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Yiyi and Chris

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Posts posted by Yiyi and Chris

  1. Open relationship.... mmmmmm... definetly not the best title for the thread!

    I think that every married couple should have access to all the mentioned above, that's just how it should be, I hardly ever check my husband's emails accounts but I love the fact that he trust me enough to give TOTAL ACCESS to everything I want! I think that when you don't have anything to hide why not share it with "the love of your life"

  2. Not so shocking! My cousin (my best friend), wanted (wants [#######]) to be a nun, yesterday that we were talking she told me "i have a lot of nun and priests friends, all of them drink, some of them smoke and definetly all of them have had sex... it's not something they do everyday, but they are normal ppl, they do everything we do, the difference is that the world doesn't really know"

    awwww I disagree with her so bad, they are supposed to be an example to follow, I am a huge fan of Mother Teresa, everything she did in her life is an example to follow (speciallu for all the kids in India)

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