Hi all,
I had a question regarding filing I-751 still married living in two separate states (on different coasts). I lived in state with Spouse from April 2022, got married Sep 2022 living together until end of May 2024 when I had to move to a different state because of a job opportunity that I couldn't say no to. My spouse still lives in our apartment in the other state and we travel by plane to see each other every weekend 3 times a month (14 days a month, essentially every weekend). We have 31 plane tickets from 2024.
Our current I-751 preparer has essentially told us to not divulge more than necessary and provide only the evidence that's asked of us. Has said we have plenty of evidence (list included below), and shouldn't be worried but that it wouldn't be wise to add unnecessary information that would scrutinize our boanfide marriage. Some lawyers we've spoken to has said we are absolutely in a danger zone, and could risk my greencard - essentially saying cohabitation is the one only real proof of a bonafide marriage. These same lawyers also wants to charge us 4-5k to file it.
What is best course of action here?
Evidence includes: 2 year tax returns, private life insurance showing each other as beneficiaries, joint health insurance, work life insurance showing each other as beneficiaries, JWTROS brokerage account, 3-years joint lease agreements, 3-years of joint bank statements, 100 photos stemming back from 2022, 7x travel tickets for travel abroad + to my home country, utility bills, retirement accounts with each other as beneficiaries, 401ks showing eachother as beneficiaries, renters insurance, auto insurance from 2022-April 2024.