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Posts posted by IAMX

  1. 1 hour ago, Bill & Katya said:

    It is interesting when the mainstream of one side of the political spectrum embraces violence.  Good for you for admitting that this has become mainstream for the Left.

    Its other people who are violent. On CEHST we just roll our eyes and imagine we're giving someone a beat down.


    As far as what the left support.. actual support tends to come from Uncle Soros.. the left have already wasted their few dollars making signs and using the posts as weapons to smash stuff with. Especially those right wing supremacist businesses and banks.

  2. 1 minute ago, TBoneTX said:

    Mrs. T-B. is actually a certified translatrix/interpretress, so her English usually isn't too bad (with notable exceptions).

    When she first arrived, her amigas in her English classes were jealous that she was married to a gringo and could practice at home.

    Whenever I try to say anything in Spanish, the natives look alarmed and urgently point me toward the nearest bathroom.

    Definitely an asset in a state like Texas. My first language was German, second English (also learned Spanish and France variant of French), proficiency used to be English->German->Spanish->French and at this point, when it comes to proficiency its now English->Spanish->German->French.. due to being in Canada with the Quebecois variant of French, and not being around Spanish anymore, I imagine it French will wind up being the new second in a few years. Knowing other languages is addicting for me, but especially when other people are around you.. I always found it fun to listen in on conversations when Spanish speakers assumed I had no idea what they were saying.


    With regards to the hurricane, its weird that Alberta has been talking a lot about it (given the path shouldn't be anywhere in this area), from the sounds of it they were saying the hurricane has died down significantly. Of course, I'm skeptical of our grasp of weather as I am with our grasp of climate. I think probably one of the worst things to do is underestimate one.

  3. Just now, TBoneTX said:

    Gracias.  Here was another, in fact from earlier this year:


    Mrs. T-B.:  I have each.
    T-B.:  Each what?
    Mrs. T-B.:  I have each.
    T-B.:  Each what?
    Mrs. T-B.:  Each!  Each!
    T-B.:  Each of what, already?
    Mrs. T-B. [exaggerated enunciation]: I have each here, here!  [points to between shoulderblades]
    [T-B. dutifully scratches each, si man]



    I gotta say though, 10/10 for the effort.. is a lot more than many native Spanish speakers in California attempt.


    Ya sabes espanol? 

  4. 4 minutes ago, TBoneTX said:

    The below probably merits re-publication at this stage, see man.


    Some years ago, I came home, and this dialogue ensued:

    Mrs. T-B.: I bought you cheap.
    T-B.:  What did you say?
    Mrs. T-B.:  I bought you cheap.
    T-B.:  You bought me cheap?  What the dickens does THAT mean?  I'm not that cheap.  And don't let Immigration hear you say that.
    Mrs. T-B. [frustrated]:  Cheap, CHEAP!  I bought you CHEAP!

    Further investigation revealed that she had gone to the store and bought me a bag of potato cheaps, si man. :bonk:


    The accent just adds personality. Sounds cute tbh.

  5. Quote


    The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee labeled two former White House aides and one current aide as “white nationalists” in a tweet Saturday.

    There is no evidence that former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, former national security aide Seb Gorka, or current senior policy adviser Stephen Miller want to establish a nation solely for white people, but the Democrats went ahead with the charge.

    “Two white nationalists down. One to go. We can do this,” the DCCC tweeted along with a photo of the aides.


    The tweet marks a continued increase of sharp rhetoric aimed at the Trump White House. Democratic California Rep. Maxine Waters tweeted in August, “Trump has made it clear – w/Bannon & Gorka in the WH, & the Klan in the streets, it is now the White Supremacists’ House.”


    The connections of these White House aides to white nationalism is loose.

    Bannon continues to be tied to white nationlism due to him saying his news outlet Breitbart served as a “platform” for the alt right. (The term alt right is nebulous and doesn’t necessarily mean white nationalism.) In addition, the former senior White House aide labeled white nationalists a “collection of clowns” in a recent interview.






    Dems just tightening the noose on themselves for 2018 and 2020.

