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Posts posted by IAMX




    The extremist Alt-Left group Antifa have threatened further violence against journalists in Canada after members of the group attacked a camera crew of one of the country’s largest broadcasters in Quebec.

    Last weekend anti-mass migration protestors marched against the current Canadian migrant crisis, which has seen thousands of mostly Haitian nationals penetrating the border from the United States.

    During the protest, Antifa members started a riot, attacking anti-mass migration protesters, police and a camera crew from Canadian broadcaster Global News. The group — which Breitbart News has profiled previously — has since claimed credit, and promised more attacks on journalists in the future.

    On the Antifa website ‘MTL Counter-info an anonymous poster took credit for the attack, writing: “Sometimes, it is necessary to go against what the mainstream considers ‘acceptable’, to break the law in order to do the ethical thing.”




    Just hate those fascist right wing KKK/Nazi white supremacist journalists in Canada.

  2. 2 minutes ago, LionessDeon said:

    Which sorts of comments?  Asking you about you or what I said about the OP? 


    About you - like I said I read your comments and the others. It just seems you always throw in a condescending jab at liberals, democrats, the left, etc and then the thread spirals into a ####### for tat.  Very similar to this thread so I guess that's why I decided to ask now since it's been on my mind. In this particular thread you are the only one making jabs at democrats and the stupidity of Obama. You have every right to free speech.  I'm just wondering why you feel the need to take it there constantly? You can agree/disagree without the insulting comments. It doesn't matter what others do. Whining about trump has nothing to do with you making insulting comments to others. I liked Obama very much. When people whine and make ridiculous statements about him I don't feel the need to make insulting comments about republicans, the right, conservatives, etc. I was just wondering why.  You don't have to answer.  







  3. 5 minutes ago, Póg mo said:

    No, what you are referring to, could just as easily be one of the countries that fought Nazi Germany during ww2.


    Notice below their is no reference to the left wing or antifa, or BLM for that matter.













    Fascism emphasizes direct action, including supporting the legitimacy of political violence, as a core part of its politics.[11][203] Fascism views violent action as a necessity in politics that fascism identifies as being an "endless struggle".[204] This emphasis on the use of political violence means that most fascist parties have also created their own private militias (e.g. the Nazi Party's Brown shirts and Fascist Italy's Blackshirts).

    The basis of fascism's support of violent action in politics is connected to social Darwinism.[204] Fascist movements have commonly held social Darwinist views of nations, races, and societies.[205] They say that nations and races must purge themselves of socially and biologically weak or degenerate people, while simultaneously promoting the creation of strong people, in order to survive in a world defined by perpetual national and racial conflict.[206]






  4. 3 minutes ago, LionessDeon said:

    Can I ask you a question?

    why can't you just agree with the new requirement and leave out the rude negativity?  Are you purposely doing it to bait people or is that just your personality?  I often see your comments and they all seem to follow this same trend of yours.  I just wondered. 

    Question, why don't you make these sort of comments in all the Trump bashing/whining threads? Or in all these hardly-political topics that turn into people crying about Trump and spreading their negativity? Hl9rl26.gif

  5. 5 hours ago, Bill & Katya said:

    So a question, when do we get rid of statues of real relatively modern white supremacist?  I can think of one prominent democratic senator that has a lot of things named after him, or statues of him around and he was not shy at all of speaking his mind about white supremacy and his opposition to the civil rights bill personally filibustering for more than 14 hours.  Yet this person is now a respected member of the Democratic history.


    Do I think this is a national security issue, not a chance, but it is interesting how statues of a culture so long ago is now being attacked, but a more recent example is praised in many political circles. 

    Well, given the recent ISIS fanaticism with destroying monuments, the left are jealous that their monument destroying brethren are doing a better job. 


    Gotta pick up the pace, god willing.

  6. 5 hours ago, ready4ONE said:

    If your considered opinion is that The South was on par with what was done to Native Americans, then it's pretty obvious that it is you that completely fails to understand history.

    Or that you prefer to treat history as your personal book of narratives instead of respecting it. The mental gymnastics espoused here tells me you have an extremely tough time with history when it doesn't conform to the overt cries of "everything I don't like is racist".

  7. 1 hour ago, jg121783 said:

    Or they are bought and paid for by the same special interests as most of the democrats.

    This is why I hate political parties. The GOP know exactly what voters that elected them wanted, they just don't care.


    But this is also a problem perpetuated by voters..


    The people that keep voting in Mitch McConnell for example.. just as guilty.

  8. 16 minutes ago, Bill & Katya said:

    So groups that espouse violence and hatred for those that will not accept their message are not fascists? Must be a new MDL definition of fascism I haven't seen yet.



    They defend Muslim terrorists, looters,  rioters, Antifa, BLM, to say the left have their heads firmly up somewhere is to put it nicely. 


    They figure if they can kick up enough dust about white supremacy and label it Nazism,  people will forget their stupidity. Problem is, it's already lost them one election and will lose them more if they wish to continue this massive fit throwing. They can throw all the fits they like it's not gonna get them their way anymore. 


    I hope the left don't disavow Antifa, just setting themselves up to lose again and again. :lol:

  9. 7 minutes ago, OriZ said:

    If elections were held tomorrow, Trump would not have my vote. Neither would the dems.

    Even though I don't agree that because they're kids they shouldn't be kicked out just like the rest, I likewise wouldn't be voting for Trump until he actually follows through on promises, and DACA is still here, and very much still able to be extended should he decide to.

  10. Just now, jg121783 said:

    How does throwing urine and feces at police equate to fighting "right wing hate groups"? By the way antifa has had plenty of violent rallies without any "right wing hate groups" present so your excuse that they wouldn't exist without "right wing hate groups" doesn't fly. Neither does your race baiting. Like I said mental illness.

    Don't forget pepper spraying and attacking random people.



    Look at that right wing extremist standing there and giving an interview, she had it coming! 



  11. Quote


    The Ku Klux Klan attempted to tear down monuments dedicated to Christopher Columbus too, an advocate of the famous explorer told The Daily Caller.

    Patrick Korten of the National Christopher Columbus Association said in a statement Friday that “Columbus has been the target of white supremacists since the 1920s, when a resurgent Ku Klux Klan attacked monuments and celebrations of Columbus from coast to coast.”

    New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and other city leaders are now contemplating whether to remove statues like Columbus from their respective cities.





    Korten says, “They hated that he was Mediterranean, not Anglo, that he sailed for Spain, not England, that he was popular in the immigrant community, and most of all, that he was Catholic. (Catholics, along with African Americans and Jews, were regular targets of the Klan).”

    Catholics in cities across the country experienced discrimination back in the ’20s, The Catholic News Agency noted in a 2016 report.

    Korten told The Daily Caller in an interview Friday that during the 1920s, the Klan tried to prevent the erection of monuments to Columbus and sought to tear down existing monuments to him throughout the country.

    “It was largely an anti-Catholic sort of thing. Columbus, of course was, Catholic. He sailed for Catholic Spain. He was a devout Catholic originally from Italy, and this spurned a good deal of antagonism and hatred directed specifically at Catholics and, most especially, Catholic immigrants. The Klan efforts of the 1920s were very substantially the anti-immigrant in nature,” he said.




    Great minds think alike, so I hear.



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