffled by your comment.

    With all the General Lee vitriol in 2017 I'm pretty sure he's alive today.


    ESPN even seems to think he was reincarnated as an Asian football commentator.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Mr&Mrs G. said:

    I was talking to my wife earlier this evening and I was wondering when the parties flipped, Still trying to work it out :huh:

    Around the time of JFK is my personal observation.


    Too many variables to point to one issue.. but being that I have many Christians in my family they seem to stick with the "JFK = catholic" line of reasoning for the South and MW dumping Dems.






  6. 1 minute ago, Mr&Mrs G. said:

    I thought the Democrats views didn't change until after Johnson took office in the 60's, until then Democrats were still obstructing the rights of coloreds.


    Still trying to catch up on the history,  am I missing the point your making? 

    It's weird, lefties seem to be living in the realm of history, it's funny they often get it wrong.




    Shortly after the original message, the ACLU clarified its stance–admitting that blowback was justified and served as a reminder that “white supremacy is everywhere.”


    When your Twitter followers keep you in check and remind you that white supremacy is everywhere. pic.twitter.com/Qx5D5hbKWy

    — ACLU National (@ACLU) August 23, 2017





    The stupid just keeps ratcheting up.

  8. 1 minute ago, Mr&Mrs G. said:

    "The history of British slavery has been buried. The thousands of British families who grew rich on the slave trade, or from the sale of slave-produced sugar, in the 17th and 18th centuries, brushed those uncomfortable chapters of their dynastic stories under the carpet. Today, across the country, heritage plaques on Georgian townhouses describe former slave traders as “West India merchants”, while slave owners are hidden behind the equally euphemistic term “West India planter”"


    Americans didn't go looking across the world for slaves they were shipped to their shores. The plaques on streets in the south will have the names of generals or key figures from the civil war and they will be marked as been from the confederacy, maybe they should have used southern India company to make it more palatable.


    I think hiding or disguising the truth does no one any good. 

    Maybe if lefties topple a few more statues they'll forget all about it. :lol:




    An illegal alien who was previously deported at least 15 times is now on trial for an alleged drunk driving hit-and-run incident that severely injured a young boy.

    Constantino Banda, a 39-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, was allegedly drunk when he hit a couple and their 6-year-old son as they were driving home from Disneyland that day, prosecutors said according to FOX 5 San Diego.

    Banda allegedly ran a stop sign and hit the family while allegedly being drunk, blowing a .08 percent blood-alcohol level.

    “There was significant intrusion into the rear compartment of the passenger side of the vehicle,” Deputy District Attorney Christopher Chandler said of the incident, according to FOX 5. “You can see the current airbag deployed where [the 6-year-old boy] was seated in his child seat.”






    In the State of California, illegal aliens are allowed to register and obtain driver’s licenses. Left-wing politicians and open borders activists first pushed the initiative on the basis that it would make California roads safer, with now nearly 1 million illegal aliens having driver’s licenses, Breitbart Texas reported. Banda, at the time of the incident did not have one of these driver’s licenses.

    Banda was last deported from the U.S. in January.




    Just another poor "immigrant" being constantly separated from his family. Woes me. :(

  10. 5 minutes ago, Mr&Mrs G. said:

    The British government paid off all slave owners, with the exception of the bank bailout of 2009 it's the biggest bailout by the government. I wonder if the same option was made or could have been made to slave owners in the southern states and would it have prevented the civil war.





    I watched a BBC documentary a couple of years back and it was about indentured servitude and the Irish. It was an option made by the British to some who were deemed to have committed crimes. They were offered indentured servitude to be served in the Carribbean, even though the Irish were hated they were seen as one step above a coloured slave so the were made foremen on the sugar plantations in places like Barbados. On payday the Irish got drunk and would be found lying on the sides of the road drunk getting burned by the sun, eventually earning the nickname redlegs. 


    While working on the plantations the coloured slaves learned skills, like farming, carpentry, machinery repair. The white Irish had no skills other than being a foreman so when the coloured slaves were given their freedom they flourished with the skills they learned. Today in Barbados the decendants of the redlegs are the poorest and live on very little just some crops they grow on the hillsides. My wife and I have made a couple of trips to Barbados, once to get married in 2008. Some of the sugar plantations are still running and have visitor centres.

    100% true. Can only wonder why any Brits would engage in mental gymnastics to revise history, unless in denial about Britain's role, especially the empires over the years.. very much involved in slavery. Of course, as an aside (unrelated to the post/topic), it wasn't merely "white people" who were engaging in slavery either. People in MENA, Asia, and the rest of Africa were far worse with slavery. At least in the UK and US it was an extreme minority who engaged in slavery.

  11. 19 minutes ago, eieio said:

    Politico lol.


    Ditch the fake news sources dude. It's not healthy.

    I'm not sure whats unhealthier for the population of leftists, repeatedly ignoring the fact that Trump isn't being impeached any time soon, or the addiction to fake news while overlooking the every circumstance they're wrong. Either way, we tend to know where escalating mental health problems end.

  12. 16 minutes ago, eieio said:

    Isn't the flag a symbol of racism? Maybe that's why antifa flies communist/nazi flags and burns the US flag?



    I'm actually glad you brought that up..






    Antifa's flag and motto are nearly exactly like the Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (KPD), notorious communists and, like Hitler, very antisemitic. They fled to be under Stalin's reign when the other extremists (Nazis) took over.

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