  6. Alas, the only people that would willingly allow their property to be taken are leftists, and chances are low they own much property.


    This story also sounds very much like the peaceful anti-Nazi chapter of Antifa that has threatened to forcefully expropriate property from people, attack cops, etc.


    I gotta say, anyone that suggests this is a peaceful movement or one that exists to root out some other form of extremism needs their heads checked and needs to have their heads checked.

  7. 9 minutes ago, IDWAF said:

    Haven't been around here much lately, would you be so kind as to point out a few posts (links would be great) where black people were disparaged on this site?





    4 minutes ago, jg121783 said:

    Examples have been given by myself and others. It's not our fault you choose to put your head in the sand and ignore them.


    Give one example because I have never seen that here.


    Lets just wait..



  8. 57 minutes ago, IDWAF said:

    I don't think the military spends any more on viagra than the rest of the population.  Hard to say for sure, though.  Maybe a little more, considering all the mental issues facing soldiers before, during, and after deployments.  Lots of "stuff" can get in the way of normal sexual functioning when one is focused on staying alive in combat.


    One study said that in 2012 the military spent $41.6 million on viagra.  That same year, sales of viagra were $1.084 billion in the US alone. So the military amounted to 3.8% of sales that year?  2% of worldwide sales for 2012 ($2.051 billion).


    So round it up, and let's say the military spent 4% of what the nation did on viagra in 2012.  


    Now consider that the combined military forces in the US in 2012 were approximately 1.4 million people.  85.5% of those were men.  So that's about 1.2 million men.  Let's assume (can't find any HARD data on this part) that half of those men were prescribed viagra.  600,000 people.  $41.6 million worth of pills.  That's about $69 per man for a years worth of happy pills.  SIXTY NINE DOLLARS each. For a whole year.


    I can say with 100% certainty that transgender surgery, medication, and time missed from work will work out to much more of an amount of wasted taxpayers' money.  Regardless of what spin the media tries to put on it.










    Very good assessment.

    22 minutes ago, cyberfx1024 said:

    That's because a vast majority of those people that are using the Viagra are RETIRED and thus not active duty anymore. If you are retired you still have tricare and they lay for medical services. 


    While the overwhelming majority of those want gender reassignment surgery are still active. That means that they bring down the Combat efficiency of a unit down while undergoing the gender surgery.


    Try reading up or asking before you about off nonsense like that.


  9. 44 minutes ago, IDWAF said:

    Having taken the time to read this entire thread, I see no one who is posting who supports right wing supremacists.  Not one single person has said anything even remotely close to "white people are the best" or "down with minorities" or "what this country needs is fewer blacks".  The common uniting factor is that we all think that people who think or speak or act that way are to be discounted and ignored.


    What I don't understand is those who think that antifa and blm are not hate groups.  Are they groups that spread love?  Are they achieving any of their goals by communicating with others in a manner that helps everyone to understand what is needed?  From what I have seen the last few years, they are groups that deserve just as much condemnation and discounting of their ways as those on the far right who think they actually have a cause.

    There is no doubt neither Antifa nor BLM are out to help blacks or anyone else. They are solely out for a few reasons: 1) Physically intimidate people from dissenting views/opinions [fascism], 2) Politically get their way with said physical threats, not to mention threats upon people's livelihood i.e. jobs [one of the key elements of terrorism], 3) Exact their frustrations upon other people for not getting their way in the 2016 election [sheer childishness]. 


    There is no possible positive motivation in either group, it's a front for terrorism and fascism under the guise of anti-fascism and anti-racism. I doubt there are seriously that many people so deluded as to really believe they are acting out for a good cause, even though a few seem to be here.

  10. 30 minutes ago, IDWAF said:

    But that cannot happen, ever.  If a woman wants to become a man, is she held to the physical standards of a woman or a man?  If a man wants to be a woman, can he then drop to the lower physical requirements of a woman to get by?



    Everyone would be held to the same physical and mental standards for each job, regardless of gender.


    If that means most women, if not all, can't perform it.. regardless of what they identify as, oh well for them.


