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  1. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Brother Hesekiel in Hero Gets Fired for Using a Gun to Stop Robbery   
    Sorry but you just can't have your employees bringing guns to work.
  2. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from luckytxn in Queen humilitates Reader-In-Chief Obama at Buckingham Palace by refusing toast - May 24 2011   
    Another classic. Obama bows to Saudi king.

    Another who cares that you dont care moment.
  3. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from TBoneTX in Herman Cain: You Mess With Israel, You Mess With the U.S.   
    I was being a little facetious. They should be throwing rocks at the people with in there own authority who strap bombs to kids or just throw the rocks in the direction of Syria or Lebanon. As far as the garbage can shields goes, you have people who are being irrational, so full of anger and hate that they would use garbage cans as shields. How bad these Israeli people must be, right?...no? So the point that I'm getting at is that these Palestinian people are being used as pawns in the attempt to destroy Israel. This video gives you no real idea of what is going on over there and directs all the anger towards Israel. Kids eat this ####### up.
  4. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Nagishkaw in Why do the ring wing love Israel ?   
    I have one and only one millionaire in my family. My Aunt married a Jew, a self made man. True story.
    Alan is always trying to stir the pot. I try not to take him too serious.
  5. Like
    _Simpson_ reacted to ^_^ in Herman Cain: You Mess With Israel, You Mess With the U.S.   
    How seriously are we supposed to take a people who vote for a terrorist group (Hamas) every chance they get?
  6. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from ^_^ in Why do the ring wing love Israel ?   
    I have one and only one millionaire in my family. My Aunt married a Jew, a self made man. True story.
    Alan is always trying to stir the pot. I try not to take him too serious.
  7. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from B_J in Why do the ring wing love Israel ?   
    Its just human nature to want to root for the good guy.
  8. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Vi-Jay in Herman Cain: You Mess With Israel, You Mess With the U.S.   
    Yes because I see woman as inferior and refuse to debate with them.
  9. Like
    _Simpson_ reacted to one...two...tree in American Men Think They’re Better in Bed Than They Actually Are   
    That's pure BS. Look, if American women want to fake their way through a relationship, so be it. Just don't blame us guys for having faith in honesty.
  10. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from IR5FORMUMSIE in Teacher Refuses to Display American Flag   
    Act like a adult and stop taking sides AJ. You would've been all over me had I posted what fishdude did.
  11. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from SMOKE in Pornography found in bin Laden hideout   
    I know, like it had to be said.
  12. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Whats wrong with an ALL WHITE spelling bee?.. EVERYTHING!   
    Do you have anything constructive to say about my point?
  13. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Nagishkaw in Teacher Refuses to Display American Flag   
    It was clear even with the errors. Just drop it.
  14. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Nagishkaw in Teacher Refuses to Display American Flag   
    Act like a adult and stop taking sides AJ. You would've been all over me had I posted what fishdude did.
  15. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Nagishkaw in Teacher Refuses to Display American Flag   
    Just admit that you were wrong and move on.
  16. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from ^_^ in Pornography found in bin Laden hideout   
    I didnt take offence. So you are going to try and defend him.
  17. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from ^_^ in Pornography found in bin Laden hideout   
    I give a "toss". Besides I am the porn kind of California and you shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you.
  18. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from ^_^ in Pornography found in bin Laden hideout   
    Yes Simpson finds it to be disrespectful. Is that the clarity you needed to get a good nights sleep?
  19. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Pornography found in bin Laden hideout   
    Who cares who it was written for, this story has gone worldwide and if it only changes one persons opinion I would be happy. Why cant you be happy about that instead of being a destructive force with this topic?
  20. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Pornography found in bin Laden hideout   
    What are you talking about, its very relevant. Its one more thing to show extremist nuts around the world that this wasn't the great man they have made him out to be. Things like this kill his legendary image. Try to look at the big picture for a change.
  21. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Texas Passes Bill to Require Sonograms Before Abortions   
    Talk past me all you want but I really do give a dam. As far as health care goes "apples and oranges".
    Another back handed complement courtesy of Zero Sum
    Do you really want to make a argument based on the exception to the rule? Walk away now and save what little dignity you have left.
    In life we just cant run around doing anything, so we have laws. I hope to change certain laws.
    Do you consider me a bible thumping extremist?
    Not once in this thread has god been mentioned and yet you want to bring up bible thumping extremists. Check your stereotypes at the door please.
  22. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Zero Sum in Texas Passes Bill to Require Sonograms Before Abortions   
    What about the laws that are on the book that already as you put it "force others to be bound by law to your particular structure of morality."?
    Somewhere out there a village is thriving right now.
  23. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Texas Passes Bill to Require Sonograms Before Abortions   
    What about the laws that are on the book that already as you put it "force others to be bound by law to your particular structure of morality."?
    Somewhere out there a village is thriving right now.
  24. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Nica_In_Love in Texas Passes Bill to Require Sonograms Before Abortions   
    I consider abortion a real issue and so do millions of others. To me this is as important if not more important than the other things you listed.
    I hope not, abortion shouldn't be easy for the person in question. Maybe just maybe people will start realizing that sex needs to be taken seriously.
    Yes lets make sure that the woman scrutinizes her choice. Abortion is a serious matter, the woman is not the only one of concern here.
    Once again something like this should not be easy, good grief. Dont have sex and if you do, take responsibility for your actions.
    Nonsense, we pro-lifers see this as more than just a woman's right issue. I know you give very little value to the unborn baby but that is not the case for many people.
    I know people who have had abortion and trust me no one can prepare for a abortion. I have seen woman cry years after their abortion. Many woman will tell you that was the biggest mistake of their life.
    Adoption is the more humane thing to do. Why is it always about the woman with you, what about the baby.
  25. Like
    _Simpson_ got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Texas Passes Bill to Require Sonograms Before Abortions   
    "It depends on what the meaning of the words 'is' is."
    Where is hal these days?
    I also have had people in my life who have had abortions, my mom and ex-wife. Both of them regret it and have a hard time talking about it.
    I could be wrong in thinking that having a abortion would have a emotional toll on most people but I really hope I'm right about this. I couldn't be friends or respect anyone who would treat it like a trip to the dentist.
    Well aren't you special. Do you want a reward or something?
    You shared your story on this board so you did make it my business.
    Who cares, this isn't all about you. This sort of me me me attitude seems to run rampant through the minds of pro-choice people. I find it to be rather selfish and childish.
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