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Lemonslice last won the day on March 8

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    Removing Conditions (approved)
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  1. Make sure your name is in/on your mailbox, but you should get it very soon now (possibly this week).
  2. Did she remove conditions, is it her unexpired green card? Otherwise, might be harder to board her flight.
  3. Save that link as it might be helpful if you encounter untrained airline personel: https://www.cbp.gov/sites/default/files/assets/documents/2023-Nov/Carrier Information Guide ENGLISH.pdf
  4. I know it is hard, but try to not overstress too much. This is a long process, rules (and news cycles) have time to change a million times before the interview at the consulate; keep your eyes open, reach to your elected representatives if you have an opinion to share. Focus on the rules when it gets closer to your turn. Please come back to keep us updated. Best of luck!
  5. How would AI know? Seriously, AI can be a useful tool, but do not rely on it. Take a deep breath, until all the details are out, it will be a guessing game. Here is how it looked in 2017, might be totally different this time, but could also be similar. Notice the subtle differences for each "banned" country. https://www.nafsa.org/professional-resources/browse-by-interest/executive-order-travel-ban-nafsa-resources
  6. If it is like the prior travel ban, then no visa will be issued until the ban is over. People with valid visa en route to the US during the announcement will be turned away after landing, and some permanent residents too. It is going to be a mess for a little while, and then things will hopefully settle down. If there is any way for her to travel early this week, have her jump on the plane. [that is a good summary of what it looked like in 2017: https://www.nafsa.org/professional-resources/browse-by-interest/executive-order-travel-ban-nafsa-resources ]
  7. Forget about immigration, and think about it... who would not try to see the love of their life for four years? Long distance relationships mean some time apart, and some sacrifice (time, money, etc.) - but, visiting each other is part of the deal. Would you be able to help pay for her tickets to visit you? Has she looked into taking an extended leave from work to visit you for a few months? Have you tried to meet her in one of the Caribbean countries where you can travel without a visa? What efforts have you done to be together?
  8. It depends on so many things, I am confident you will know what feels right for your family. If you end up staying long enough in Canada, Canadian citizenship is not a bad option for kids going to college in 10+ years...
  9. I would apply a week or so before you May vacations. You might receive communication from them during your vacations, but you will be able to act on it when you are back. What are the current timelines at your local office?
  10. You will have to apply for them and see. Realistically, it might not be possible for them to visit before having their immigrant visas in hand. About this "Crazy that Canada will welcome us as a family but the US will not!" - I don't find it that crazy, both countries have very different immigration policies. Are you guys planning to become Canadian PRs after a few years?
  11. Thank you. Good background info. I wrote a long paragraph, but this answer from @Crazy Cat summarizes it well:
  12. Haven't you filed taxes since 2021? If so, you will have more tax transcripts to send. Even with separate bank/financial accounts, you can still list each other as beneficiaries. If you have separate insurance policies, you would have some correspondence sent to the same address. "Everyone lives different", yes, I agree. However, it is a little bit the responsibility of the immigrant (and their spouse) to see what might be required of them in the future to keep their residency. Husband and I still do not have a joint "bill" after 16 years. We still have plenty of other stuff to show that we live together and commingle, in our own way, our finances. See about: Wills/Living wills Any official communication sent to your common residence Setting up each other as beneficiaries on financial/bank accounts. State ID (if you do not have a DL) to show common address. Formal (or informal) lease from your friend. Best of luck.
  13. It is hard to avoid, even when being super careful That was a good read: Her Children Were Sick. Was It ‘Forever Chemicals’ on the Family Farm? Pastures were fertilized with toxic sewage decades ago. Nobody knew, until the cows’ milk was tested.
  14. The marriage certificate showing the maiden name, birth date and location, pictures, or other biometric details (most new passports are biometric) there are other ways to confirm it is the same person.
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