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About calipnaiRN

  • Birthday 02/08/1975

Profile Information

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    San Francisco CA
  • Country
  • Our Story
    we were highschool sweethearts! our relationship was the usual summer romance, we got to see each other during holidays and breaks from school. We were too young then and had our shares of flings and our relationship was non committal. We graduated collge and jobs brought us farther from each other. He got married and i got married...
    After more than a decade i got divorced, we hooked up again thru friendster and after phonecalls we met again. He was separated for 5 years from his wife by then so he filed for annulment. Now we have a beautiful baby boy! We are looking forward to a life together...

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