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Everything posted by Romantic18

  1. Hello, spouse will have consulate interview for cr1 soon. I previously uploaded my apartment lease contract and some letters with my address as proof of domice to NVC. And they were accepted. I lost the original mails that i uploaded. My apartment agrement was online contract (there is no papers signed, everything is electronic) is it okay if my spouse brings the print outs of these documents? i don't have a paper version of my apartment contract to mail physically and i don't have the original mails with envelopes. embassy is asking for originals to bring to interview, what should i do if i don't have the originals of the mails(bank letters to my name)? thank you for support form this community.
  2. hi i have similar quesiton, is it okay to bring PDF documents from IRS website to interview? embassy is asking for original and i wonder if they accept the PDF document (tax return transcript) or do they want a special sealed envelope?
  3. hello folks, by submitting do you mean uploading to NVC or bringing them to interview? Does embassy want to see wet signitures on these original documents or is it okay to download digital copies(digital document has color signatures on them)?
  4. hi i am in similar boat, my wife will have consulate interview for my spouse(foreign) cr1 interview soon. Embassy sent us a list of documents to bring and they are asking for ORIGINALS of tax transcripts that we uploaded to NVC. I downloaded tax return transcripts from irs WEBSITE as pdf and uploaded them. Can I bring the SAME pdf file to interview as print? Is there an ORIGINAL form of these documents like sealed envelopes from IRS?
  5. Hello, we are going to be at consulate interview for my spouse(foreign) cr1 interview. Embassy sent us a list of documents to bring and they are asking for ORIGINALS of tax transcripts that we uploaded to NVC. I downloaded tax return transcripts from irs WEBSITE as pdf and uploaded them. Can I bring the SAME pdf file to interview as print? Is there an ORIGINAL form of these documents like sealed envelopes from IRS? I'm not sure if embassy will accept just a print ot of these PDFs because they are asking for ORIGINALS of documents. Anyone can shade some light on this?
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