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Yiyi and Chris

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Posts posted by Yiyi and Chris

  1. Hackers can do it... I was stalked on yahoo too... I don't use that account anymore, change my computer and my internet provider... That was the only way to stop him/her, now I only have my husband in my yahoo messanger and I dont use MSN anymore

  2. I definetly that's not a topic to be discussed at an immigran site... Not even for an Off Topic Forum... Shpat is "unique", he has recentfull for almost everything that is alive...

    Not all Serbs "are evil", like not all Afganistan's are terrorist... WAR IS OVER (at least in Kosovo) Get over it

  3. other than the coins tha i have in my car i don't have cash... so whenever i need to pay something that cannot be paid with debit or credit card I pay with coins... The most expansive thing that I have paid was dinner (lol) in a lil restaurant out of town!!! $35usd, I was so embarrased!!! :oops::blush::blush::blush::blush:

  4. Some of your comments on the picture are ridicilous.

    First of all that chain is not mines i dont like jewerly, a friend of mines whos actually taking a picture it's his. He's from the same country as me also...

    So if i wear a hat, that makes me gangsta?

    WEARING SOMEOTHER DUDE'S STUFF... :wacko::wacko::wacko:

    What are you 8!

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