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Everything posted by c_zima

  1. Yeah i693 is done and on hand
  2. Hi everyone, sorry if I'm doing anything wrong here as this is my first post. My wife came to the US on U4U in 2023, her parole expires next month so we're filing for AoS. I've gathered about all documents (except a statement from landlord and attestations from family which I was going to get today). I'm wanting to file probably by tomorrow afternoon or Tuesday at latest. I just need to print everything and sort it. But I'm wondering first off with the I864, so is less better with that form or try to overload them with information like the others? I'm the main sponsor but my father is co-sponsoring just so we have a stronger case for it. I'm submitting the 3 recent year tax returns, my most recent W2, employment verification letter, I can do paystubs if need be, and my birth certificate. For my dad's I have his most recent W2, 3 recent year tax returns, some out of order pay stubs (small business and they're kind of messy with documentation) and no employment verification letter atm. Do we need to wait and get that letter with the paystubs too or are the tax returns and the W2 fine? Also for his birth certificate I think it's the long form copy and when trying to scan it to make a copy it cuts off just part of the border on the top or bottom, is that fine since it's still very obviously a birth certificate or will USCIS have issues with that or? I'm overthinking a lot of this and just needing that validation that we're doing things right.. Also for I130 since I know pictures can help, we didn't do a whole ceremony or anything for our marriage. We're just 21 and don't have the money for that, just went to the courthouse and filled out paperwork. So for pictures instead I'm using random ones from events with family (so far have only found pics from a little get together to watch last years solar eclipse and Christmas 2024) and then other random photos of me and her together since she arrived in 2023. Am I fine to just caption those something like "miscellaneous photos 6/30/2023" or "solar eclipse watch party get together" and just make note of which family members were there? Again I'm overthinking this a lot, but any validation/confirmation is greatly appreciated.
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