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Cat And Litty

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Everything posted by Cat And Litty

  1. Update: I got an appointment to talk about/start the vaccines on April 2nd. Thank you so much again everybody.
  2. Thank you that is really helpful. I am gonna call the approval physician tomorrow and ask about what vaccines I need. Thank you for the help everyone
  3. Right, of course. Sorry for the "dumb" questions. I have been reading, researching and preparing for the visa for so long that my brain has become scrambled eggs. Thank you for the patience!
  4. The vaccinations can be more than 6 months old? I can just go and get them done whenever, and the medical examination is a whole other event? I am confused
  5. Hello. I am so sorry to ask, what has probably been asked a hundred times. I tried the search function, but I am completely overwhelmed and I can't make sense of what I am reading anymore. Lol. It states on https://travel.state.gov/ that: "ATTENTION: The maximum validity of a medical exam report is six (6) months. Your visa’s validity will be limited to the expiration date of your medical exam". Just so I am clear, does that mean I should not contact the approved physician until I received NOA2 and an interview date? To my knowledge some vaccines take several months in different "batches" to complete. How will that affect the 6 month validity? If not, is there anything I SHOULD be doing right now? I am only a month into NOA1. I feel like I cant relax. All this paperwork, deadlines. rules. Jesus Christ. Lol Thank you in advance! ❤️
  6. Hello everyone. I have read every single reply, thank you so much. I just got off the phone with my fiancé, and he has signed up for Informed Delivery now. I do feel a lot better having so many of you take time to reply. It is a stressful time. Not only with the K1 visa, but also everything that I expect is to come. Saying goodbye to my own country, family. I have to eventually sell my house here too. The embassy interview being in another country than my own for whatever reason. The medical exam. It is just so many things, my head and my thoughts are a mess. I feel completely overwhelmed, which causes me to worry. I am scared to do something wrong. But I assume I am not the only overwhelmed person going through this haha.
  7. Thank you. I entered my case number through the link you provided, and it only mentions that they got the case on February 11th, and that they mailed my fiancé the NOA1 receipt. It says "Please follow the instructions in the notice". However there is no instructions? The NOA1 only says "We have received your form and are currently processing the above case for the following beneficiaries. If we determine you must submit biometrics, we will mail you a biometrics appointment with the time and place at your appointment" And thats all. It mentions nothing of any other letters, or RFE. So my mind is definitely more at ease. You are right, that this requires a lot of patience. I am really trying. Thank you for replies
  8. Hello. Me and my Fiancé filed for the K1 Fiance Visa, I-129F petition on February 9th, while I was visiting him in the US. We also had our engagement party with his family during this trip. It was absolutely amazing and I was so happy. I went back home to Denmark on the 10th, and have been here since. He then received the NOA1 (by regular mail) on February 25th. I am gonna admit, that I am an anxious mess. Having had a few nightmares already about "things going wrong". He is working blue collar, and has been staying in an rbnb for work far away, this month. Yesterday he went home to check mail, and saw he had received "certified mail". He does not know who its from. But will deal with it when he comes home from work today. Now my mind is already creating a million disaster scenarios. We dont even know if its from USCIS, but I guess I am just looking for a peace of mind while waiting haha. Do USCIS usually send any mail certified between NOA1 and NOA2? We have not received any RFE yet, could it be that or is that sent with regular mail? Having your life and future be in the hands of someone else, is making me kind of crazy tbh. Its like my mind is constantly thinking "What if this, that, this, that" but with negativity.
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