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  1. Hi, I am currently in the process of applying for my green card and I am married to a US citizen. I got married 4 months ago and we lived together for 2 months and have been dating for 5 months prior moving in together. I came to the USA on 2022 August to pursue my Master's and then I went back to my country for holidays during December and came back in January 2023 and then I finished my Master's and started working with my EAD, now I am in my STEM extension and we got married in 2024, November. So far we have completed the i 130, i 130 A, i-485, i-864 I just found out I have to submit i-693 as well. I dont have any travel plans therefore I am not going to be filing for the travel authorization but do i have to apply for work authorization? or is there any other form that I need to file for. Would appreciate the guidance. Thanks.
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