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Yiyi and Chris

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Posts posted by Yiyi and Chris

  1. Well like James's shortcut say color really doesn't matter... Use james's shortcut and Loto's guide and don't wait for mail... It takes forever.. we are almost done with our case and all we got in the mail was the ds3032, if it weren't have been for this guides we will be waiting to see what color the forms are!

  2. This is what you will need

    Bar Coded Cover sheet

    2 Passport Size Photographs of the Beneficiary

    Completed and signed form DS-230 Part 1 by the Beneficiary

    Completed and unsigned form DS-230 Part 2 by the Beneficiary

    Photocopy of the Passport’s Biographic Data Page of the Beneficiary

    Original Birth Certificate of the Beneficiary

    Original Marriage Certificate of the Beneficiary and the Petitioner

    Original 2 Affidavits sworn to or affirmed by third parties having personal knowledge of the bona fides of the marital relationship of the Petitioner and the Beneficiary

    Original Police Certificates of the Beneficiary

  3. I don't know if it's that slow... but Loto say this:

    NVC Assigns the Case# in the format LLLNNNNNNNNNN


    LLL is 3 letter Foreign U.S consulate where applicant appears

    First NNNN is the 4 digit year NVC assigned the case

    Second NNN is the 3 digit Julian Date NVC assigned the case

    Last NNN is the 3 digit serial number of the day NVC assigned the case

    In my timeline I have that our case got to NVC 1 day after our approval but now i am doubting because my julian date is on june and not on july like i thought... remember, use Loto's guide now that you are in this part of the process

    I'm feeling the same. Has NVC slowed down?? I paid the AOS fee online and the status has been changed to Paid since August 5th. The AVR's message says.. AOS fee paid and wait six weeks to hear from us....E-mailed ds3032 on August 1st and then again on August 5th with auto response both times and it still has not been accepted.

    Try to use james's shortcut or Loto's guide, and mail it instead of emailing it....

  4. well I do believe that " TIPS " stand for, to insure proper service. so originally they were given before any service was performed. to insure that your needs were well taken care of. so if I was to go into a well packed bar or club I would tip at least $20.00 before I was even served a drink. and then tell the bartender don't forget me tonight. my friends and I are thirsty. that always worked well for me. and depending how long I stayed, there was more tips to folow. so now today everything is changed for some screwed up reason. i often ask the waitress or waiter if they know what TIPS stand for. and if they do I will double your tip. not one person who I have asked and makes a living from tips ever knew what it meant.. similiar to people who drive BMW'S half of them don't know what bmw stands for. and almost all of them do not know what the emblem represents.

    I hear today was your Brthday


  5. The gymnastics was really AWSOME today.... they got second place because only 4 girls participated at the floor excercise, one athlete got her knee injured..

    Go Shawn Jhonson!!!

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