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  1. Not sure. She said she wasn't sure whether she could travel outside of Portugal within the European Union until her residency was resolved. You guys are suggesting that she goes ahead and requests her Peruvian and Portuguese police records now? We are right now waiting for our NOA2 (NOA1 was received October of last year).
  2. When she arrived the laws there allowed immigrants to come without a visa (with only a passport) and from there (after living and working there for a period of time and paying into the national tax system) apply for resident status. However, in June of last year, after she had already applied for a residency, they changed the laws requiring the possession of a work permit visa before entering and initiating that process. She was more or less told that her residency application was still in process because she had applied before the laws changed. As of now she is still awaiting her residency more than two years after applying for it.
  3. I applied for a K1 VISA for my fiancée in October of 2024. My fiancée lives in Portugal, but is a Peruvian citizen and came to Portugal under a tourist visa with only a passport more than two years ago. She began to live and work there, and continues to do so. (At the time of her arrival, Portugal allowed immigrants to do so without a VISA. Since that time, laws have changed and immigrants now have to have a VISA to move there and work legally). My fiancée applied for a residency status in Portugal almost two years ago, but has yet to receive any action on her Portuguese residency. Because she has an expired tourist VISA, she currently cannot travel in the European Union until her residency is resolved in Portugal. In our I-129F application, we put Lisbon, Portugal as the embassy that would process the case. However, when I was researching online, I saw that the U.S. Embassy in Portugal now conducts immigration interviews in Paris, France. I also wonder if they will decide to change the embassy location to Lima, Peru because she still doesn't have a residency in Portugal. Any insights into what we should expect or advice in regard to actions we should take would be greatly appreciated.
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