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Everything posted by lostinforms

  1. Thank you. It is great to hear that it doesn't impact K visa applications! To be honest, we were really shocked at the treatment I received and the way I was spoken to as I was travelling legally and didn't feel i was misrepresenting. So we are panicked about what went wrong and he was not particularly helpful at explaining how I could have explained myself in a different way to help convince him i was not going to overstay. I would have thought having a permanent job, allowing him to search my phone when he confiscated my belongings, having a place of residence and return tickets would have been sufficient but they weren't. He just said they don't have to give me a reason and that he felt that my ties to the UK were not strong enough so go get vetted by a "proper american" and that was it. Even if they granted a B visa its still no guarentee that i would be permitted entry by the border people and its them that have put us in a big tailspin! It has caused a lot of upset for the kids and for us as it changed all the Christmas plans and birthdays and we do not want to repeat the trauma of it all! We are instead working on trying to get the kids travel permission etc so that we can meet in Canada whilst pending K visa. Oh the joys of travel!
  2. Thank you @Boiler and @Dashinka. Unfortunately, I was turned away at the border of the US with my ESTA as they said that my ties to the UK were not strong enough as I had a US based family. My ESTA was revoked at Christmas. I was treated extremely poorly at the border in Dublin, I have a job and had every intention of returning and just wanted to be with them for Christmas. They said my travel back and forth was too much so they had concerns I would overstay and told me to apply for a B visa instead as that would allow me to be vetted by a "proper American and not an online form" and said I "talked too much" and that was "irritating" and that he "hated people like" me who didn't know when to just sit and be quiet. I explained that I was not staying for more than an ESTA allowed so did not need a B visa and I needed to return for work but the border person did not listen. I have never been treated so poorly in my life. As a result I am no longer able to see them and we felt that the quickest route for us to be reunited as a family was this K visa route even if financially it is not what we want. The kids also want to be part of the wedding and they cannot leave the US at this time so the K route again is our only choice. If rejected then we will go down the spousal route as we do want to be a family living together! We are just hoping and praying that this will resolve soon so we can be united. And I also don't feel i can appeal my ESTA being revoked as I don't want to jeopordise us being together. I am not banned from the country etc. But i am also scared to apply for the B visa now also as if that gets turned down i don't want it to impact the K visa or the potential spousal one if we have to go down that path.
  3. Thank you. Fingers crossed. I will just make sure to have my savings safeguarded for the next year and add to it when we can then print out a statement showing 6 months when the time comes! This whole process has been very stressful so far and we haven't even submitted the form for the i129f so we have a LONG way to go! Just want out ducks all in a row so we can be prepared when it comes.
  4. Sorry not sure if you get notified. I'm new to the forum. Can i ask what you needed to provide to self sponsor..... is it just the bank statement?
  5. Thank you for replying - can I ask how you self-sponsored? Did you just show your savings account info? I cannot find any information online about self-sponsoring It seems like such a whirlwind this application process!
  6. Question: 1. Can a person self-sponsor for the i134 at the K visa interview in London? If so, which form is used or do you have any information on how on earth to look at this! - If No to the above question, can my partner and I use my savings (even though in GBP not USD) plus his disability to do my i134 for the London embassy OR is it best to get the joint sponsor we are using for the adjustment of status to do the i134 also. - If Yes to Q1 then what evidence do i need beyond a bank statement? PLEASE HELP. We have been feeling so lost with these forms! Circumstance Me: - I am a UK citizen engaged to a US citizen filing for fiancé visa - I am resident in the UK - I have a full time job in the UK earning between £50-55k annually. (We are aware I need to quit my job if K visa is approved and I go to the states. We will be applying for my right to work as soon as we get married and then my job has said they will hire me remotely as a contractor after i have a right to work again. I do not plan to work illegally. - I am a sole trader also in the UK working remotely for a UK company that contracts me in to provide services. This is new and is going to be used similar to above once i have the right to work again! - Once i am allowed to work i will be using my UK jobs to support our household PLUS look for work in the USA to allow my income to be counted in the future as aware that UK salaries and income are not considered income. - I have £30k in savings in a UK savings account for 6months + Him- - US citizen fiancé who lives in the US with 4 dependants - He is on disability and looking after 4 kids therefore we have a joint sponsor for when doing the adjustment of status side of things if K visa is approved We did use a lawyer in the US to start but have had to let them go as they were overly expensive and actually did not understand our situation and made multiple errors on forms that we were told that wouldn't happen because they understand the forms and we don't ! So we are not doing this alone after spending over $5k with nothing out of it.
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