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Everything posted by Ottis

  1. I had no idea that this was an issue until I sponsored a foreign national and this national tried to get a domestic abuse case against me 3 times with all of them ending in either dismissal or pushed to the divorce case. Steps to do if you are in this situation: 1. Withdraw your support affidavit ASAP. 2. Ensure that your lawyer has a copy of this action and send a letter to your congress person to get an email showing status to stop any financial support. (I was hit with $2850/mo for alimony and child support for 1 child in a state that normally doesn't award alimony and I also had a prenuptial agreement too...) 3. Get a PI to track him/her down because they will typically go into a local domestic violence shelter and attempt to hide from being served. 4. If a state that allows you 1 party recording, get a 360 dashcam system to record child exchanges. (This will be handy in order to show cause of abuse cases.) If you are in a state where it's 2 party recording just state each time that you are recording audio or video and now that the party is aware of the recording and you stated this at the beginning of the each audio or video it won't be dismissed in court. (Just follow the law on this measure.) 5. If you own a home install security cameras inside and outside. Go with Eufy or similar system. PS: This process will be hell on earth and you will feel like a prisoner / slave. Don't let it get to you and also seek a councilor that deals with high conflict abusive situations. This isn't the end and if you need someone to chat with hit me up.
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