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Posts posted by Moka2008

  1. Hi Everyone!

    I have learned a lot from this forum and want to thank everyone for all the helpful information. To provide some background. My mom is petitioning my uncle's family to come to the USA from Taiwan. So the visa preference is the family based #4. As usual, we submitted the I-864 and I-864A for my mom. My uncle mailed the DS230 with all the required documents from Taiwan to NVC late May and early June

    Like everyone here, I called the automated line to find out the status of the case and was told that NVC reviewed the documents and are still missing some information. So I went through the ordeal to finally was able to talk to a live operator to find out about what is the missing information and I was told that I need to provide the petitioner's original birth certificate and the marriage certificate.

    The operator said it was something newly required by the Taiwan AIT. (how strange, the NVC website never update this type of info, at least not when I did my reseach in April, May and now) I confirmed that the documents related to my uncle's family was okay.

    I guess I was totally surprised the NVC would ask for these documents as this was not found from the NVC's website in the county specific information page.

    I understand that NVC generally required this kind of information for the beneficiary and the marriage cert if the visa is based on marriage. But I guess the thing is that my uncle is my mom's brother and the same documents were submitted when she first submitted it back in 97 when we apply the I-130.

    I appreciated that you actually read it this far. I guess I just want to get some input or find out whether someone has encounter similar requests. if so, what did you do? I guess we can try to gather these doc, but would totally be annoyed if NVC messed up or reviewed the case thinking it was a marriage base visa.... I couldn't image how they can do that as my aunt and my cousins are also found on the DS 230 application. BTW, this is the 2nd RFE we received. The first RFE that was dated only a few days earlier did not mention any required like this. That's why I am wondering what NVC is thinking.....

    Thank you for reading this far and stay through. As a gift from me, I also find out from the operator that as long as you use a sheet that has your NVC case# Barcode, you can use that as your cover letter. It worked for me in this case. NVC received and entered within 2 days. So what I am trying to say is that you can use any letter from NVC that has the barcode and make copies of that and send it along with whatever form and documents you need to send in. You don't need the James cut at el.

  2. Hi Everyone!

    I am helping my mom filling out the I-864s for visa petitions for my mom's brothers (my uncles) and their family (total 10 members with 2 separate petitions). So, including my parents, its a total of 12 people. My Dad retired and my Mom doesn't have a job. The only income they have are social security, some apartment rental income and my Dad's retirement IRA. While preparing the I864 and I864A (my Dad), I ran into the following questions:

    1. when I count the total number of household for one petition, do I count all 12 members in each I-864? or if I include 8 (2 +6 from my uncles) and then 6 (2+4 from my other uncle) or 8 first and then 12?

    2. On my Dad's I-864A, there is a place where I need to put the names he is sponsoring, there are only 5 spaces, what should I do for the 6th family member of one of my uncle?

    3. for the current income for 2008, since they are not really working for an employer, has the option to take out their IRA account and rental income fluctuate with the rental expenses. Could I use an estamite based on the average from the past 3 years? I have obtained the 2005/2006/2007 tax info as support.

    3a. As the types of income they report every year is not fixed or can't really be predicted until the year end, is there any other support they need to provide to NVC besides the tax transcript from IRS?

    The following is what I have ready, but I don't know if I need to get more documents?

    IRS tax transcripts for 2005 2006 2007

    I864 (My Mom, the petition)

    I864A (My Dad)

    Do I need to get more documents? and what documents?

    I guess I want to get it through once, NO RFEs!!!!

    Thanks in advance for all your help!!!

    One more question, does the NVC schedule the interviews for my uncle or would the Taiwan AIT do that?

  3. Hi Everyone!

    I am helping my mom filling out the I-864s for visa petitions for my mom's brothers (my uncles) and their family (total 10 members with 2 separate petitions). So, including my parents, its a total of 12 people. My Dad retired and my Mom doesn't have a job. The only income they have are social security, some apartment rental income and my Dad's retirement IRA. While preparing the I864 and I864A (my Dad), I ran into the following questions:

    1. when I count the total number of household for one petition, do I count all 12 members in each I-864? or if I include 8 (2 +6 from my uncles) and then 6 (2+4 from my other uncle) or 8 first and then 12?

    2. On my Dad's I-864A, there is a place where I need to put the names he is sponsoring, there are only 5 spaces, what should I do for the 6th family member of one of my uncle?

    3. for the current income for 2008, since they are not really working for an employer, has the option to take out their IRA account and rental income fluctuate with the rental expenses. Could I use an estamite based on the average from the past 3 years? I have obtained the 2005/2006/2007 tax info as support.

    3a. As the types of income they report every year is not fixed or can't really be predicted until the year end, is there any other support they need to provide to NVC besides the tax transcript from IRS?

    The following is what I have ready, but I don't know if I need to get more documents?

    IRS tax transcripts for 2005 2006 2007

    I864 (My Mom, the petition)

    I864A (My Dad)

    Do I need to get more documents? and what documents?

    I guess I want to get it through once, NO RFEs!!!!

    Thanks in advance for all your help!!!

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