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Posts posted by IAMX

  1. 1 hour ago, jg121783 said:

    Another politician who pays lip service to open borders but when it's time to put his money where his mouth is he folds. Typical socialist.

    I can tell you right now, what little gains Liberals (as a party) had in the federal election under Trudeau has been mostly wiped out. 


    They better hope they get strong support from BC and Ontario, and pull Quebecers away from provincial parties. While the odds of Liberals losing a majority are low, odds are very high they lose at minimum a handful of seats, at most potentially are forced into a coalition. The regret over giving leftist politics a mandate is high right now.

  2. When they've defeated Hitler and Jim Crow.


    Until then, they'll demand countless condemnations from Trump for one event while ignoring all the Islamic and leftist terrorism that happens with far too much regularity.


    Remember all the looting and rioting? Not much disavowal there either. 


    This is why some people think liberalism is a mental disorder.




    Poor Hillary, intimidated in the debates by big, bad Donald Trump


    Poor Hillary. Big, bad Donald Trump got so close to her during the presidential debate last fall, she says, that he “made her skin crawl.”

    “Morning Joe” broadcast a recording of Mrs. Clinton reading that revealing snippet aloud yesterday, her plain, hard intonations trying to excite interest in “What Happened?” her new book purporting to explain why she lost the election.

    The passage, which recounts her musing about how she should react to his looming presence, evokes several responses.

    Number one: if that’s the best tease they could find in this unnecessary oeuvre (don’t we all know why she lost?), I hope Simon & Schuster has a sure-fire way to get their advance back. The company is deep in the hole after publishing her last tome, “Hard Choices,” which sold only some 280,000 copies in its first year. For that one they reportedly ponied up an advance of $14 million; whatever they paid for this one, it was probably too much.

    By the way, that sales total for “Hard Choices,” a stunningly dull work, doesn’t come close to the million-plus copies sold of Trump’s “Art of the Deal;” one more round to Trump. 

    Number two: her recollection may be faulty. Hillary’s memory often plays tricks on her, like when she mistakenly remembered having come under sniper fire in Bosnia, or when she blamed the Benghazi attack on a video, or when she said that all her grandparents had immigrated to the U.S. (Three of four were born in this country.)

    The morning after the debate in question, then-candidate Trump, accused of having tried to intimidate her, denied the charge, and claimed that it was Clinton who invaded his space. The video shown on Morning Joe shows Trump standing at some distance from Hillary, not breathing down her neck, contrary to her description of the scene. He patiently waits at his lectern while she speaks. What is the truth?

    Number three: in the book, she says that at the time, feeling uncomfortable, she wished she could “hit pause, and say to everyone watching, well, what would you do?” That is so extraordinarily revealing. Hillary Clinton, at that moment, feeling pressured by her rival and uncertain how to respond, actually wants to take a survey. She doesn’t trust her own instincts, so turns to crowd-sourcing for answers.

    Maybe this book is more telling than we had imagined because, indeed, that is exactly one of the reasons Clinton lost. Remember early in the campaign when the New York Times wrote an admiring story about Hillary’s intense preparation? How she had consulted no less than 47 experts in preparing her economic agenda? I thought at the time: anyone nearing 70 and readying to run for president must surely know what she believes. But no, she was lost, and still exploring every point of view.

    The result was a platform-by-committee, a mishmash of policies directed by pollsters and political apparatchiks. You may not agree with Donald Trump’s views or agenda, but by gosh you know what he stood for. Trump promised to Make America Great Again by bringing back jobs, enforcing the rule of law, protecting our borders, demanding fair trade and turning back the Obama-era regulatory blitz. He vowed to put America First.

    Hillary’s campaign themes were buried under a mudslide of political talking points. One of John Podesta’s leaked emails revealed that Clinton's campaign weighed and ultimately rejected 84 potential slogans before choosing "Stronger Together," a catchphrase that never gained traction. 84! Doesn’t that say it all?

