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Posts posted by IAMX




    Here's a timeline of the major events in the case, and how a guilty verdict could reverberate in Washington.

    2006: Menendez is elected to the Senate.

    As soon as 2006: Menendez takes weekend and week-long vacations to the Dominican Republic, Florida and Paris with Melgen, on the doctor's private jet, prosecutors would later allege.

    2012: Menendez gets reelected. Melgen is a major donor, contributing some $600,000 to super PACS to help his reelection campaign.

    2012: An anonymous tipster reaches out to media outlets and the FBI to claim Menendez was paying for underage prostitutes while in the Dominican Republic. Those allegations didn't pan out, but they spurred the government's closer look at Menendez's relationship with Melgen, The Post's Paul Kane and Carol Leonnig reported.

    April 1, 2015: Menendez is indicted on federal corruption charges. It is the first time in a generation that a sitting U.S. senator is indicted by the administration of his own party.

    The Justice Department accuses Menendez of using his official position to help Melgen get around U.S. government roadblocks for his business and personal ventures. Melgen is also indicted.

    The indictment alleges the men engaged in a quid pro quo since Menendez was first elected, detailing:

    • Menendez took 19 free rides on Melgen's private jets to luxury resorts around the world, sometimes bringing guests.
    • Menendez helped three of Melgen's foreign-born girlfriends get visas to visit the United States.
    • Over a period of four years, Menendez held several meetings with U.S. health officials to help Melgen settle an $8.9 million Medicare payment dispute, at one point asking then-Senate majority leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) to help out.
    • Melgen made more than $600,000 in campaign donations to super PACs to get Menendez reelected in 2012.
    • As Melgen was emailing Menendez's staff in April and May 2012, promising to donate to Menendez's campaign, prosecutors allege Menendez reached out to top State Department officials to urge them to enforce a port-security contract with the Dominican Republic that would benefit Melgen's company.




    April 2017: In a separate criminal case, a Florida jury finds Melgen guilty of stealing up to $105 million from Medicare by falsely reporting how much he treated patients in his Palm Beach County practice. It's one of the largest Medicare health-care fraud schemes in history. He could face 20 years in prison when he's sentenced this fall.







    NYT Writes 1300 Words About Dem Senator’s Corruption Trial Without Mentioning He’s A Democrat

    The New York Times published an almost 1300-word news story in Tuesday’s paper about Democratic New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez’s corruption trial, without ever mentioning Menendez’s party affiliation.

    Both in print and on social media, the NYT failed to inform its readers that Sen. Menendez is a Democrat.


    “For the first time in 36 years, a sitting United States Senator is facing a federal bribery trial,” read a NYT tweet promoting the story, which was titled: “Menendez Trial Set to Begin With Tensions High and Washington Watching.”





    The paper referred to him as ” The senator,” “Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey,” and “Mr. Menendez, a senior senator,” before referring to him as “Mr. Menendez” or “the senator” for the rest of the story. Only after a barrage of online criticism did the NYT note that Menendez is a Democrat, adding in the identifier in the fourth paragraph.

    Menendez faces 12 corruption-related charges dealing with his alleged assistance in government affairs of a Democratic donor, Dr. Solomon Melgen, in exchange for hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes, including private flights and free vacations.








    Judge Rejects Menendez’s Request To Delay His Corruption Trial Because He’s A Senator

    A federal judge in New Jersey rejected Sen. Bob Menendez’s request to allow breaks in his criminal trial in order to fulfill his Senate duties, excoriating the senator for seeking “special treatment.”

    Menendez’s lawyers filed a motion requesting that his upcoming criminal trial take recesses any time the senator is needed in Washington on official business. They argued that forcing the senator to leave an ongoing trial to attend to congressional business would violate his due process rights.

    “A trial taking place during a session of Congress risks involuntarily denying Senator Menendez his rights to due process and confrontation, unless he elects to forego his constitutional duty to cast his vote on critical issues pending before Congress so that he can be present in the courtroom,” his lawyers argued.

