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Gail Owino

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About Gail Owino

  • Birthday 01/02/1959

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    WY-United States

Immigration Info

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  • Our Story
    I am still new to this site having signed up over a year ago! Like many of you, I met my husband online. We dated online for 2 1/2 years before I went to Kenya. We married there (Eloped) His mother was sick and in the hospital so mom and dad could not attend the wedding.

    Nairobi Kenya is a beautiful place, and were it not for my disability, I would not mind moving there.

    I have not even begun the visa processing yet except to download the forms. I am also waiting to find a co-sponsor too.

    We do try and keep in touch with each other as much as his internet and phone will allow (their network sucks).

    I did find that the consular officers are prone to denying people entrance into the U.S. because of some reasons such as: the age difference, shortness of time of marriage arrangements after arriving there and meeting in person for the first time, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.. I had also heard how one consular officer made the petitioner come up with birth certificates for all ex parents in law. To me, this smacks heavily like the "Jim Crow" laws instituted during the Reconstruction Era to keep blacks from going into the voting booths or to register for voting by requiring that they recite the U.S. Constitution when many of them had not even been allowed an education! Or they had to pay a poll tax when many of them were poor. You get the picture.

    While I realize that the officers must guard against visa fraud, I think they do go a bit too far.

    I grew so discouraged over finding this out that it hindered me while taking a quiz in class (Yes, this old fart is a college student). I spent the whole day crying.

    But today I heard of some last resorts I may resort to if he is denied for any reason.

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