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    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Nica_In_Love in Texas Passes Bill to Require Sonograms Before Abortions   
    I consider abortion a real issue and so do millions of others. To me this is as important if not more important than the other things you listed.
    I hope not, abortion shouldn't be easy for the person in question. Maybe just maybe people will start realizing that sex needs to be taken seriously.
    Yes lets make sure that the woman scrutinizes her choice. Abortion is a serious matter, the woman is not the only one of concern here.
    Once again something like this should not be easy, good grief. Dont have sex and if you do, take responsibility for your actions.
    Nonsense, we pro-lifers see this as more than just a woman's right issue. I know you give very little value to the unborn baby but that is not the case for many people.
    I know people who have had abortion and trust me no one can prepare for a abortion. I have seen woman cry years after their abortion. Many woman will tell you that was the biggest mistake of their life.
    Adoption is the more humane thing to do. Why is it always about the woman with you, what about the baby.
  2. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in Texas Passes Bill to Require Sonograms Before Abortions   
    Double post
  3. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Fandango in Texas Passes Bill to Require Sonograms Before Abortions   
    Well if you keep your baby there isn't much need for adoption.
    .Sad sad sad. I could careless if their boobs are saggy. What a sad and pathetic reason to have a abortion. Besides fishdude said "ruined their bodies", it does not ruin their bodies.
  4. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from ~PalmTreeGurl~ in Texas Passes Bill to Require Sonograms Before Abortions   
    I disagree. Imagine being a woman that is thinking about having a abortion and knowing that she will be confronted first hand with her decision.
    You're comparing apples and oranges.
    You have so much to learn about personal responsibility. If a woman decides to have sex she needs to be held accountable not the unborn baby.
    I dont think that many of the desperate teenagers in this situation really realize what they're doing until later. So the "educate yourself" argument doesn't work for me. I know teenagers. Teenagers often want a easy out and because of how widely accepted abortion is they are left believing that its not a big deal. It is a big deal and in the end they end up suffering quite a bit.
  5. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from ~PalmTreeGurl~ in Texas Passes Bill to Require Sonograms Before Abortions   
    Its not only the woman that is affected in this decision. It is up to the general public to look after all its people.
    Doing the right thing is never easy regardless neither is abortion and personally if I was a woman I think I would have a much easier time living with myself knowing that I put my baby up for adoption.
    We are talking about adopting a newborn baby here, there is very little problems when it comes to this except for the long lines. So say what you will about the social care system but it has little to do with this situation.
  6. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from ~PalmTreeGurl~ in Texas Passes Bill to Require Sonograms Before Abortions   
    Life is priceless so the things listed above seem like a small price to pay.
    It does not ruin her body. If she has a career then she probably had medical benefits. Now as far as the "deficient social system" goes, I think you need to look into adopting a newborn and see how many well qualified parents that are waiting to adopt.
    You're making adoption sound unbelievable hard in order to justify your stand on abortion. How sad.
  7. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from JohnSmith2007 in Texas Passes Bill to Require Sonograms Before Abortions   
    I consider abortion a real issue and so do millions of others. To me this is as important if not more important than the other things you listed.
    I hope not, abortion shouldn't be easy for the person in question. Maybe just maybe people will start realizing that sex needs to be taken seriously.
    Yes lets make sure that the woman scrutinizes her choice. Abortion is a serious matter, the woman is not the only one of concern here.
    Once again something like this should not be easy, good grief. Dont have sex and if you do, take responsibility for your actions.
    Nonsense, we pro-lifers see this as more than just a woman's right issue. I know you give very little value to the unborn baby but that is not the case for many people.
    I know people who have had abortion and trust me no one can prepare for a abortion. I have seen woman cry years after their abortion. Many woman will tell you that was the biggest mistake of their life.
    Adoption is the more humane thing to do. Why is it always about the woman with you, what about the baby.
  8. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from ~PalmTreeGurl~ in Texas Passes Bill to Require Sonograms Before Abortions   
    I consider abortion a real issue and so do millions of others. To me this is as important if not more important than the other things you listed.
    I hope not, abortion shouldn't be easy for the person in question. Maybe just maybe people will start realizing that sex needs to be taken seriously.
    Yes lets make sure that the woman scrutinizes her choice. Abortion is a serious matter, the woman is not the only one of concern here.
    Once again something like this should not be easy, good grief. Dont have sex and if you do, take responsibility for your actions.
    Nonsense, we pro-lifers see this as more than just a woman's right issue. I know you give very little value to the unborn baby but that is not the case for many people.
    I know people who have had abortion and trust me no one can prepare for a abortion. I have seen woman cry years after their abortion. Many woman will tell you that was the biggest mistake of their life.
    Adoption is the more humane thing to do. Why is it always about the woman with you, what about the baby.
  9. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Golden Gate in Clashes between Muslims, Christians kill 5 in Cairo   
    Religion also feeds hundreds of thousands of people each year.
  10. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Texas teacher to Muslim-American student: “I heard about your uncle’s death”   
    You must forgive jenn, the jocks used to pick on her.
  11. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from ~PalmTreeGurl~ in Bin Laden Given Religious Funeral Prior to Sea Burial   
    I know. That was my point, we agree here and are on the exact same page.
  12. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in bin Laden's dead   
    Its already been posted.
  13. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Nagishkaw in Bin Laden Given Religious Funeral Prior to Sea Burial   
    Because its a waste of time and money. He is a animal and providing a pine box alone is far more than he deserves.
    Bona fide grade A Muslims.
  14. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from ^_^ in UBL IS DEAD!!!   
    It must be tough being so noble minded.
  15. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from SMOKE in UBL IS DEAD!!!   
    It must be tough being so noble minded.
  16. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from SMOKE in The cricket Test   
    If England was playing the US for the world cup you would cheer for the US?
    Because most men choose football over soccer. Soccer is female friendly.
  17. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in Germans happily pay more for clean energy. Why don’t Americans?   
    It is hysteria. A movement in the right direction I agree but way too many people are getting ridiculous about it.
  18. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from B_J in What do you know about the illegal immigrant community in your area?   
    That idea that "we" look at all Mexicans as illegals attitude doesnt cut it in AZ considering the population.
  19. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Ban Hammer in What do you know about the illegal immigrant community in your area?   
    I understand that getting far left people to answer a question is a very difficult task.
  20. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Samoray in Egypt Islamists defiant over Christian governor   
    Yes and in light of what happened in Egypt and other parts of the world that who ever comes to power will know that people are a force to be reckoned with. I believe things are going to get better in Egypt.
  21. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Fandango in New York mom drives minivan into Hudson River, drowning herself and 3 kids   
    But you finished your paragraph by trying to rationalize it. Also that last sentence implies that this would be somewhat common with people who become that desperate. Its not, a lot of people have reached rock bottom and very few kill their children.
  22. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Samoray in French burka ban: police arrest two veiled women   
    In given situations I could understand. For example when security is a issue everyone should be easy to identify. To go and outlaw it all together is wrong and shame on France.
  23. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from sandinista! in French burka ban: police arrest two veiled women   
    In given situations I could understand. For example when security is a issue everyone should be easy to identify. To go and outlaw it all together is wrong and shame on France.
  24. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from ~PalmTreeGurl~ in Religion & Tithing [split topic]   
    Tithing should be huge focus in churches. A lot productive stuff that churches do cost money.
  25. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Fandango in What if they were Muslim?   
    Who are you trying to kid you'll be back. VJ is much like a crack addiction.
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