    Number four: if Hillary is so easily intimidated by powerful men, she really does not belong in the Oval Office. She says in her book that in motoring through that “incredibly difficult moment” she was “aided by a lifetime of dealing with difficult men trying to throw me off.” One wonders, has she always struggled to assert herself with men? Was husband Bill one of those “difficult men?” Maybe her infamous “reset” with Vladimir Putin would have been more successful except that she was cowed by yet another “difficult” man displaying an excess of testosterone.




    Mrs. Clinton may be one of those people. In the 2008 campaign, her office told reporters that she was 5’5”. In the recent campaign, according to a piece in the Washington Post, her staff claimed she stood 5’7”. That’s remarkable, since she is of an age where she almost certainly is losing height, and not gaining it. Why would someone lie about their height? Does pretending to be taller give her extra confidence?

    For the record, Maggie Thatcher was 5’5”, as is Angela Merkel. Neither seems to have been intimidated by big, powerful men, including, in the case of Merkel, Donald Trump. Could it be that Hillary simply doesn’t have what it takes to be president? That’s what voters decided. Maybe, at the end, that’s What Happened.




    And the left think, with all her insecurities toward alpha males, that having her President would have helped the USA with relationships concerning people like Putin, Kim Jong Un, Duterte, Xi Jinping, Hassan Rouhani, etc.? And this was the lefts champion for leading the free world?  :rofl:

  4. CNN: Not so fast, we want to dig with you!





    CNN Op-Ed Defends ESPN’s Decision to Remove Asian Broadcaster Robert Lee over His Name

    An editorial piece by a former ESPN executive defends the sports network’s decision to remove Asian broadcaster Robert Lee from covering the University of Virginia season opener because of his name. The op-ed says the decision is “not unreasonable in today’s America.”

    “We want to pretend that sports are a safe sanctuary from the world’s ugly problems, but that has always been a farce,” former ESPN Vice President Roxanne Jones wrote on CNN. Truth is, not even the glorious game of football can keep America’s toxic culture of bigotry, hate and violence at bay. It’s just too heavy a burden.”








    Prime minister takes stronger line in attempt to discourage would be migrants from coming to Canada and to hold off anti-immigrant sentiment at home.


    “You will not be at an advantage if you choose to enter Canada irregularly. You must follow the rules and there are many,” Trudeau said.


    The prime minister’s Twitter posting, shortly after U.S. President Donald Trump took office, was in response to a proposed travel ban in the United States on people from predominately Muslim countries.

    “To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength,” the tweet reads.

    But the tweet has since received a more liberal interpretation among asylum seekers and others who feel suddenly fearful living in Trump’s United States.

    More than 7,000 people have crossed from the U.S. into Canada at a breach in the border in Quebec this year, though a wave that began in July appears to have slowed in recent days, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said this week.

    Speaking in Ottawa Wednesday, Conservative MP Michelle Rempel said Trudeau’s approach has also filled those people with “false hope” that if they can somehow get to Canada, they will be accepted with open arms.

    “Our system now is in shambles, and I think a lot of this has to do with the messaging — the inconsistent messaging — that has been coming out of Justin Trudeau's personal communication shop,” she said.





    Michelle Rempel for PM!

  6. 10 minutes ago, Eric-Pris said:

    More fake news about our President.  You'll learn to love him in the next 7+ years.


    8 minutes ago, Eric-Pris said:

    Identified by you doesn't hold much weight, sorry.

    The beauty of the left is they're the primary reason behind the appeal of Trump. 


    More tantrums = more Trump appeal.


    One could explain this to them, but I don't think we have crayons big enough, and I doubt they're in a rational state of mind to comprehend.




    Rapper who stared at eclipse abruptly cancels concerts


    Joey Bada$$, a hip-hop artist who has earned praise from Malia Obama, asked his Twitter followers if he was “crazy” for staring at the solar eclipse without protective glasses — then canceled his upcoming performances.


    “Am I crazy for watching the eclipse today w no glasses?” the rapper tweeted. “I’ve sungazed before and afterwards saw colors for a whole day. I didn’t die tho.”

    He continued: “This ain’t the first solar eclipse and I’m pretty sure our ancestors ain’t have no fancy eyewear. Also pretty sure they ain’t all go blind.”

