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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
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  • Our Story
    we met online last year when he was deployed in iraq and we spoke for many hours over the internet and on the phone. he returned to the states late jan 08 and myself and my 2 children met him in virginia early feb and spent a wonderful 2weeks together. he had his daughter with him too and our kids all get along great "bonus". i met all of his family who are just awesome and i adore them.
    well during this 2wks he proposed with a beautiful ring he had bought in kuwait, i was over the moon and love my ring. he came to scotland to meet my family in march and they adore him xxx "another bonus".
    i went over to texas to see him in early june myself, woohoo no kids but i did miss them xx
    the only problem with this relationship is the heartbreak of being apart so much but we simply go back to ye old faithful internet and phone xxx oh vonage internet phone is good i pay £7.99 a month and can call all i want and that includes his mobile xxxx

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