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Everything posted by Lemonslice

  1. Still a good habit to not disclose immigration status, SSN, and other personal details unless required. For example, have her study the i-9 instructions, and provide other documents than her green card when she gets hired.
  2. Do not disclose your/her immigration status unless required. It's not required for a medical exam.
  3. Focus on your case. Did you reach out to the embassy since you submitted the documents?
  4. 2) Does the Birth certificate meet the requirements on this page? https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country/Germany.html Could you request a new certificate issued by the district office where to birth occured (as quoted below)?
  5. Did you reach out to the embassy to get an update? About the bolded part... Nothing is fair, but she probably submitted all the required documents. No matter the visa, they won't issue it before all the boxes have been checked.
  6. You might want to verify how long it will take to get your marriage certificate; it is much longer in some locations.
  7. Changing their mind, breaking up, and divorcing is usually not abuse. Not a fun experience, but not abuse.
  8. I could not find enough details about cohabitation in what was written, might have existed, or not. That is why I said details are missing, details will be important. At first glance, I do not see a VAWA situation at all. But were they not living in marital union because she was locked up in a dungeon, or because the USC changed their mind the evening of the wedding - that, I do not know...
  9. If you were not physically together, and only arguing by text, it might be harder to find evidence of abuse. I am not saying it is impossible, but it seems you were not even together. Wanting to end a relationship is usually not abuse. You might benefit from discussing the details of your relationship with a lawyer, or a support organization for abused immigrant. Details will be very important. Generalities you wrote here do not seem to be sufficient.
  10. No one has to change their name. If it is not important to you, skip this step and save yourself a lot of trouble.
  11. Reminder that Canada offer consular services to its citizens, and they do help citizens renew/obtain passports when IDs are unavailable (they will guide you on which documents to get in order to get a passport - you can find the diplomatic mission covering your state here: https://www.international.gc.ca/country-pays/us-eu/index.aspx?lang=eng). As OldUser wrote, please stay on top of it from now on.
  12. Is this to cancel your application, or to resume with the process?
  13. The news that everyone saw coming... "More than 14 years after the original deadline, the enforcement of REAL ID-compliant driver's licenses or IDs has been pushed back once again." https://www.npr.org/2022/12/05/1140778386/real-id-enforcement-delayed-2025-immigration-privacy
  14. No idea how they proceed, but I'm sure their legal department (and accounting!) is on top of it. Some other American providers have set up clinics abroad, and Morocco is also a short flight away to many European countries with great health care . All that to say, if her daughter's health is getting worst by the day, might be worth to look into alternatives. Hopefully, things go smoothly and they get her visa promptly, but this is not a certainty.
  15. Many of the best hospitals, in the US, and elsewhere, are now offering virtual visits. One example: https://www.massgeneral.org/international/virtual-care You could get the ball rolling even before getting a visa.
  16. When you keep your inbox full, you can't receive (nasty) messages
  17. https://www.immigrationadvocates.org/legaldirectory/search?state=KY Also, a lot of material here is useful no matter where your students are - https://miracoalition.org/resources/know-your-rights/
  18. Stay in, don't jump mid-flight I'm certain that 1-pilot cargo flights will be authorized before passenger flights.
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