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Yiyi and Chris

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Posts posted by Yiyi and Chris

  1. lol... It's not like I don't do grocery shopping... I usually go the first week and the 3rd week of the month...

    My accident was on July 28th, so I couldn't go at the begining of the month... and well now I have to wait until thursday... I couldn't get my car fixed because i was waiting for my insurrance company to pay me, If I would have pay for myself they wouldnt have pay me back before I move... and I am selling the car... (LOL)


  2. Of course I have that... but have you seen the recepies here... It jsut make me hngry...

    I have eggs, spaguetti, bread, cheese, milk, instant soup....!! But i am not used to eat that specially on weekends...

    I don't have fresh fruits or Veggies

  3. Well my entire family is at a family reunion to wich i couldnt go because I had no minuts on my cell and no car (lol)... I will have my car like new on thrusday.. I am planning to move in a couple of months, so I think the car would be ok for a few months....

  4. Ohhh God... I am soooooo hungry...

    Incredible an entire thread to make me hungry...

    My fridge is empty, I am alone, my car is at the workshop (had a car accident a week ago), run out of minuts on my cell, It's a holiday here... I am F***! I am gonna starve today!

  5. That's what's controversial here in Nicaragua, wheter is therapeutic [childgenetic abnormalities, with exposing the mother to disease (eclampsia)or may cause her death]...

    How do you really know in a 3rd world country that doesn't have money to be perfoming the latest diagnoses methods on unborn that a mother is just not getting an abortion because the pill failed?

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