    It's not to say that each transgender person is so mentally unfit they can't serve.. a lot of us have mental issues, and many can hide it. I have severe ADHD that I mostly can't hide, and on a rare occasion can. However, I was introspective enough after being assessed to realize that this would have been a detriment, along with my other issues during childhood with regard to lashing out at authority, and not to further pursue something I would not benefit myself nor the country I would have served in.


    My father, for example, honorably served in the Marines, but his temper (which was a diagnosed hereditary trait) caused him to be honorably discharged earlier than he would have liked. Its good for all mental health considerations to be taken into effect, and transgenderism is one where mental health issues are drastically higher than others (given the extreme suicide rate as one example).

  11. 5 minutes ago, IDWAF said:

    I'm fairly certain Haitians migrating into Canada are not associated with any hate group on any side.  Nor are the Canadians who don't want them coming into their country.  Yet antifa is threatening those Canadians.  The gentle art of persuasion via projectiles or other physical violence?  OTWT

    Bless Antifa for threatening those white supremacist Canadians. 


    WW2 has been raging for over 80 years now, can't wait when the Nazis finally get defeated.

  12. Another leftist who considers opposing views to be "fascism", and fights them with tantrums:






    On Friday, students from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln branch of Turning Point USA (TPUSA), a conservative student organization, set up a booth on campus to recruit and promote. Several individuals, including a PhD student and an English professor, were there to protest, and in one case, harass.

    According to its official website, Turning Point’s mission “is to identify, educate, train, and organize students to promote the principles of freedom, free markets, and limited government,” and it boasts approximately 350 branches in high schools and universities across the United States.


    According to Turning Point sources on the ground, Professor Amanda Gailey was one of the leaders of the admittedly small protest, holding a sign that read: “Turning Point: Please put me on your watch list. Prof. Amanda Gailey.”





    And after this tirade against American cops, she then gets to meet with Obama (how fitting is that? all these police hating violence advocates personally meeting with Obama) as a reward:










    And the last part is hilariously priceless:



    When BizPacReview’s Carmine Sabia asked Nebraskans Against Gun Violence, of which Gailey is a member, if the professor had posted the rant, they replied: “No.” However, when Sabia uploaded the screenshot as proof, “the page administrator deleted all of our correspondence, including the picture, and blocked [him] from the page.”




  13. Quote


    The man hit by a pepper ball round in a video that has since gone viral following protests in Phoenix, Az. is now facing charges for aggravated assault on police.

    Twenty-nine-year-old Joshua Stuart Cobin was seen kicking a round of tear gas at police officers during a riot on Tuesday night. Following his actions, police fired a pepper ball at his groin, prompting him to fall over in pain. He was helped up by another man wearing a Colin Kaepernick jersey.

    The video quickly went viral on social media with memes like “Good Night, Left Nut.”


    Cobin, a support representative of website service provider GoDaddy, identified himself as the man in the video on Reddit. Posting under the username “gotyourqueen,” Cobin claimed (despite his actions) that he isn’t a member of Antifa and that he did not support violence towards police and Trump supporters.





    AZFamily reports that in Cobin’s court records, police state that at two points beyond the footage captured on film, he picked up gas canisters and threw them at police.

    Police said they broke up the demonstration after rocks and other objects were thrown at them.

    In an interview with the local news station on Wednesday, Cobin says he suffered second-degree burns from picking up the tear gas cans and spent Tuesday night in an emergency room for inhaling pepper spray.

    “I don’t equate kicking or putting back tear gas canisters as attacking police. I never attacked a police officer,” he said to the station, adding that he only kicked back the canister because he didn’t feel their response was justified.




    - "I don't equate kicking or putting gas canisters as attacking police", "only kicked back the canister"

    - "police state at two points beyond the footage he picked up gas canisters and threw them at police"

    - "Cobin says he suffered second-degree burns from picking up the tear gas cans"


    Snowflake just blew his own narrative apart. Enjoy the bootyhouse. GoDaddy sure knows how to find 'em.

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