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Big Papa Zone

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  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Phoenix AZ Lockbox
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  • Our Story
    Met my USC wife on an AC/DC forum (the band, not the sexual orientation) in 2001. Eight years of "pond-hopping" followed, before finally arriving on a K-1 and getting hitched in April 2009. Widowed out of the blue 8 months later. Four years on, and I just got re-married - to an English gal! And after Naturalization, my visa journey really will have come full circle when I, as the USC, petition for her to come over here. Amazing, really....

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  1. I'm pleased to see that in terms of "professional" advice, little has changed in terms of its horrendous inaccuracy since my visa journey began some 16 years ago.🙄 One of the first things I learned from this site was that if your case is straightforward (i.e. devoid of any criminality) then "professional" advice is invariably more of a hindrance than a help. Also, your age difference, OP - it's only 13 years. That's hardly an anomaly is it?
  2. Been reading this thread, I'm curious - is there any reason a 3rd party transfer company needs to be used at all? Can't you simply transfer money from the UK bank account to the US bank account? That's what I do.🤔
  3. Lived here for 15 years now, and kept my UK mobile phone the whole time. And UK bank account. There’s something very reassuring about knowing that everything you need to restart your life in the UK (should you ever need to) is right there.
  4. I’ve lived in the USA for 15 years now, and I’ve kept my UK bank account open the whole time. Easy wire transfers between that and my US account, and super handy to have a UK debit card to use when I’m back home. Kept a UK mobile phone account too, btw!
  5. Yeah, these are pretty much the monthly figures I’d expected to see. And of course, the deductibles will be insanely high. Much as I love living here, this is, and always has been, the huge downside. Every other developed nation in the world has universal healthcare, but hey, let’s not open THAT can of worms right now!
  6. She's just had a heart valve replacement, but other than that, she's fine. Will she be leaving a support system? Yes, of sorts, but she'd be moving to a better one here, hence the enquiry. California?????????? LOL!! Fat chance!! No, we're in Ohio for life, I'm afraid.
  7. Afternoon all, My word, how strange to be back posting on here for the first time in over 15 years! But here we are. Right then, I've now been a naturalised citizen of Uncle Sam for 10 years, and I'm looking into bringing my elderly mother out here now so that that my wife and I can take care of her in her dotage. I know that as a US citizen I have the right to bring her over here, but the one huge stumbling block is the healthcare situation. I know that the ACA means that an 81=year-old can't be charged any more than a 64-year-old, but I'm going to take a wild guess here and suggest that the premiums, for what is probably a decidedly average healthcare plan, are still pretty outrageous? Would love to hear from anyone who is or has been in a similar situation, and what you discovered. Regards, D
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