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    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Fandango in What if they were Muslim?   
    Yes true and leave it to Rob to lead that crusade. My main issue has always been with people who think that Muslims are not getting a fair shake in this country. This country has bent over backwards to make sure that its clear that the target is extremists and not all Muslims. The days of me finishing my sentences on this topic with "its not all Muslims but just a extreme minority" are over.
  2. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Nagishkaw in What if they were Muslim?   
    Great time to buy, I unfortunately bought at the peak.
    Sweet, look forward to seeing you around.
    See I said you would be back...now pass the pipe.
  3. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Fandango in What if they were Muslim?   
    Who are you trying to kid you'll be back. VJ is much like a crack addiction.
  4. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Nagishkaw in Who Are These People We Are Fighting For?   
    What are you suggesting here? That its somewhat excusable?
    Why dont you love all people? Why do Muslims get your undivided attention?
  5. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Fandango in Burning the Quran   
    If giving the people freedom causes a civil war then so be it but this story is a lot more complicated than that.
    We believed that we were facing a serious threat and considering 9/11 we knew we couldn't wait for this ####### to come to our door anymore.
    I like how you gloss over the fact that its mostly Muslims causing this chaos over there. These terrorist win when they get good Muslims like you hating our presence in Iraq more than the evil shite there doing.
  6. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from ~PalmTreeGurl~ in Burning the Quran   
    You have a backwards way of looking at things, you just cant have a productive discussion about Iraq with somebody who thinks like you.
    As far as the Quran burning goes 99.9 percent of America does not support this pastor. Also quit acting like all Muslims treat Christians and Bibles with the utmost respect, simply not true.
  7. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from in What if they were Muslim?   
    I am not anti-Muslim nor have I given that impression.
  8. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from B_J in What if they were Muslim?   
    You're looking at this all wrong Sofiya, most of us are not picking on Muslims. A lot of the attention that the Muslim extremists receive is due mostly to the huge number of Muslim extremists and atrocities that they commit. Are you willing to admit that there are far more Muslim extremists than Christian extremists?
  9. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from in What if they were Muslim?   
    You're looking at this all wrong Sofiya, most of us are not picking on Muslims. A lot of the attention that the Muslim extremists receive is due mostly to the huge number of Muslim extremists and atrocities that they commit. Are you willing to admit that there are far more Muslim extremists than Christian extremists?
  10. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from SuperDuper! in 30 years ago   
    Your first response was rhetorical. Quit trying to polish a ####### and apologize.
  11. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from ^_^ in How to have a rational discussion   
    The higher ups believe that you can fix stupid so I've been put back on the payroll.
  12. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from JohnSmith2007 in How to have a rational discussion   
    I somehow doubt it. Were all humans in the end. I see a lot of this from fishdude. Sometimes its about our media other times its out law enforcement. I just think he needs to go back and spend a significant times there so that he can quit it with all this UK is better rubbish.
  13. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from sjr09 in How to have a rational discussion   
    I somehow doubt it. Were all humans in the end. I see a lot of this from fishdude. Sometimes its about our media other times its out law enforcement. I just think he needs to go back and spend a significant times there so that he can quit it with all this UK is better rubbish.
  14. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in How to have a rational discussion   
    The point being that you have been away to long. Go back.
    Seriously though people forget the negatives when they've been away for awhile.
  15. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in How to have a rational discussion   
    I somehow doubt it. Were all humans in the end. I see a lot of this from fishdude. Sometimes its about our media other times its out law enforcement. I just think he needs to go back and spend a significant times there so that he can quit it with all this UK is better rubbish.
  16. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from SMOKE in How to have a rational discussion   
    You have a simple case of grassisgreenerontheothersideofthefenceitus.
  17. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Fandango in Why no LOOTING in Japan?   
    I agree the government handled in badly, mostly the local government.
  18. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Fandango in Finally, some good news for Americans who hate California   
    Ah I see, if only I was a British man and had had the chance to be enlightened by your people.
  19. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Amby in Wounded Iraq Vet Gets Heckled at Columbia   
    The problem with the sign is the wording. It should read "The military targets people of low-income communities with promises like a free education." A person who joins the military knows that war is a possibility and trying to renege on the deal is just not acceptable. I dont accept the victim mentality that is given to these military people by the usual suspects.
  20. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from in Wounded Iraq Vet Gets Heckled at Columbia   
    The problem with the sign is the wording. It should read "The military targets people of low-income communities with promises like a free education." A person who joins the military knows that war is a possibility and trying to renege on the deal is just not acceptable. I dont accept the victim mentality that is given to these military people by the usual suspects.
  21. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from luckytxn in Wounded Iraq Vet Gets Heckled at Columbia   
    The problem with the sign is the wording. It should read "The military targets people of low-income communities with promises like a free education." A person who joins the military knows that war is a possibility and trying to renege on the deal is just not acceptable. I dont accept the victim mentality that is given to these military people by the usual suspects.
  22. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from SMOKE in Jackson Lee blasts 'demeaning' Pepsi Super Bowl ad   
    You response is proof that racial sensitivity in America is out of control.
  23. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Fandango in Is Abortion Morally Equivalent to Murdering Someone?   
    I get the feeling that you purposely talk about your abortion so nonchalantly to get under pro-lifers skin. I know people in my life that I love and have had abortions. Both of which regretted it and are pro-life now. I dont know you but it puzzles me that you can take such a action(abortion) so lightly or is this just a front?
  24. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Fandango in Is Abortion Morally Equivalent to Murdering Someone?   
    I have firm understanding of this topic. You stated that I didnt. That kind of puts the ball in your court. Focus Rob focus.
  25. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Fandango in Is Abortion Morally Equivalent to Murdering Someone?   
    This happens all the time. Im required to put my seatbelt on. Now when you dumb it down to this level I have every right to use the seatbelt example.
    When a woman gets pregnant it isnt just about her rights anymore.
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