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Yiyi and Chris

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Posts posted by Yiyi and Chris

  1. Sometimes is fun and fine making fun of someone...

    Once my family (girl cousins) was sitting a Papa John's, we were all sitting by the window, In front of the restaurant there's a movie theather... In the middle of the meal a young guy, a lil bit taller than our friend Shpat was dreessing so ridiculous that we couldn't help to laugh and take pictures of him...

    He made our night!!!!

  2. ok am I the only one who has ever noticed that some people who are super sweaty smell like pickles?

    that makes me want to vomit

    not pickles but definitely garlic. and if his nuts smell like garlic I would never go downtown - maybe for pickles though. :P

    :lol: well from the junk holding pick it might be elephant garlic

    854856viqyz5pktd.gifwe need a psycologist here at VJ

  3. :blink: a ####### job?

    :lol: only part of the story charles paid attention to

    And yes I agree Ken, sounds like she carries herself with much more respect and class. :thumbs:

    Lol i was thinking the same thing!!!

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