    U.S. District Judge William Walls appeared irritated by the request in a Friday order dismissing the motion.

    “The court will not serve as concierge to any party or lawyer,” Walls wrote. “The motion – from a practical perspective – is nigh frivolous.”

    He further added that he suspected the motion was part of a broader strategy to “impress the jurors” with Menendez’s importance.






    “Defendant Menendez claims that he is in a ‘unique situation’ because his voting duties are ‘on a schedule not of his own making.’ But so are the duties of the radio repairman, the cab driver, and the businessman. Yet none would claim the right to dictate the schedule of their own criminal trial,” he wrote.

    The senator has previously attempted to leverage his office in the course of the current prosecution. He attempted to escape indictment by arguing his activities were protected by the Constitution’s speak and debate clause, which protects lawmakers from prosecution in connection with official legislative work.

    He faces 14 felony counts of various corruption charges.







    Harry Reid Asked Obama White House To Help Menendez Donor

    Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid personally asked the Obama administration to help a Florida eye doctor who was accused of paying Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes, according to the Department of Justice.

    The senator asked Reid in November 2011 to pressure the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services to drop its ruling against Dr. Solomon Melgen, wherein the agency claimed the eye doctor over-billed Medicaid for $8.9 million, Bloomberg reports.

    Reid called a former Obama aide to reportedly try and apply pressure on the administration to intervene in the case, but the aide refused to get involved in the matter after he realized the case involved a single doctor and a federal agency.

    Menendez is set to appear before a judge in early September along with Melgen, who is charged with bribing the senator with large sums of money, extravagant trips and campaign fundraisers at his 6,500-square-foot home in North Palm Beach, Fla., in exchange for his assistance in navigating government disputes.

    The defense lawyers for Menendez and Melgen argued Wednesday that prosecutors in the case are bringing up “new, irrelevant and inflammatory facts,” with the allegations that Menendez used Reid to pressure the Obama White House.





    Of course, when there's a Dem corruption scandal and trial afoot, Harry Reid had to be a part of it. :lol:

  2. Quote

    The students will be on a two-year probationary period ending June 16, 2019, during which they will be required to attend 12 mandatory meetings with the Dean of Students to discuss free speech. They are also required to consult with a representative of the dean’s office before hosting or co-hosting any campus event. Any violation of these sanctions could "result in suspension or a revocation of the organization's status," according to the UCI Office of Inclusive Excellence.


    Should be mandatory of leftists on every campus.

  3. 55 minutes ago, cyberfx1024 said:

    That's what I was thinking as well.


    If she lived in Afghanistan since before when they were ruled by a King, and has been living there with no problem what changed for her to just uproot and move?

    I wonder too though.. I heard people there were governed by the religion of peace so I have no idea what they could be fleeing. Look at all the white supremacy in the western world.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Nature Boy Flair said:

    Every time bro. I use to have a letter for it, it was so predectible.  I think it was B.

    Bush or Reagan did something similar is a favorite of the MDL. They are quite predectible if hit with facts and logic, because so much of their world is emotional  

    Its a very emotional time, man. You know, like when a kid wants candy, doesn't get it, gets pissed off and throws a fit until they get what they want? And when you give them what they want, telling them no down the road just causes a larger fit? Kinda like that.

  5. 1 minute ago, missileman said:

    He wasn't POTUS during the campaign.

    The left were calling for his impeachment since before he was President so...


    Doubt they understand, nor care. It's all about the tantrums. As the article says:



    When you're a Trump hater, a really committed one (like, the kind who should be committed), then you've got to hate every. single. thing. he. does.



  6. Kaepernick still jobless, even Osweiler being taken back by the Broncos over Krappernick:





    The Reactions To Brock Osweiler Getting Signed Before Kaepernick Are Gold


    Brock Osweiler is headed back to the Denver Broncos, and people are not happy he got picked up before Colin Kaepernick.

    Osweiler, who played for the Broncos two seasons ago, was resigned by Denver almost immediately following getting cut by the Cleveland Browns.

    As you can imagine, people were not happy Osweiler has a job and Kaepernick doesn’t.