    Bada$$ then nixed three upcoming performances without any clear explanation.

    “Due to unforeseen circumstances, my Cleveland, Chicago & Toronto shows on the #EverybodyTour are cancelled,” Bada$$ told his followers.





    I think Joey needs to change his name, remove "Bad" and replace it with "Dumb". :rofl:

  8. Quote


    Reuters’ Twitter account claimed ESPN broadcaster Robert Lee was a doppelgänger and namesake of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in two separate, but inaccurate, Wednesday tweets.

    Confederate General Lee namesake pulled from upcoming University of Virginia football broadcast: https://t.co/aVzHUOinZb pic.twitter.com/27k5nhehZx

    — Reuters Top News (@Reuters) August 23, 2017

    Confederate General Lee doppelganger pulled from upcoming University of Virginia football broadcast: https://t.co/rRTtAmZ5lR pic.twitter.com/nEqAujm2Hk

    — Reuters Top News (@Reuters) August 23, 2017

    Reuters issued a “clarification” moments after incorrectly suggesting the ESPN broadcaster was named after Gen. Robert E. Lee. 





    Just some of the quality journalism to be expected of "news" organizations. :yes:

  9. And they've got a friend in college professors. LOL.





    Clemson Professor Claims All Republicans Are ‘Racist Scum’


    A Clemson University professor has declared all Republicans and supporters of Donald Trump to be nothing less than “racist scum” in a bile-filled series of public posts on Facebook. The professor also called for political violence “against white supremacy.”

    Bart Knijnenburg, an assistant professor in Human-Centered Computing for Clemson University, expressed his hatred towards Republicans and doubled down when others in his Facebook timeline asked him to clarify his statements, which have since been hidden.

    In a report published Wednesday, Campus Reform captured screenshots of his tirade before he made his Facebook account private.

    “All republicans? Yes,” he wrote. “Your complacency made this happen. Pick a side: denounce your affiliation, or admit you’re a racist.”


    “I haven’t seen any of them renounce their political affiliation yet,” said the professor in response to a former student who suggested he was making an unfair generalization towards conservatives. “In fact, all of them fell in line with Trump once he became president. They selectively criticize him when it is politically convenient to do so, but they don’t take any actual sustained actions.”

    He told anyone who doubts his claims that all Republicans are racist to “come live in the south for awhile.” He added his belief that the GOP’s meritocratic views are inherently racist.

    “The republican ideology of ‘everyone is equal and nobody deserves a handout’ is naïve at best, covertly racist at worst,” he said. “I truly believe that anyone turning a blind eye makes you complicit in what is happening now.”

    In a separate post, he equated President Trump, his voters, the GOP, and former chief White House strategist Steve Bannon to “Nazis,” the “KKK,” and the “alt-Right.” He called them all racists.






    Everyone I don't agree with is racist. :cry:

  10. Quote


    CNN used the voices of a few professors and activists to assert anyone who voted for President Donald Trump is a white supremacist in a news report Wednesday, and to blame these “ordinary” people for the violence in Charlottesville.

    Trump voters helped advance white supremacy by giving them room to operate, CNN reported based on the assertions of others in a piece headlined, “‘White Supremacists by default’: How ordinary people made Charlottesville possible.”

    “It’s easy to focus on the angry white men in paramilitary gear who looked like they were mobilizing for a race war in the Virginia college town,” CNN reported. “But it’s the ordinary people — the voters who elected a reality TV star with a record of making racially insensitive comments, the people who move out of the neighborhood when people of color move in, the family members who ignore a relative’s anti-Semitism — who give these type of men room to operate.”

    CNN put the weight of the assertion on the views of what they described as “activists, historians and victims of extremism,” but made no visible effort to question their assertions or provide a counter point of view. Fordham University professor Mark Naison’s, for example, is quoted prominently in the piece accusing tens of millions of Americans of being white supremacists.


    “We are a country with a few million passionate white supremacists — and tens of millions of white supremacists by default,” Naison told CNN. He’s a political activist and history professor. He compared all Trump voters to “nice people” who facilitated the horrific violence of the Holocaust and the genocide in Rwanda by looking the other way.

