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Everything posted by AT_Mex

  1. Thank you so much
  2. I am looking for help with a Vawa case for myself. I was recommend this forum by a stranger at an immigration clinic I attended last week but at first glance I did not see any self help for Vawa cases. I am new at this so maybe I did not look in the right place so any help would be appreciated. I tried calling some lawyers but with the current immigration situation most lawyers are wanting money for an interview before they even tell you if you have a case or how much would it be represented by them. Right now money is pretty tight and I can't afford paying someone just to be l put on a list without even knowing if I could afford their fees for a process, Perhaps this is normal with immigration cases? I was married to a US Citizen for many years, abuse started the same day we got married after dating for 8 months without ANY issues. Name calling, demanding large quantities of money, threats of deportation when she didn't get her way, humiliation in front of friends, prohibiting me from talking with to parents and some other more personal issues. Trying to make her happy I ended up basically pushing away own family, friends and relatives, I know that part was my mistake for knowing how to deal with the situation but now I need help and have no one to ask to, I've seen some videos on YouTube about VAWA and self petitioning, but some of them mention the importance of using a lawyer and some others talk about diy representing as long as you have a strong.affidavit AND a psychologist evaluation. (The psychologist evaluation for Vawa cases starts at $1500!). I am in Florida If you have any information or a link to the right forum/thread I will be so thankful. Thankf you for reading this
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