Hi everyone, I’m a bit confused about how to handle this and would really appreciate any insight.
My birth certificate includes my middle name, but my green card, U.S. marriage certificate, and U.S. driver’s license do not. I haven’t used the middle name on any U.S. documents. On the N-400, should I list the full name from my birth certificate (the only difference being the inclusion of my middle name) as my current legal name, or should I use the version from my greencard, marriage certificate and drivers license (without the middle name) and then list the middle name as it shows up on birth certficate under “Other Names Used”?
Basically, I’m wondering: Should I include my middle name in the “Current Legal Name” section, or in “Other Names Used”?
If I put it in the current legal name section, I’d check the box to request a name change to drop the middle name during naturalization—so my certificate would match all of my current U.S. IDs. But since the middle name isn’t on any of my U.S. documents, or even on my foreign passport, it seems like my legal name (through eyes of UCSIS) is already the version without the middle name, and maybe I don’t need to request a change at all.
Can anyone share insight or experience with this? Thanks so much in advance!