    “That was the twisted formula that made the Holocaust and Rwanda possible and allowed Jim Crow segregation to survive: Nice people looked the other way while those with an appetite for violence did the dirty work,” CNN reports, paraphrasing Naison. “You have to have millions of people who are willing to be bystanders, who push aside evidence of racism, Islamophobia or sexism. You can’t have one without the other.”





    In continuing with the theme of being upset over the election still, CNN makes sure to help Trump look better by declaring Trump voters (especially the ones who got Obama elected twice, who then turned and voted for Trump) racists.


    I really hope this message sticks around through 2018. :lol:




    ESPN Prez Tries to Say Network Didn’t Pull Robert Lee Over Concerns His Name Would Offend, Then Admits They Did


    ESPN’s President Jon Skipper sought to straighten some things out on Wednesday, regarding the network’s decision to pull Asian-American broadcaster Robert Lee from a game he was scheduled to broadcast in Charlottesville. That move, made due to concerns that Lee’s name, similar to that of non-Asian confederate General Robert E. Lee, would offend some viewers.

    In an internal memo obtained by CNN, Skipper attempted to explain his network’s thought process:

    New: internal memo from ESPN prez John Skipper about the Robert Lee decision pic.twitter.com/3yFk4hbDRb

    — Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) August 24, 2017

    As Fox News’ Brit Hume noted on Twitter, the second paragraph of Skipper’s statement completely contradicts the first. If no one had a concern that Lee’s name would give offense, then why would there have been a distraction? If no one could possibly be so ridiculous as to equate a non-Confederate, Asian-American broadcaster, with the chieftain of the rebel army. Then why would anyone have cause to take note of broadcaster Robert Lee?

    What’s also clear from this, is that ESPN has thrown Robert Lee (not the Confederate) under the bus. In saying that it was Lee, who showed “personal trepidation” about the assignment. Skipper places the blame on the broadcaster and not on ESPN. Though, even in this Skipper is a liar, since he admits that it was ESPN’s Charlotte production staff who came to Lee, and not the other way around.




    Just love ESPN digging its own grave. :rofl:

  12. 2 minutes ago, bcking said:

    The hilarious thing is to reflect on who exactly called attention to the book on this forum.


    Certainly wasn't anyone in the left who is "unable to get over the election"....


    She is going to get plenty of free publicity from people like you, and sources like Breitbart who will be upset by what she says.


    Upset? She's a driving force in the lefts demise, what's to be upset about? :lol:


    Anyways, another wonderful book coming out this week..




    Book claims Hillary Clinton 'put up with' Bill 'grabbing, groping women'




    On a day when Hillary Clinton is winning headlines for calling President Trump a "creep" in excerpts of her upcoming book released to MSNBC, another book set for release next week said she put up with Bill Clinton's creepy groping of women.

    Biographer Craig Shirley, who's written several authoritative histories on former President Ronald Reagan, poured over Clinton's womanizing and its impact on his early presidency in his latest book about former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, "Citizen Newt, the Making of a Reagan Conservative."




    "Everybody knew somebody who had a story about Clinton grabbing or groping a woman," Shirley wrote in "Citizen Newt," provided to Secrets in advance of its August 29 release.




  13. Quote

    NFL execs, coaches on why Colin Kaepernick remains unsigned


    Much has changed over the past 12 months for former San Francisco 49ersquarterback Colin Kaepernick. What has not changed is the way NFL coaches and evaluators view him as a player -- one notable takeaway from my fourth annual QB Tiers survey.




    The 2017 QB Tiers survey asked 50 coaches and evaluators to place 36 quarterbacks in one of five performance tiers, with Tier 1 signifying the best and Tier 5 the worst. Kaepernick came in 29th with a 3.88 average, placing him ahead of six potential starters. The 2016 QB Tiers poll, conducted before Kaepernick's first anthem protest, had him 28th, with a 3.83 average.




