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  1. Done! Thanks for this. Any idea how long this typically takes? We literally have everything ready to send in, but this was nagging at me, and I’d rather be thorough and safe than sorry.
  2. I'm filling out the criminal background information, and of course want to include everything, but I honestly don't remember if I had an expunged public intox somewhere, and wouldn't know what county or city it might even be in (only the state). I have a few convictions that I've listed that are on my record, and another expunged one listed also...but I have this nagging feeling that there could be another public intox out there somewhere from 20 years ago or more that was expunged. I have no idea where to start looking or if it's even there. Does anyone have any idea what to do in this scenario? Just list that there "could be" another expunged public intox in the disclosure and state that you are not sure about when or where it might have been? Thanks.
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