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Everything posted by MylaM.

  1. You are amazing ❤️ thank you
  2. Hi all! I'm trying to gather all my data and complete my K-1 packet to request my fiance to come over from Peru. I have a question regarding the Fiance letter of Intent. I see the example that visa journey has of this letter and was using that as a guide. My question is in the section that says United States department of homeland security US citizenship and immigration services, what address is supposed to be listed under that? Is it the lock box address where I mail this entire application packet to? Or is there a different address that I'm just not understanding. Also, is my fiance's letter of intent that he sends to me to be included in the original application request going to have the same address and Dept of homeland security/Immigration services info? Or does his need his consult in his country? We may be totally over thinking this but any direction would be appreciated. Thank you!
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