    Takeaway No. 1: Kaepernick would be on a roster right now if he were a similarly talented player at a different position

    A long and growing list of players have declined to stand for pregame anthems. As the Fort Worth Star-Telegram detailed, nearly all of them remain on rosters. RB Arian Foster retired. That leaves Kaepernick, the only quarterback to use the anthem as a protest vehicle.

    "Another guy at another position exercises that same right, he probably doesn't get the same feedback as the guy who is supposed to be the All-American guy at quarterback," a personnel director said. "I don't think that should have kept him from getting a job or coming in and competing. He made his statement, he was recognized for making that statement, and some people jumped on board with him and others were against his stance, but he made his point. Now you move on to the next thing."

    It hasn't worked out that way so far.

    "It is really not about his ability," an exec said. "It's about the risk of what happens to the team concept when you sign a guy -- a quarterback -- who has put his personal agenda ahead of what we are all charged to do, which is put the team first. As a team builder, I cannot risk that happening again, especially for a borderline starter who needs the entire offense catered to his style.

    "Tom Brady or Philip Rivers would never consider making a stand on something like that, and it's just because it's not the place. I don't disparage what he did. I understand and I'm all for people standing up for a cause, just not while they're at work."

    A personnel director said he agrees with Seahawks CB Richard Sherman's take, that Kaepernick is unsigned because teams want to keep players in their place.

    "I think Kaepernick refuses to not be himself, in a way," this director said.

    Takeaway No. 2: Some in the league question whether Kaepernick is serious about continuing his career in the NFL

    These questions arose before Kaepernick first protested during the anthem. An offensive coordinator quoted in the 2016 QB Tiers survey said watching Kaepernick talk about football made him think something was missing and that the QB may have lost the desire to play. This was after reports surfaced that suggested Kaepernick had become increasingly distant.

    A 2017 QB Tiers voter raised similar questions this offseason.

    "Everyone else is worried about him working, but I never hear him say how much he wants to work," this voter said. "That hits a chord. People want to hear, 'I want to work in the league, I want to work for you, I want to do this more than anything.' It's like with Tim Tebow -- he'd rather be on the outside switching sports than be relegated to the [third team] and getting 20 percent of the reps."

    Takeaway No. 3: What Pete Carroll said sounded weird, but there was something to it

    Carroll said his Seahawks passed on signing Kaepernick as a backup in part because Kaepernick was better-suited to being a starter. But wait, wouldn't every team want a starting-caliber player in a backup role? The answer is not always yes when it comes to quarterbacks.

    The Dolphins were content going into the season with No. 2 quarterback Matt Moore as a supportive mentor and sounding board for Ryan Tannehill. That didn't mean Moore was their second choice to start all season if an injury struck down Tannehill; in fact, the Dolphins signed Jay Cutler to be their starter after losing Tannehill. Instead, it meant the Dolphins preferred the Tannehill-Moore dynamic as long as Tannehill was starting. The same was true in Minnesota when Shaun Hill was the backup for Teddy Bridgewater. The minute Bridgewater suffered a catastrophic injury, the Vikings traded for Sam Bradford.

    No. 2 quarterbacks are not necessarily the 33rd-ranked through 64th-ranked quarterbacks in the world, in other words. They are frequently developmental draft choices or supportive veteran backups with no future starting prospects.

    "As far as his prospects as a backup, I don't think he is being blackballed in terms of rich white owners saying, 'We are not hiring this guy,'" a defensive coordinator said. "I think coaches are like, 'Look, if this kid is not starting for us, why are you bringing in distractions not for a starter? We have a pretty good sort of locker room and mesh here. What is the risk-reward?' I don't think anyone is to the point of making him the starter, and that is the bubble he is getting caught in."






    Colin Kaepernick's skill set is such that he might not be a great fit for an NFL team as a backup. Neville E. Guard-USA TODAY Sports

    Takeaway No. 4: Skill set is a factor


    Many voters said they see Kaepernick as a Tier 3 player in a system designed for him, and a Tier 4-5 player outside that framework. They also said teams won't tailor their offenses for Kaepernick if he is only a backup.

    "I like the arm strength and I like the athleticism, but the worst thing that happened with him was when people tried to make him a pocket passer," a personnel director said. "He is much better when he can waggle or boot and do some of those things."