    Brock Osweiler has a job and Colin Kaepernick does not. Just let that sink in. #Kaepernick #BrockOsweiler

    — Ashley Galpin (@AGalpin1) September 3, 2017


    I think Kaepernick + Broncos D would give them 11 wins.
    But no, go ahead, sign Osweiler.


    — mike freeman (@mikefreemanNFL) September 2, 2017




































    — IT’S CORREA DAY (@sportynory) September 2, 2017


    Broncos fans getting ready to fight Kaepernick Twitter when Osweiler is officially signed pic.twitter.com/5yZAX8ENoS

    — Riley Auman (@junioraumanac) September 2, 2017


    Broncos about to sign back Brock Osweiler …. owners trolling Kaepernick at this point

    — (@RyanTheHoly) September 2, 2017


    when Kaepernick fans see the Broncos would rather bring back Brock Osweiler than sign Kaep pic.twitter.com/h5skcW6HgA

    — Andrew Luck (@FauxAndyLuck) September 2, 2017


    The internet never fails to impress and entertain me. This is too good. Obviously Osweiler got signed by the Broncos because he knows the system and is familiar with team. As for Kaepernick, he might not even be good enough to start in the NFL, and people are upset Osweiler went back to his old team.





    Kaepernick also passed up by the Jaguars:






    Coughlin gives revealing non-answer for Kaepernick refusal


    JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Tom Coughlin says the Jacksonville Jaguars weren’t interested in signing free agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick.

    “No. We did the study, the research, and we weren’t interested,” Coughlin said Saturday.

    Asked to explain the reasons, Coughlin added, “I’m not explaining it.”








    Loving it. :lol:

  7. Quote


    When Kid Rock was accused of violating federal campaign finance laws, the musician reacted in the most Kid Rock way imaginable: by offering up a "go f*** yourselves" to his accusers.

    Kid Rock, whose real name is Robert Ritchie, has flirted with running for U.S. Senate in Michigan as a challenger to Democrat Debbie Stabenow, though the rocker denies ever officially declaring a run and has yet to file his suspected candidacy with the Federal Elections Commission.

    I have had a ton of emails and texts asking me if this website is real… https://t.co/RRVgISDFeq The answer is an absolute YES. pic.twitter.com/uYCUg6mjW1

    — Kid Rock (@KidRock) July 12, 2017

    Liberal watchdog group Common Cause is calling foul, filing a compliant with the FEC and the Department of Justice, on Friday.

    "In a complaint filed today with the Federal Election Commission and Department of Justice, Common Cause accuses Kid Rock of violating federal election laws by acting as a Senate candidate while failing to register his candidacy, comply with contribution restrictions and publicly disclose contributions to his campaign," says a release posted on Common Cause's official site.

    "Regardless of whether Kid Rock says he's only exploring candidacy, he's selling 'Kid Rock for Senate' merchandise and is a candidate under the law. This is campaign finance law 101," said Common Cause Vice President for Policy and Litigation Paul S. Ryan.

    In response, Ritchie blasted the "fake news" reports of his alleged infractions and kindly suggested his opponents go f*** themselves.

    "I am starting to see reports from the misinformed press and the fake news on how I am in violation of breaking campaign law," the rocker told TheWrap via a statement. "#1: I have still not officially announced my candidacy. #2: See #1 and go f*** yourselves."

    Straight forward enough.




    Already triggering the Democratic Party and not even a candidate yet!


    #KidRockForSenate :lol:





    It's tough being a Trump hater.

    When you're a Trump hater, a really committed one (like, the kind who should be committed), then you've got to hate every. single. thing. he. does. If Trump does something good, like hug a small black child at a hurricane rescue center, you've got to hate that — or at least pretend like it never happened and refuse to acknowledge any reference to it.


    Which brings us to the latest silly, stupid outrage of the day from Trump haters who just don't care how petty they look by hating things like — hats, baseball hats.

    Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), a watchdog group in Washington, D.C., says it's wrong for Trump to wear the hat he's been wearing while visiting Texas to offer comfort and aid to victims of Hurricane Harvey.


    THE HAT SAYS 'USA' ON IT! (Sorry for shouting.)


    Trump wore a white hat on his trip to Houston on Saturday and was seen carrying a red hat, same USA logo, aboard his Marine One helicopter last week.

    To CREW, the hats are unethical. "Even removed from the hurricane, it's pretty inappropriate," spokesman Jordan Libowitz said. But he told CNN, which hyped the story, that he doesn't think Trump is breaking the law. "There is a difference between what is technically legal and what is ethically right," he said.

    See, the hat is from Trump's official campaign site. It says "USA" on the front, "Trump" on the back and "45" on one side. On the other side, a U.S. flag.


    As @realDonaldTrump leaves for Texas, he makes sure he's carrying the hats he's been advertising--yours for just $40 on his campaign website pic.twitter.com/jCtexY3iOx

    — Citizens for Ethics (@CREWcrew) August 29, 2017

    The tweet triggered the SJW snowflakes, one of whom immediately wished for Trump's death.

    I hope there's a surge in the hurricane that kills him. And I don't wish death on anyone, I just don't think he's ever getting impeached

    — PennylessCrypted (@CptOverkill) August 29, 2017

    Others just mocked the silliness of the story — which CNN actually deemed worthy of print.

    You are aware he literally brings his hat with him pretty much everywhere he goes. It's been like this for two years lol..

    — DeplorableLatino (@DirtyGuap) August 30, 2017


    Christ man, I didn't even vote for Trump and I wanna get a MAGA hat for my Cali trip just to rile up lefties who would be triggered by seeing it. 
  9. 10 minutes ago, ready4ONE said:

    No. You're saying that the FBI is wrong.


    You're the FBI? My bad. How many domestic terrorists are you arresting?




    Based largely on your percieved bias









    , spoon fed to you by the dubious 'news' source's you prefer







    and in staunch defense of Dear Leader









     a fellow traveller who just wants to believe that Nazis just enjoy ice cream socials and died off with Adolph Hitler.



    Not much effort to be made from recycled arguments circa 2016.

  10. 32 minutes ago, cyberfx1024 said:

    I admit Ben may be what you think he his but he always speaks his mind.

    Ben is very good at confronting leftists and beating them down with logic.

    19 minutes ago, cyberfx1024 said:

    I so think he does this as well. He says whatever will get a reaction and keep him in the news. While Ben actually believes what he says, and btw he is not a Nazi Fascist. 


    Sorry not comprehending well.l.the wife got me a little drunk tonight. I am just lucky I have spell check and auto correct

    LOL same (only one of a small handful of times this year I've had a drink)


    But we have a good reason to be filling me up with booze.. positive preggo test.

  11. 8 minutes ago, cyberfx1024 said:

    You are so right. I have only driven up the 99 so far as Visalia, and San Luis Obispo on the 101. But I love see the diversity of Santa Barbara, SO I, and Ventura Counties. They literally go from Coasts, to forests and mountains, to semi-arid cattle land. My region in work goes from the L.A. metro area to SLO.

    "The 1"

    "The 280" 

    "The 880"

    "The 680"

    "The 87"

    "The 85"



    What would surprise me is if nobody else in the country did this.


    Since a lot of highways/freeways are named (eg "Bayshore Freeway" for 101 in Bay Area), I could understand that (even though I never once heard anyone reference the Freeway names in NorCal, only the number), but how else do people identify these roads?


    In Toronto.. "the 400", "the 403", "the 400", "the 401", "DVP" (Don Valley Parkway), "ETR" (407), interchangeably using "Highway 7/Queen St"", and so on.


    In Calgary.. "Deerfoot" (Highway 2 in Calgary, outside the city calling it called the QE2), "Crowchild", "Trans Canada" (Highway 1 west/east), Stoney Trail (none say "201"),  etc.


    I never really had a conversation with anyone about directions when elsewhere throughout the country because I always had a map and backups, so never really needed directions.

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