Haven't you filed taxes since 2021? If so, you will have more tax transcripts to send.
Even with separate bank/financial accounts, you can still list each other as beneficiaries. If you have separate insurance policies, you would have some correspondence sent to the same address.
"Everyone lives different", yes, I agree. However, it is a little bit the responsibility of the immigrant (and their spouse) to see what might be required of them in the future to keep their residency. Husband and I still do not have a joint "bill" after 16 years. We still have plenty of other stuff to show that we live together and commingle, in our own way, our finances.
See about:
Wills/Living wills
Any official communication sent to your common residence
Setting up each other as beneficiaries on financial/bank accounts.
State ID (if you do not have a DL) to show common address.
Formal (or informal) lease from your friend.
Best of luck.