    Takeaway No. 5: This situation is simple and complicated at once

    Simple because, bottom line, Kaepernick would have a job if there were no protest element. Complicated, because there are additional factors narrowing the chances that Kaepernick will sign.

    "I do not think he is done," a head coach without a quarterback opening said. "I think he can still play. He is awkward. People want a certain look."





    A somewhat-reasonable article, for a change.

  14. 2 minutes ago, bcking said:

    In fairness, she is kind of putting herself "in the picture" when she chooses to write a book about it.


    Perhaps though she is taking a play out of Trump's book and is doing it just to listen to the right moan and cry.

    Trump's playbook is making use of the useful idiots on the left. (see another thread where a fellow rational poster and I discuss this)


    Hillary's playbook is the same tactic on the same useful idiots, taking advantage of the left's inability to get over the election, and engaging the sympathies of idiots who buy this "Trump wuz in muh safe space" arguments to make a quick buck. Of course, she's drawing more attention toward the left that helped Trump win in the first place. 


    I, for one, applaud this. Maybe she can do a series like JK Rowling and make a few films. :lol:

  15. Quote


    Two weeks after violent clashes in Charlottesville, Va., and one week after violent protests in Boston, another clash is shaping up to take place in Berkeley, Calif.

    The well-organized, militant group By Any Means Necessary (BAMN) is rallying forces to “shut down” a planned march against Marxism in Berkeley. Berkeley has already been the site of repeated instances of political violence this year, predominantly by aggressive anarchist and Marxist actors.

    BAMN is organizing to shut down what it claims is a “Neo-Nazi” rally in Berkeley on Saturday. The rally is titled “No to Marxism in America.” The rally organizer, a biological man who identified himself as a transgender woman to media outlets, claims the rally is not a “right-wing” rally, embraces diversity and is meant to oppose the spread of Marxism in Berkeley.

    BAMN, which was founded by the openly-Marxist Revolutionary Workers League, has previously been involved in violent clashes in Berkeley and elsewhere. The group’s members are unapologetic about their use of physical confrontation, even with harmless participants, as a political tactic.


    Among BAMN’s leaders is a Berkeley teacher, Yvette Felarca, who was charged last month with inciting a riot in Oakland. Felarca and other BAMN activists have tried to “brainwash” and “indoctrinate” students into their militia during school hours, Berkeley Unified School District argued in court filings.

    The school district also said that efforts to discipline Felarca were derailed by student protesters who would disrupt disciplinary proceedings in support of Felarca.

    BAMN has direct ties to the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), one of the nation’s most prominent pro-pedophilia organizations, according to internal NAMBLA documents obtained by TheDC. 




    Ugh, don't you just hate those transgender Neo-Nazis? Who knew the opposition to Marxism was racist?


    Btw, an organization that's pro-pedophilia, another bunch of winners the lefties can celebrate.




    Failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is resorting to familiar tactics in her upcoming book, in which she attacks President Trump for allegedly standing too close to her, and calls him a “creep” — according to excerpts from the book released Wednesday.

    The book, What Happened, will be released September 12 and will outline her account of why she lost the election to President Trump. It is expected to focus in part on alleged Russia interference and also the letter by then-FBI Director James Comey announcing the reopening of the investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server when she served as secretary of state.

    But from excerpts released to MSNBC’s Morning Joe, she also takes issue with where Trump stood at the second presidential debate — accusing him of getting too close to her.

    “It was incredibly uncomfortable,” she said. “He was literally breathing down my neck. My skin crawled. It was one of those moments where you wish you could hit pause and ask everyone watching, well, what would you do?”







  17. 14 minutes ago, JayJayH said:

    The far left race baiting machine are a bunch of useful idiots to the far right, just as how far right nutjobs are useful idiots to the far left.

    This article nailed it: "How anti-white rhetoric is fueling white nationalism."

    I want to point out as well that without the "useful idiots", Trump has no strategy.


    A good political opportunist is like a tiger hunting prey that knows the perfect time to leap.

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